This morning we started our new book: Genesis. We covered 1:1-2:3. We see the creation of the world by God. The book of Genesis is essential to us as Christians. Much of our faith is based on what we learn in it. Without Genesis we would be lacking a foundation for a lot of our beliefs. Today we talked about four different foundations.
#1 -- God created the world
From this foundation we find the basis for our belief that God exists, that he has more power than we do, that he is our moral authority, that he has a plan. It is interesting that evolution is never mentioned, nor does there seem to really be a place for it if we bleieve the biblical teaching. If evolution happened, morality doesn't make sense and man isn't a special creation.
#2 -- God exists and intereacts with our world
This foundation gives us a basis four knowing that God cares for us, that he created the rules, that he is in charge, and that he still does interfer with humanity. One major doctorine that is based on this foundation is Jesus coming to earth. If God just created everything and left, not wanting to be part of his creation, he would have never sent his son.
#3 -- We are Created in God's likeness
This foundation is what we base the idea that humanity is all equal, that we all have worth, and deserve respect and love. This means no matter how young, old, color of skin, wealth, mental capacity, etc... we all deserve that love and respect, because we have that character of God in us.
#4 -- How we treat the earth
This foundation is one that we build the idea that as humans we are to be taking care of the planet God gave to us. We are to use the things in it (plants, animals, minerals) in a responsible mannter. We don't need to go overboard with this, but we definiatly need to be taking care our planet in a responsible way.
The Genesis Gobs for the week: Read Genesis 2:4-25; Improve how you treat the earth or treat a person this week.
I give this morning: B
Favorite Moment: Seeing how evolution doesn't make sense with the Biblical account
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