Friday, July 17, 2009

Videos From Wednesday, July 15th

How To Fit In At Any Church

Start Small

What Satisfies You? -- Wednesday, July 15th

Tonight we had our first of three special speakers for the Junior High Service. Sharon Gerchak talked about the question: What satisfies you? She started by talking about how everyone has a God shaped hole in their life. We all have something in us that longs for a relationship with our Creator. Unfortunatly, many of us fill that hole with something other than God. (boyfriends, girlfriends, sex, money, possessions, video games, music, sports, popularity...etc...) But none of those things can satisfy us. As Sharon said, it is like trying to fit a square peg into a round hole, it just won't fit in. In fact, only God can fill the hole that is in ourlives, that discontent that is part of each one of us. Be challenged, fill that hole with God rather than something that won't satisfy you!

I give tonight: A
Favorite Moment: The one legged pantyhose

Monday, July 13, 2009

A Walk With God -- Sunday, July 12th

This morning we talked about a man named Enoch. He is mentioned twice in the Bible; Genesis 5:21-24 and Hebrews 11:5-6. In both the passages we learn that he had a very strong relationship with God, it is described as walking with God. We also learn that he never died, instead God just took him straight to heaven, like Elijah. We spent our morning talking about what that word walk means and what it looks like.

Any walk has a beginning and an end. There are usually things that try to draw us off the path, there are times when a walk can be easy and times when it is difficult, and there are times we see ahead and sometimes that we have no clue what is around a bend. What really makes for a good walk though? I think a good walk should be fun and interesting, that there should be someone to talk with, that there is a good pace (not to fast, not to slow), and that the destination is worth the time and energy put in.

We use the term for walk, in regard to our relationship with God. So when we are talking about walking with God what we are saying is that we have a relationship with him, we are going his direction and we trust him as he leads us along. No matter if you are saved or not, you are walking. A saved person's deistation will be different (heaven as compared to hell). Our pace should be determined by God not ourself or those around us. We are wlaking with God, not alone or with some other person or thing. And we are walking for a different reason too.

In the passage we read it is interesting to note that the word lived is substitued with Walked in this passage. some people merely live ans ome people walk with God. It is also interesting to remember that God wants to walk with YOU! So the question is, do you desire to walk with God or are you walking away?

Our Genesis Gobs for the week were to read Genesis 6:1-9:17 and to draw our walk with God up to this point in our life.

I give this morning: B
Favorite moment: Everything being too much work for Haley

Friday, July 10, 2009

Videos from Wednesday, July 8th

Juice Box Christianity, be challenged!

A Life Worship

Survivor: Overcoming Depression -- Wednesday, July 8th

Tonight we continued our series about survivor. We talked about overcoming depression. I started by sharing about how dpressed I was when I first moved to Goldendale. I was almost to the point of suicide before I had an encounter with God during a summer camp. We also read the story of Elijah being depressed out of 1st Kings 19:1-18. In the story he has just come off of a spiritual high on Mt. Carmel, but hten is threatened to be killed by the queen. He runs off to the wilderness to escape but also because he is depressed. As he sits under a tree he asks God to just kill him. He was afraid of being caught by the queen, he felt alone because he thought he was the only one that was still worshiping God in Israel, so he got as far alone as he could and asked God to kill him off. He wasn't able to come out of that depresssion until he encountered God on the Mt. Horeb and also while there God showed him that he wasn't alone, there were 7,000 that God had kept from worshiping the false gods and kept worshipping him.

Teenages have the highest suicide rate in the country, it is a difficult time to live. Emotions are running on highs and lows like no other time. But people get depressed, no matter if they are Christian or not. You don't need to always explain why you are depressed, but it can help. You might feel alone and hopeless when you are depressed. But it is very important tor emember two things. 1. No matter what you are never alone: God is there no matter where you are, and there are those of us that are also here for you. 2. With God there is always hope (see examples of Jesus rising from the dead or even the story we just read about Elijah, or Jonah in the ocean). If you are depressed, don't be scared to tell God and get his help, or you can always turn to a youth group leader too.

I give tonight: B
Favorite Moment: Seeing three stand, though it was hard, and get prayed for

Brother's Keeper -- Sunday, July 5th

Today we continued the story of Genesis by talking about what happened after the Fall of Man. Cain, the son of Adam and Eve, ends up killing his brother Abel when God accepts Abel's sacrfice but not his. When God confronts him, he callously and indifferently utters the famous words, "Am I my brother's keeper?"

We spent the rest of the morning on the question of whether or not we are our brother's keeper and waht that meant. We are all brothers and sisters, your enemies and your friends, your relatives and those who look differently than you. Gender, age, income, location, ethnicity, religion, none of these matter when it comes to determining your brother, every person on this earth is your brother.

How do you keep your brother? We can keep them physically well by stopping others or themselves from physically harming them (abuse, neglect, prejudice). We can keep them spiritually well by stopping them from being decieved and confronting when they are sinning. We can keep them emotionally well by helping those who are depressed, sad, or in pain. Our actions, not just our words are supposed to show love to our brothers.

Many times we forget that we are supposed to be our brother's keeper because of anger, jealousy, superiority, or hurt. But we challenged you to be your brother's keeper this week, even though they don't deserve it. The Genesis Gob this week was to be your brother's keeper to 3 people.

I give this morning: A-
Favorite moment: Tie between debating if war is ever ethicial and being able to say, "I'm glad Jesus doesn't treat me that way" twice during the service.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Video from Wednesday, July 1st

Smooth Grandmama by Apologetix

Survivor: Overcoming Anger -- Wednesday, July 1st

Tonight we began our new series: Survivor. Tonight we talked about overcoming anger. We read quite a few scriptures tonight addressing anger. We started with James 4:1-2. It tells us what starts many fights and then I talked about 6 things that cause fights:

1. Frustration
2. Alienation
3. Hurt or threat of hurt
4. Injustice
5. Fear
6. Learned

We next read Ephesians 4:26-27. It tells us that is necessary to take care of our anger before the sun goes down so that the devil doesn't get a foothold into our life. It also tells us that we shouldn't sin when we are angry. Anger is not a sin, it is an emotion. But we should learn to control this emotion and not let it rule over ourselves and how we respond with the anger when it appears.

James 1:19-20 tells us that a good and righteous lifestyle isn't an angry lifestyle.

Romans 12:18-21 tells us to do our best to settle conflict, and to leave revenge up to God. Instead we should be treating our enemies with love. Sometimes people will get mad at you and try and start a fight that you didn't intend, in thoset times you need to show them love and allow God to take care of punishment of those that are wrong.

1st peter 3:9 tells us to not return evil for evil, but instead blessing for those who hurt us. It is the opposite of how we want to react.

We finished off with Proverbs 22:24-25. It talks about not hanging out with hot tempered people, because they will influence you.

As way for conclusion we listed 5 things we needed to do in order to overcome anger:

1. Avoid angery people
2. Deal with the root, what is causing you to get angry
3. React in a good way (no intial outburst, confront kindly, relax)
4. Don't dwell on it
5. Turn to God (ultimately this is the only thing that can really help us overcome anger)

I give tonight: C+
Favorite moment: The story of me getting yelled at by cheerleaders for cheering

Sin and Salvation -- Sunday, June 28th

We continued our study of the book of Genesis today as we ready chapter 3, verses 1 through 24. We then had groups of 2 to 4 split up and look for things on a specific topic from that chapter. Our two topics were sin and salvation. Here are things I found out about sin in this chapter:

1. Sin sometimes starts with changing/adding to God's commands
2. Sin sometimes is because we are deceived into doing it
3. Sin starts with desire, when something looks good to us
4. Sin blinds us to what is really going on
5. We make excuses to be able to commit sin
6. Sin brings about shame, guilt, and fear
7. Sin causes us to hide from each other
8. When we sin, we tend to try to get others to sin too, so we don't feel as bad
9. Sin sometimes is because of choice, we know it is wrong, but still do it
10. Sin breaks our relationship with God, causing us to hide form him
11. When we sin, we tend to try and pass the blame
12. Sin brings about a curse
13. Sin brought about pain, harsh rulership, toil, weeds, and death

Here are the things that I found about salvation in the chapter:

1. When we sin, God seeks us out
2. In order for salvation, sin must be confronted
3. Salation by the seed of a woman is prophesied
4. Salvation was part of God's plan from the point sin entered the world
5. God does what he can to cover sin
6. Death must occur to cover sin.

As a Genesis Gob this week you were asked to look into your life and repent of any sin that was there so that you could be forgiven.

I give this morning: A
Favorite Moment: Having youth search out the scriptures and see new truths

Mwarwidge -- Sunday, June 21st

This morning we continued our study of Genesis. We read from Genesis 2:4-25. Our foundation that we covered this morning was marriage. We looked at what we could learn from the passage about marriage or the relationship between men and women. Here are some things that I found:

1. Women are suitable helpers to men (suitable helper means partner or exact correspondence)
2. It isn't good for man to be alone
3. Men and women are on equal footing (different jobs, same spiritually, both deserve the same respect and love)
4. Marriage is supposed to be for life
5. There is someone out there for you
6. Marriage creats a new family
7. Sex creates a bond that is meant only for two people over a lifetime
8. Marriage was created for just a man and woman
9. Marriage was God's idea
10. Man isn't complete without woman

As a challenge this week we asked that you pray for your future spouse during the week at some point.

I give this morning: B-
Favorite moment: Explaining why it isn't good for men to be alone

The Tabernacle -- Wednesday, June 17th

Toinight we talked about the tabernacle, a movable tent that was used by the Israelites to worship God. It was put up to be a meeting place between God and man, it was put up so that man could approach God out of reference and give God worship, and it was put up so that God could met with man giving him direction, forgiveness, relationship, and miracles. The youth group name was decided because we wanted it to be a place of meeting between us and God. We want it to be a place where we can come to God and give him worship in reverance. We also want to have God meet with us there giving us direction, forgiveness, relationship, and miracles.

Thankfully, you don't have to just come to the youth room to meet with God. You can meet with God anywhere (your room school, library, swimming pool, the park,t he skateboard ramp, the fair, anywhere). God wants to meet with you where you are at. We just have to take the tiem and meet with him. So we gave you a goal to meet with God in a new place this week in a way that you normally don't.

I give tonight: A-
Favorite moment: Rules being spelled out for the new 7th graders

Wild Water Night -- Wednesday, June 24th

Today was our Wild Water Night. We had 31 teens show up and had a blast...a blast of water that is. If you want to see more pictures, check out our photo page at:

For the night we played Hose trivia, Steal the Bacon, Holy Buckets, Red Rover Water Style, and finished with an all out war. I hope you all had a great time!
I give tonight: A-
Favorite moment: Hose Trivia (duh!)