Monday, March 29, 2010

Children of Light -- Sunday, March 28th

This morning we continued our study of the book of Ephesians with the study of 4:17-5:20. It tells us that we were once darkness (it defined us, every action, though, and decision) but that we are now light (it defines us). We looked at both sides of the issue, what children of darkness look like and act like and what children of light look like and act like.

Futile thinking Separated from the life of God Hard hearts
Lost all sensitivity Sensual Indulging in every kind of impurity
Lustful Corrupted by deceitful desires False
Continually Angry Steal Speak unwholesomely
Grieve Holy Spirit Bitter Rage filled
Brawl Slander Malicious
Obscene Talk foolishly Joke coarsely
Immoral Impure Greedy
Idolater Unwise Foolish
Get Drunk Involved in debauchery

Righteous Holy Speak truth
Good Wise Kind
Compassionate Forgiving Loving
Giving Thanks Have a new attitude Godlike/Imitating God
Work Share with those in need Talk that builds up and benefits
Sealed by Holy Spirit Filled with Holy Spirit Please the Lord
Understand God's will Make the most of opportunities Speak in psalms, hymns, songs
Sing and make music No sexual immorality No impurity
No Greed Nothing to do with darkness Expose the darkness

It is important to note that the final part of this tells us to not even have a hint of these things, make it so that no one will even look at your life and think something bad is going on, and beyond that make sure you aren't actually doing any of the wrong things either. We are called to bring light to darkness. In a christian setting we need to expose and actually show the areas of that are tainted. In a cultural setting we can tell the culture that we don't approve of certain things. In a non-christian setting we don't need to scream or wear billboards but instead we can simply be a light that shine's Christ to them, showing them truth and drawing others to it.

I give this morning: A-
Favorite moment: "Sexual Immortality"

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