We continued our study of the book of Ephesians today by looking at 5:21-6:9 which focuses on one very disliked word: Sumbission.
The bible tells us that we are all supposed to submit. In fact all relationships depend on this concept. We should be submissive people if there were no submission anarchy would prevail. The Bible gives us many examples of submission: slaves to masters, Israel to God, us to God, children to parents, wives to husbands, young to old, Christ to the cross, Christ to God, Christians to each other, and christians to the government to name a few.
So what exactly does submission mean? It comes from a greek word (hypotasso) which means 4 things.
#1 Arranging in rank under. This is a military term. It means that somoene in charge has given rank to others. The lower rank salutes and follows orders, not because the other person deserves it but because they rank has been set. It doesn't mean one is of higher importance or better, simply that they have been put in order.
#2 Willingly acquiescing to another who has been placed by God above you. Like playing tug of war and you just let go.
#3 To be subject to or submit to. This means you have your say but when it comes down to a disagreement you bend your own will to the other person's.
#4 Cooperation. Which emans you cooperate with their wishes even if it isn't what you want. You aren't competing with them or trying to take control.
We can also look at what submission isn't to give us a better picture of what it is. Submission isn't forced, it has to be the choice of the one submitting. Submission isn't agreement, you can still have your opinion. Submission doesn't mean you have to leave your brain behind. Submission doesn't mean you have lower worth. Submission doesn't include breaking God's law, if the person over you tells you to do something to do and it goes against God's law you should disobey.
We finished this by looking at Children obeying their parents, which is a command that comes with a promise. If you do it you will enjoy long life on earth and it will go well with you. It is also a command that it tells us that it pleases God (Colossians 3:20). So how are you going to start obeying your parents and submit to them?
I give this morning: B+
Favorite Moment: Digging a hole with the advice to marry an ugly wife
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