Saturday, April 6, 2013

Rescue #4 -- The Promise: 040313

Message: Rescue – The Promise

I.                    Introduction
a.       Act out Noah Story
II.                 Noah’s Story
a.       Read Genesis 9:8-17
b.      The rainbow was used as a sign of the promise.  It was a reminder of protection, so they would not fear.
c.       Can you imagine the fear the next time a big storm came up…Would it flood again?
d.      So even if it got dark and stormy, they would know that God would keep his promise and protect them.
III.               Jesus’ Story
a.       Read John 20:1-9
b.      The resurrection was a reminder of protection, so we don’t have to fear death, no matter how dark and stormy life gets. 
c.       Read 1st Corinthians 15:17-20
d.      We know that God will keep his promise of heaven and forgiveness of our sins.
IV.              Death
a.       How many of you fear death?  Why?
b.      When you have Jesus as your Savior there is no reason to fear death because we know what is on the other side…heaven.  And we know that we are secure because Jesus rose from the dead, defeating sin and death.  So that empty grave, much as the rainbow did for Noah, is a reminder of a promise that Jesus’ death was enough to redeem us from sin and death and give us heaven instead of hell.
c.       Rev. 21 tells us a little bit of what that heaven will be like.  Read Revelation 21:3-4
V.                 Conclusion
a.       Because Jesus rose again we have hope, but only if we put our trust in the promise he has made.
b.      Are there any of you tonight that want to make your eternity secure by putting your faith in Jesus, allowing him to forgive your sins, and making him your God?

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