Friday, November 15, 2013

111313: Current Issues -- Divorce

Message: Divorce
I.                    Introduction
a.       The second most popular topic choice for current issues was, Divorce.
b.      Divorce is something that tears open families causing deep wounds that take years to heal, if they ever do.
c.       How many of you come from a family where there has been a divorce?
d.      When I saw this as the 2nd most popular vote my first thought was…what am I going to do?  My parents are married, they have been since before I was born.  There was only one point when I felt like there was real trouble in the marriage.
e.       My parents were really fighting, yelling and screaming at each other, and I went out into the farm area, because I couldn’t take it anymore.  All of a sudden my dad came out of the house, slammed the door, went to his truck, slammed the door and drove off down the road.  It was at that moment I started to contemplate what it would be like to live only with my mom.  Later that evening my dad came home and they mended their marriage, I still have no idea what it was about.  But that was the closest it ever got for me.
f.        I could stand up here and do a sermon on divorce, but I thought it would be better to turn to a couple of our leaders who have dealt or are dealing with divorce in their life. Beyond that I asked the other leaders to be up here to add their wisdom to the pile.  So tonight I am going to ask questions to this group and hopefully you will leave with some hope if you are dealing with this in your life right now.
g.       If you have a question you would like to ask, please raise your hand and I will call on you.
II.                 Body
a.       General Questions About Divorce
                                                             a.      Why do you think divorce is so prevalent?
                                                            b.      Do you think it is ever right to get divorced?
                                                             c.      Why is divorce so bad?
                                                            d.      Why is marriage so difficult?
                                                             e.      What is a good way to avoid divorce?
b.      Those Who Have Experienced Divorce
                                                             a.      How has divorce affected you and your life/what is your experience with divorce?
                                                            b.      What was the most difficult part of the divorce?
                                                             c.      Did you ever blame yourself for the divorce?
                                                            d.      Did you get angry/sad?
                                                             e.      What were some ways you dealt with divorce?
                                                              f.      Did you ever ask God to stop the divorce? Why didn’t he help?
                                                             g.      How have you found healing after the divorce?
                                                             h.      Was there anything good that came from the divorce?
c.       Advice For Those Going Through Divorce
                                                             a.      What can I do/should I do if my parents are getting divorced?
                                                            b.      What should I do if a parent tries to get me to pick a side?
                                                             c.      How can I or should I even forgive my parents?
                                                            d.      Does it ever get easier?
III.               Conclusion
a.       There are some of you that are having to deal with a divorce, maybe it already happened or maybe it is happening right now.
b.      The things we wanted to communicate to you tonight are: 
                                                             a.      You are not alone
                                                            b.      God can help you forgive and find healing from the pain
                                                             c.      When you get married you don’t have to repeat the cycle of divorce
c.       Have leaders stand in front of table, invite anyone who wants prayer to come and get prayed with by leaders.

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