Friday, March 28, 2014

032614: Do You Believe This?

Message: Do You Believe This?
I.                    Introduction
a.       Our goal this year is to see you get more rooted in Christ as we grow together
b.      One way we are doing this rooting is through sermons about questions found in the Bible.
II.                 Body
a.       Tonight’s story is found in John 11:1-44 and the question is: Do you believe this?
b.      We are often asked to believe something (Columbus sailed in 1492, your alarm going off means it is time to get up, 25 is the speed limit, a movie is worth seeing, etc…)
c.       Sometimes it is completely a blind asking.  We are asked to take the word of a person we have never met, about something we have experienced before.(Person twirling ad for furniture store on street)
d.      More often we are asked to believe something by someone we know (try this food), or asked to believe something we have had experience with before (smells like rain)
e.       Why do people try to get others to believe something?
                                                             a.      To help them obtain power or material goods
                                                            b.      To help us
f.       What does belief in something or someone do for us?
                                                             a.      It moves us to act
                                                            b.      It changes us from the inside out (heals, restores, makes things better)
III.               Act out story (see other paper or read John 11:1-44)
a.       What is Jesus trying to get you to believe?
                                                             a.      That He has the power to give life to the dead…if they believe in Him
                                                            b.      You are dead (like Lazarus)…wrapped up in sin, as he was in his grave clothes.  There is no way for you to get free of the grave that is holding you…at least not on your own.
                                                             c.      Christ died, at this death he took your sin upon him allowing for your forgiveness.  He then rose from the dead himself, showing his power over death…he can, not just unwrap you, but call you from the grave…giving you life
                                                            d.      This can happen if you allow him to be your Lord and Savior…if you believe in Him as the resurrection and the life.
b.      Why does he want you to believe?
                                                             a.      For his sake…because he wants a relationship with you again, he wants you
                                                            b.      For your sake….so that you are no longer entrapped by sin, living a hopeless, meaningless death
                                                             c.      If you choose to believe, if you make him your Lord and Savior, you will be saved from the spiritual grave yard and restore your relationship with God
c.       What will your belief in Him do for you?
                                                             a.      Forgive your sins
                                                            b.      Change your view of life and people
                                                             c.      Alter how you act
                                                            d.      Bring you into relationship with God
IV.              Conclusion
a.       So….do you believe this?
b.      Do you want to believe?  Will you believe?  Will you tonight ask Jesus for forgiveness for your sins, make him the one in charge of your life, and let him bring you into life?

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