Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Full -- Sunday, February 21st

We continued our study of the book of Ephesians this morning by reading 1:15-23. In these verses Paul talks about praying for the Ephesians but then also tells them three things that he is praying for them. First he says he wants them to know God better. This is through revelation (the bible) and through wisdom (experiencing him). The second part is that they would know the hope that comes from Christ. The last part is that they would know the power that comes from Christ. This power is shown by the way he rose from the dead, put Jesus in heaven, placed all things under Christ (including the church), and finally by filling everything in every way.

The follower of Christ is filled with Christ in every way and place possible, we are made complete and find fulfillment in Him. Without Jesus in us we are empty, broken, and hopeless. So God's power is evident when he fills us with Christ and totaly changes our lives from one without meaning to one with overflowing meaning.

I give this morning: A-
Favorite Moment: Khaki Green

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Videos from Wednesday, February 17th


Karaoke #1

Karaoke #2

Karaoke #3

Disciplined: Fasting -- Wednesday, February 17th

Tonight we started our new series called: Disciplined. During the next few weeks we will be talking about various Christian disciplined. Discipline in this case doesn't mean punishment but instead training in order to bring a benefit. We are talking about training our spiritual lives in order to shape it around God.

Tonight we focused on the disicipline of fasting, which is going without something. Jesus, in Luke 5:33-35, tells us that he thought his followers would one day fast. So what should fasting do? Fasting should change yoru focus from your needs to other people's needs, from you to God, from the physical to the spiritual. Fasting should grow your relationshp with God. You are giving up something ulse and refocusig on God and your relationshp with him, which is way better than anything you are giving up. Fasting should take something out and replace it. It isn't just a time to humble yourself and remove somethign but a time to fill it with somethign else to make a lasting change.

We started Lent on Wednesday, which is a traditional 40 days to fast, leading up to easter. It is from February 17th-April 4th this year and we challenged you to fast something during this time in order to train yourself to shape your life around God!

I give tonight: A-
Favorite Moment: Having so many sign the committed poster

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Spiritual Blessings -- Sunday, February 14th

This morning we started our new series on the book of Ephesians. We read from 1:1-14. Paul, the apostle, wrote this letter to the town of Ephesus and then wanted it passed around to churches in that area. In the first section we see six spiritual blessings that God has given to us. What is a blessing? It is a bestowal of good or gviving of benefit to another.

#1 -- He chose us before the world was made to be holy and blameless
This blessing means that we have been spiritually forgiven for the sins that we have committed. We are now pure because of what God did for us (died).

#2 -- Adopted us
We are now part of his family which comes bieth benefits and responsibilities.

#3 -- Redeemed by his blood for the forgiveness of sins
We were once slaves to sin, but now we are bought by God out of that slavery.

#4 -- Made known to us the mystery of His will
We now know God's will so that helps guides us through this life.

#5 -- Chosen us to bring praise to God

#6 -- Sealed us with the Holy Spirit
He now resides in us, guding, comforting, teaching, and speaking to us.

Since we have these blessings what are we going to do with them? We could hide them, misues them or use them wisely.

I give this morning: C+
Favorite Moment: Haley yelling at Jakob

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Committed to Share God -- Wednesday, February 10th

Tonight we completed our series: Committed.  We talked about the need to be committed to sharing God.  God is the most important thing for a person in this life and the next.  It might be scary, ti might be hard, but at some point we need to step out and share this gift with those around us.  If it is truly important to us it will show by our actions!

I give tonight: A+
Favorite Moment: Nic standing up for salvation

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Modesty -- Sunday, February 7th

This morning we focused on a single word: modesty. Modesty means dressing, speaking, and acting appropriately. We took each of the catagories and discussed how we can determine if we are dressing appropriately, speaking appropriately, and acting appropriately.

In order to deteremine in each catagory what is appropriate it had to pass 3 tests. #1 is it culturally apporpriate. There are many cultures you are part of (school, home, county, country, church, friends, etc...) and each one has a level of apporpriateness for dress, speech, and action.

If it passes the first we move to #2 Biblically appropriate. For clothing this means if what you are wearing or not wearing is worn in order to get people to check you out, then it is biblically inapporpriate. For speech we are supposed to not have perverse, rude, or unwholesome talk come for us. For action, if it strays from the perfection of morality that God has set it is in apporpriate.

If it passes #1 and #2 we move finally to #3 which is, is it weaker brother appropriate. This principle teaches us that if it causes someone weaker in the faith to stumble it isn't appropriate. So for clothing, if it ups the lust factor (draws the eyes away from the eyes) then it is inappropriate. Some things that fall into that catagory (overly tight, cleaveage (front or back), shortness, shows a lot of skin, has writing that draws attention to a certain feature, or if it has bad things on the clothing itself. If we are talking about speech, sometimes the topics or words we use may cause others to stumble in their faith. And with action sometimes it isn't a sin but could cause others to sin by seeing you act in a certain way.

If you follow this advice you will be well on your way to modest living.

I give this morning: A+
Favorite Moment: Haley calling me a big, fat, jerk.... :(

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Videos from Wednesday, February 3rd

Lo-Depth Bible Studies

Moral: Learn the Bible

Committed To The Bible -- Wednesday, February 3rd

Tonight we continued our series about being Committed. Today's commitment was to The Bible. It is a very important book, it tells us where we came from, why we are here, why there is evil in the world, how we can go to heaven, how the world will end, and how to live a good life. It is God's very words to us! What do I mean by being committed to the Bible? It means to commit to read it or listen to it, commit to study it, commit to follow what it teaches, and commit to make it a daily part of our lives. Many of you want a better spiritual life, a closer walk with God, and I guarentee that if you commit to the Bible you will grow spiritually. So my challenge was for you to get a bible if you don't have one. Read the bible if you don't. Study of the bible if you do read it. And then bring a rock next week to represent that commitment.

I give tonight: B-
Favorite Moment: The Purple Driven Life

Monday, February 1, 2010

Promises -- Sunday, January 31st

This morning we completed our study of the book of Genesis. We read from chapter 47:28-31 and 49:33-50:14. In the story Jacob is about to die and asks to be buried in Canaan instead of Egypt because of God's promise that it would one day be there land. When his father dies, Joseph and his brothers do as their father requested and bury him the land. They kept the promise that they had made, just as God had kept his promises throughout the book.

it is important to keep promises. We are never forced to make a promise but when we do we need to follow through. It shows what type of person we are and it makes it so that we are like God. James 5:12 tells us that our Yes should mean yes and our no should mean no. We need to be people that follow through on our promises, not liars. Soem promises are spoken and some unspoken, but regardless we should fulfill them. Make sure you are careful when you make a promise. But when you do, unless it is against God's word, no matter the cost to you, follow through on the promise.

I give this morning: A-
Favorite moment: Being taught the book of Genesis by the students

Videos from Wednesday, January 27th

Beware of CATS!!!

Make Me A Servant (v. 1)

Make Me A Servant (v.2)

Committed to Serve -- Wednesday, January 27th

Tonight we talked about being commmited to service, which in its most basic form means helping. We read from Mark 10:35-45 in which Jesus challenges his disciples to serve from a leadership position, rather than demanding others serve them. Jesus himself tells them that he didn't come to be served but rather to serve, so follow his example.

Why do we serve? Not to put on a resume, impress others, or make yourself fell better. Instead it is an act of worship. It is also a picture of God's to others. We serve so we use instead of wasting the talents that God has given to us. Finally we erve because everyone has equal value.

How do we commit to serving? First we have to actually commit to it in our heads and hearts. Next find out your talent and passions. Then start to try new things. Give up something for more time if necessary. But eventually we must just actually go and do, instead of just saying we want to. When you are serving do your best, since ultimately you are serving God.

There are a lot of places to serve, won't you become committed to serve!

I give tonight: B
Favorite Moment: Picking on the addiction of texting