Friday, March 29, 2013

Rescue #3 -- The Rescue: 032713

Message: Rescue – The Rescue

I.                   Introduction
a.       Read Genesis 7:1-24
II.                How Jesus Died
a.       Has last dinner with disciples, goes to garden to pray, ends up sweating blood there because of the stress of the situation, one of his twelve closest followers betrays him to the priests who arrest him, he is taken for a trial where he is spit on, punched repeatedly while blindfolded, he is then taken to another 2 trials, before finally ending up back in front of the governor for a final trial (walking about 2.5 miles, remember he has been beaten and been up for around 24 hours at this point). 
b.      The governor tries to release him but ends up flogging him first which was where you would be whipped with whip made with leather with bones, metal, or lead balls tied into it.  It would cause deep bruises, rip muscles, etc…  On that back that was flogged he had a robe placed on it and then taken off, a crown of thorns (1-2 inches long) placed on his head which was then hit with a staff. 
c.       He was then lead to a place to be crucified (wooden cross used as an way to torture and kill people).  You would have to carry a crossbeam (75-125lbs), he couldn’t so they had to get someone else to help.  On the walk he was spit on and insulted.  They then crucified him.  Nails 5-7in long x 3/8 in wide where driven into foot and wrist.  Beyond the pain of the piercing it would pinch nerves causing each movement to bring a shock of pain through him.  In order to breath you would have to use the nails to pull yourself up.  Eventually you would die of exhaustion and suffocation.  People stood nearby mocking him. After a few hours he died.
III.             Why Jesus Died
a.       To rescue us
b.      Read Matthew 26:20-28
c.       He sets up something here as a way to remember what he was about to do.  He was about to die, for a purpose
d.      He tells us that the blood that he was about to spill was a new covenant to bring about the forgiveness of sins
                                                              i.      New Covenant
1.      The old covenant was a deal between God and the Jewish people.  It was complicated and had them sacrificing animals as a reminder of the sin they had committed and as a way to ask for forgiveness. 
2.      It was rule after rule and it was impossible for anyone to live up to the standard established by God.
3.      So he sent His Son to bring about a restored relationship and establish a new deal between God and man, not just the Jews but all of humanity. 
4.      The new covenant can be summed up with this simple verse:
a.       John 3:16 – “For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.”
b.      It isn’t about what we can do to earn his love or forgiveness, but rather what he did for us so we could be forgiven.
IV.             But in order for rescue to happen you have to get on the boat, you have to enter into that new covenant with him.  This new covenant comes from believing in him and what he did for you, by asking for forgiveness, and by making him your God.
a.       Do you want to be rescued tonight?

Friday, March 22, 2013

Rescue #2: Life Preserver -- 032013

I.                   Read Genesis 6:9-22
II.                Noah
a.       Reason for the Flood
                                                              i.      Why did God want to destroy the whole earth?  Because it was full of sin.  Sin brings about judgment from God that results in destruction. 
b.      Need for a Life Preserver
                                                              i.      In order for humanity to survive there had to be a life preserve introduced.  It had to be strong enough to save humans and animals during this flood that was coming.
c.       Life Preserver Created
                                                              i.      So God told Noah to build an ark that would be able to hold 2 of every animal, plus Noah, his wife, his 3 sons and their wives, additional animals to eat, and enough food to survive over a year on this boat. 
                                                            ii.      It ends up being 450 feet long by 75 feet wide by 45 feet high.  This was about 3 of our churches laid end to end. 
                                                          iii.      So the ability to be saved was set up.
III.             Getting Lost at Youth Conference
IV.             Jesus
a.       Reason for the Destruction
                                                              i.      Why is this world falling apart?  Why is that you are full of issues in your life?  Why is that you are so distant from God?  Why are you not content?  Because sin brings about destruction.  Which will end with judgment and ultimately hell for eternity.
b.      Need for a Life Preserver
                                                              i.      We need something or someone to rescue us.  It has to be powerful enough to preserve us.  Meaning enough to forgive all our sins and restore our relationship with God now and for eternity.
c.       Life Preserver Introduced
                                                              i.      Matthew 1:20-21 – “But after he had considered this, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said, “Joseph son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary home as your wife, because what is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit.  She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins.””
                                                            ii.      Luke 19:10 – “For the Son of Man came to seek and to save what was lost.”
                                                          iii.      The ability to be saved was set up.  Jesus was sent to this earth to save people form their sins.  He came and then he even sees this as his calling.  He came to seek and save what was lost.  Those of us that have become lost in our lives, wandering around not knowing where to go next.  He is that beacon saying, “I can save you, I can get you on the right path, I can take away your guilt, I can forgive you, that is why I came.”
V.                Conclusion
a.       Do you need a life preserver?  Do you need to be saved? 

Application: Who is someone who is lost?  How can I seek them out?  How will I seek them out?  Easter Egg Hunt Revelation

Friday, March 15, 2013

Rescue #1 -- The Need for Rescue: 031313

Message: Rescue – The Need For Rescue
I.                   The Introduction of Sin
a.       Illus: Act out Adam and Eve Story
II.                The Spread of Sin
a.       Sin had entered the world, like a great virus that spreads it jumped from offspring to offspring, but it wasn’t content in being something minor it was taking over.
b.      Read Genesis 6:5-6 – “The Lord saw how great man’s wickedness on the earth had become, and that every inclination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil all the time.  The Lord was grieved that he had made man on the earth, and his heart was filled with pain.  So the Lord said, “I will wipe mankind, whom I have created, from the face of the earth—men and animals, and creatures that move along the ground, and birds of the air,--for I am grieved that I have mad them.”
c.       1656 years have passed since Adam was created, since sin entered into this world and started an infestation, an infection, and it had spread to the point that God says, “every inclination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil all the time.”
d.      God does end up destroying the earth with a flood, which we will be talking about the next couple of weeks, but ends up saving one man and his family.
e.       But sin is still part of that man and ends up spreading again to all his descendants. 
f.       You see this sin even now.  People hate, people kill, people steal, people rape, people abuse, people lie, people are arrogant, people put others down, people gossip, people swear, people take God’s name in vain, people ignore the needs of others, people divorce, people cheat, people don’t respect authority, people accept bribes, people show partiality, people lust, people get drunk and use drugs, people are gluttoness, people envy, people commit adultery, people sleep with others when they aren’t married, people are greedy, people are lazy, people are hypocrites, people fight, people disobey their parents, people are full of sin! 
g.      And you are one of the infected, you are full of sin too.
III.             The Consequences of Sin
a.       Like I said above there is a consequence to sin, eventually it leads to destruction.
b.      That destruction happens here on earth
                                                              i.      Destroys relationships with humans (gap between us so they are difficult to maintain, part of the reason there is always so much drama)
                                                            ii.      Destroys relationship with God (gap between us and him, no longer a good relationship)
                                                          iii.      Makes our life a disaster, with lots of consequences (jail, VDs, guilt, pain, suffering)
c.       That destruction happens when we die
                                                              i.      The ultimate consequence of sin is death, or eternal death in hell.
                                                            ii.      This is a no return place, once you die there is no second chance, you have made your decision and you will be judged accordingly.  If you are still full of sin you will go to hell…for eternity.
IV.             Application: You Need to be Rescued, can’t rescue yourself
a.       There are only 3 choices really
                                                              i.      Not worry about it and suffer the consequences
                                                            ii.      Try something that won’t work
1.      Other religions
2.      Self-help books
3.      Doing good works
                                                          iii.      Try something that is guaranteed to work
1.      Romans 6:23 – “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.”
2.      Ephesians 2:1-5
a.       It is by grace—something you didn’t deserve that you are saved
b.      He offers you a gift, forgiveness of the sins you have committed and all you have to do is ask.  You turn to Jesus who died to take those sins away and ask for that free gift.  You ask him to rescue you.
b.      Ask for any who want rescued for the first time
c.       Ask for any who want to ask God for rescue again, because they have turned away from him and embraced sin.