Saturday, March 9, 2013

House of the Lord: 030613

Message: The Middle – House of the Lord
I.                    Read Psalm 23
a.       We’ve been working through this Psalm as a guide for us on how to survive and thrive in the middle.  That is, how to hold onto your faith in God and live in a way that changes you and your world for the better.
II.                 Read Psalm 23:6 – “Surely goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.”
a.       Dwelling daily in the house of the Lord will help you survive and thrive in the middle
III.               Homeless
a.       Did you know there is a homeless epidemic in America?
                                                               i.      636,017 in 2011 (of a population of 315 million)
                                                             ii.      But there are almost 7 million people who live doubled up, meaning they have no place of their own and instead are living with someone else.  This group has increased 53% in the past 5 years. 
b.       How many of you have ever lived in someone else’s house for at least a week, not as a vacation but because you needed a place to stay? 
                                                               i.      I did when I was a kid, my mom had something she was going through and so we moved in with some friends for a few months. 
c.       If you have ever been in that position you know the stress that goes with it.  Will I have a place to sleep tonight?  Will I have to sleep in the car?  Where will I shower? 
d.       The best thing to happen is often having someone invite you to stay with them, because you at least have a home to be in. 
e.       Spiritually speaking, we all are homeless.  We lack a place that will give us the chance for complete peace, comfort, and security.  We wonder around looking for someone or something to take us in. 
f.        But God is inviting us into his house.  All we have to do is accept that invitation. 
g.       Ask for anyone to accept that invitation to join God’s house.
IV.              Dwelling
a.       What does it mean to dwell?  To live in
b.       When you live in someone else’s house you have some pretty amazing things happen:
                                                               i.      You get to know the people more than you would have otherwise
1.       When you dwell in God’s house you get to know him better than you would if you were looking in from the outside
                                                             ii.      You pick up their traits
1.       When you dwell in God’s house you start to act more godly, something that we are supposed to be doing.
2.       What are some things that God is like that we should be like?
                                                            iii.      You live by their schedule and rules
1.       When you dwell in God’s house you start living as he wants you to live and because of that your life will be better than it would be if you were living however you want to live.
                                                           iv.      You are protected
1.       When you dwell in God’s house he is there to give you comfort, strength, and protection and all you have to do is ask.
                                                             v.      You become part of the family
1.       When you dwell in God’s house he adopts you into his family.  You have a place of belonging and acceptance.
c.       What does it mean to dwell?  To remain in
                                                               i.      This means that day in and day out you are there.
                                                             ii.      What does that mean spiritually?  You spend time with God daily
                                                            iii.      What are some ways you can spend time with God daily?
1.       Illus: 5 min walk records
                                                           iv.      Why daily?  There is a danger of losing connection if it isn’t daily
1.       Illus: My friendship with Aaron Keller (I’ll call tomorrow, I’ll see him next year, I wish he’d visit)  I know of him, but I don’t know him well anymore.
2.       It is like a kite, you are connected to it with a string, but if you just keep letting out the string you don’t see the kite as well as you once did, and eventually you run out of string and the kite flies away, you have lost connection with it.
                                                             v.      Some of you have been in that house before but have lost connection with God.  Tonight he is offering you that kite string again and wants you to come back to connection with him.  Or to come back and dwell in his house again.
1.       Ask and pray

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