Monday, April 13, 2009


For out C.I.A. Meeting this morning we continued our journey through the book of Mark. We talked about Mark 15:1-20. Jesus had already had his first trial at the Sanhedrian and we pick up the story with the rulers of the Jews deciding what to do about Jesus and how to get him executed. They handed him over to Pilate, who was governor of Judea from 26-36 ad. The Jews had made his charges that he had claimed to be King. Pilate questioned Jesus but Jesus would not answer. Pilate then gave the crowd an option: he would release a prisoner named Barabbas (a murderer and insurrectionist) or Jesus. The priests stirred up the crowd to ask for Barabbas to be released. Pilate did in fact release them as they asked.

After this he asked them what they wanted done with jesus, and they asked for him to allow him to be crucified. Pilate not wanting a riot allowed Jesus to be flogged and turned him over to the soldiers.

When the soliders gathered they placed a robe of purple on him, put a crown of thorns and his head, beating him and mocking him merciously. Then they led him away to be crucified.

During our application time we thought about what Barabbas must have felt. He was sentenced to die, but Jesus took his place. He was probably relieved and joyful. But as we lok at our own lives we see that Jesus took our place as well. When he died he died for our sin, not his own, since he didn't sin. So the question became, what shoudl our response be to his sacrifice? Are we grateful, do we accept his death in our place, do we live for him since died for us?

I give this morning: A

Favorite moment of the morning: Joel being willing to die for Jared the death row inmate

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