Tonight was:
Which was our Question and Answer Night. Over the last month we have had questions submitted by various youth. Here are the questions and the answers for the night!How are you?
What goes down here?
Which has more stripes on a zebra, black or white?
Have you seen a movie called Winn-Dixie?
Can I have more cookies?
300N/1 = 200M+3 = S <- Can You Solve this?
When are you going to get me a Xbox 360?
When are you going to give or get me a Wii?
Why are you bald?
I’m not, I still have hair on my head
Why are you half bald and half not bald?
My theory is you can only have so much hair in total, so I have gone partially bald because some of it has migrated
What is your favorite cookie that Lacey has made?
Oatmeal Raisin
What is your favorite donut?
Old Fashioned
What’s ur fav drink?
When I drank it, Live Wire
What is in twinkies? And why don’t you like them?
Creamy filling. I was created with an amazing sense of taste, so I am able to judge if something is actually good or not…it is not
If you were writing a question for Q and A night, what would it be?
Why do you hate the Patriots and Cats?
When is the baby due?
July 20th + or - 2 weeks
What’s your kid’s PK Power going to be? If you don’t know, will you make up one for me right now?
PK stands for psychokinetic or Pastor’s Kid, but I don’t know. Joel will have the PK power of quoting your dad’s sermons at awkward moments.
What makes flowers bloom?
I think it was a designed in thing from God to help in keeping plants alive and spreading. The weather plays a big part in it, as it warms up, flowers start to develop and bloom in order to aid in pollenization for the plant. Why warmer weather? Insects and birds come out, more sunshine to aid in chlorophyll production, more rain during that time of year to provide it for plant growth. The pollen was moved from stamen to the pistil, allowing the plant to be fertilized, produce seeds, and grow more plants
How did Lacey get pregnant?
Well I just explained the birds and the bees, now apply it to Lacey and I…no pictures will be provided
What is your baby’s exact name?
Emma Elizabeth Gorrod
How big is the youth group?
By person we have had 588 over 6.5 years. This year we have had 123 different people. By average we have 26.07 a night over 6.5 years. By average we have 39.93 a night this year. By weight, I think about average, we have a good mix of skinny and not so skinny
Why do we have chairs? And why do we set on them?
We have chairs because someone bought them and brought them upstairs. We sit on them because that is what they are their for and youth leaders will tell you to get in a seat of you sit on the floor, you want to please people and not get in trouble so you obey
Are we allowed to put our feet/shoes on the couch?
Yes, if your feet/shoes aren’t dirty, they are on your couch, and they aren’t blocking someone else from sitting down.
Can you give us some specifications on the Amazing race coming in May?
We will over the month of may be doing a series called the amazing race, as a part of that each week we will give you a clue in order to complete a task or find something, if you are able to complete all four things, figure out the clues, you will win the prize
Can Josh and Joel come to your house to game sometime this month?
When are you going to get me my candy bar?
I already did
What’s hi mean?
Hi is a shortened version of hello, which comes from hallo/hollo which came from the German hala/hola which came from holon (to fetch)
Why do people have earrings and holes in their ear?
Because they or someone else has put them in there
-6 x3+57/32+17-213x23 <- What is the answer to this?
Do you think it would be cool if there was a “Christian Rock Band”?
Yes, it would be awesome. Though not called it, there is Guitar Praise (pc)
Is Santa Claus really?
Really fat…yes
How big is the largest real bible? (you can turn the pages)
The Waynai: 8,048 pages, 43.5 inches tall x 98 inches wide, 1094 lbs
Why are we asking so many questions?
If we don’t ask questions we will never know the answers
Why are Mormons have nasty food?
No tea, coffee, liquor, eating meat is discouraged, but otherwise it is the same, so if it was nasty it was either because you didn’t like the things cooked, or it was cooked poorly
Why are we here on earth?
You were born here, and haven’t left. God wanted you born, and has a plan for your life. You have things to accomplish, that God wanted you here for. But we are also here to have a relationship with God and worship him and bring others into a relationship with him
Is it okay to pray for your future kids and spouse?
Yes, I did
Is it okay to think of your future kids and spouse often?
It is okay to think about them, but it shouldn’t become your focus, our focus shouldn’t dwell on the future or the past, but on now. Nor should our focus be exclusively on a person or possessions but rather on God
What are your proof texts for the belief of the rapture?
The word rapture is never used in the Bible, nor is the word Trinity. Rapture is a Latin word that means to be caught up and is the belief that at a point near the end of the world Jesus will return and bring all current believers up to heaven in a moment’s time, both the living and the dead. The Bible verses used by those who believe there is a rapture are as follows:
1. 1st Thessalonians 4:13-5:11
2. 1st Corinthians 15:51-52
3. Matthew 24:36-44
Is it wrong for us to hold church on Sunday instead of Saturday?
It is hard to hold a church anytime, they are heavy! The short answer is no. Saturday is the Sabbath, which is the day of rest made by God at the beginning of the world. That day was set apart by the Jews as a day of rest, a day of special sacrifices at temple, and a day to celebrate at home a service to God. Later it turned into attending a service at the synagogue. When Christianity started after Jesus rose again, most of the followers were Jewish and attended service on Saturday. But they also started to meet on Sundays in order to celebrate the day that Jesus rose from the dead. Over time the church brought in more non-Jews and they didn’t see why they had to do the rituals from the Jewish religion, and stopped Saturday worship, because they didn’t see a need for it, since they were Christians not Jews. Colossians 2:16-17 tells us, “Therefore do not let anyone judge you by what you eat or drink, or with regard to a religious festival, a New Moon celebration or a Sabbath day. These are a shadow of the things that were to come; the reality, however, is found in Christ.” Romans 14:5 “One man considers one day more sacred than another; another man considers every day alike. Each one should be fully convinced in his own mind.” Hebrews 10:25 “Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.”
Is it okay to believe in more than one God?
You can believe in more than one God, but it is important to believe what is true, rather than what we want to believe. More than one God doesn’t make a lot of sense, God by definition is the highest of all beings, if he is one of many he can’t have all power, and is just a more powerful being than you, so why not worship anything that is bigger or stronger than you. Second if you believe in more than one God it excludes you from believing in the God of the Bible, thus Christianity is not right, Jesus is a lie. Deuteronomy 6:4 “Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God, the LORD is one”
Why is homosexuality labeled as bad when there is nothing in the bible that says it is?…….Does Christianity say anything about homosexuality being right or wrong?
Yes it is talked about in the bible. Leviticus 18:22, 20:13; Romans 1:26-27; 1st Corinthians 6:9-10; 1st Timothy 1:10
I don’t know if I want to get married. I still want to be a mom. Is it still okay to have sex?
According to the bible the only place that sex is okay is inside the confines of marriage. We find this in many lists throughout the bible that list fornication as a sin, fornication is sex before marriage, as well as adultery, which is sex with someone other than your spouse. So no it wouldn’t be okay for you to have sex, but adoption is always a possibility, though you should make sure you pray about it and think about whether a one adult home is the best place for that child or not and if you are doing it for the right reasons.
Why do people die?
Death was brought into this world as a punishment for committing sin. Over time the length of life has gotten shorter and shorter because of disease and genetic problems. Most people actually die because of lack of oxygen to the brain, that is why brain dead is the ultimate dead. But take courage, there is more after you die
What happens when a person dies?
The bible isn’t entirely clear on the step by step of after you die. But it does give some intriguing clues. It tells us that when we die our body remains but our spirit departs our body, our spirit is who we really are, our consciousness. Jesus tells one of the men being crucified by him that that day he would see him in paradise (heaven) so you must go where you are going fairly quickly. There is a second place we can go (hell) that is a place of eternal punishment and if we don’t take Jesus as our savior that is where we are headed
I give tonight: A-
Favorite Moment of the Night: My back hair picture
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