Today we continued the story of Noah. We found out last time that Earth was filled with evil and that God decided to destroy the people of the earth because their every thought was filled with doing evil. But, God picked one man, Noah, and his family to be saved from this flood. Why? Because Noah had found favor in God's eyes for being righteious, blameless, and he walked with God. He had a relationship with God and he lived right, unlike the rest of the people in the world.
The flood occured, God rescues Noah and his family in a boat and they land after the flood subsides. We pick back up the story in 9:20-27 of Genesis. In it we find Noah has planted a vineyard, got drunk and passed out in his tent naked. His son Ham finds him their naked and goes and tells his two brothers so that they can mock him too. But instead they go in and cover up their dad. Even though God had wiped the evil people from the earth, evil still remained in Noah and his sons.
We all have two types of sin in us. We have personal sin, that is when we choose to do the wrong things. We also have a thing called original sin, which we inherited from Adam (like a bad gene). it means we have a tendency to sin from the very beginning.
Sin is like a snowball it tends to buil on itself over time and get worse (we will talk more about this next week)
Sin is like a disease. We have sin in our system from birth and it was passed on through Adam because of his sin. Every person that was ever born (save Jesus) was born with this defect. We were infected by that sin and now pay the price for it. But the flipside is this: even though sin entered the world through one person and thus infected everyone, an antidote was provided through Jesus' death and if we accept him we can be healed, one person spread it on to the rest in both situations.
I give this morning: A+
Favorite Moment: My hatred of ladybugs
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