James 3:3-12 describes the tongue to us, meaning speech. In it he stells us that our tongues will control our direction and destiny. We can be drama or not drama by how well we control our tongues. Proverbs 26:20 says, "Without wood a fire goes out; without gossip a quarrel dies down." I demonstrated this by burning a bowl full of paper. When we had gossip to our tongues it ignites the paper spreading until we douse it with water. If we don't stop it soon enough it will spread out of control and harm many. This is the second thing James tells us: our tongues can hurt or help. A good way of making sure our words help is by THINKing before we speak. THINK are the words you are saying: True, Helpful, Inspiring, Necessary, Kind? Finally James tells us that we shouldn't both claim to be Christians and gossip. He asks if fresh water and salt water can come from the same spring, can a fig come from a olive tree or a grape from a fig tree. Of course not and when we are gossiping we are from one part of us worshipping God but from the other cursing men.
Many of us have been hurt by gossip and many of us have hurt others with gossip. If you are hurting others with gossip you need to ask for forgiveness and change your ways.
I give tonight: A+
Favorite Moment: Almost burning the church down
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