Today we continued our study of the book of Genesis by looking at Jacob and Esau once again. In this portion (Genesis 32 and 33) we find Jacob about to meet up with Esau for the first time since he left many years before. Esau, if you remember had threatened to kill his brother, that is why Jacob had left. Now, Jacob returns with his family and herds to Canaan, where his brother lives. He splits his heards into 3 sections, send out 3 big gifts to Esau trying to convince him to not kill him by buying him off. He then goes on and bows before his brother. Esau comes running at him...and hugs him. He has forgiven his brother. Then the next day, Jacob sneaks off so that if Esau changes his mind he won't have to face him.
What is forgiveness? It means to give up a resentment, to cancel a debt, to pardon or absolve a wrongdoing. This isn't pretending like it didn't happen or accepting blame that isn't yours. To often we have the idea that we have to buy our forgiveness or that someone else ahs to earn our forgiveness before we can forgive them. God wants us to forge each other, because he has forgive us so much, and to forgive just as freely as he did us (Ephesians 4:32). God wants this from us and it can be difficult, but it is good thing to do. Maybe today you need to ask someone for their forgiveness...go and do it. Maybe today you need to forgive someone, do it, even if they have never asked for forgiveness!
I give this morning: B+
Favorite Moment: Calling Haley, "Debbie Downer"
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