Today we continued the story of Genesis by reading about Jacob in Genesis 32:24-30. In these verses Jacob is about to meet up with Esau (his brother) for the first time since he left trying to avoid being killed by him. The night before he ends up wrestling with a man (either a pre-incarnate Jesus or an angel) but won't give up all night long, even after being severly injured, because he wants the "man's" blessing. Many times we have wrestled with God, praying for an answer to the questions that we seek or trying to grow closer to Him, but what our response is, is very important. We could never wrestle with God and just do our own thing but then we will end up in trouble and lost. We could quit before we get resolution because we become impatient, lazy, or hurt. Or we can be like Jacob and refuse to stop wrestling with God until we get our answer or until we have a closer relationship with God. In Daniel 10:1-14 we find a story where Daniel ends up having to pray 21 days for an answer. This should teach us that sometimes it takes time for God to answer. We need to get away from distractions (tv, internet, cell phones, video games, friends) and actually listen. And finally we need to not give up, ever.
I give this morning: B
Favorite Moment: Josh almost losing to Becky while arm wrestling
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