This morning we continued our study of the book of Ephesians with the study of 4:17-5:20. It tells us that we were once darkness (it defined us, every action, though, and decision) but that we are now light (it defines us). We looked at both sides of the issue, what children of darkness look like and act like and what children of light look like and act like.
Futile thinking Separated from the life of God Hard hearts
Lost all sensitivity Sensual Indulging in every kind of impurity
Lustful Corrupted by deceitful desires False
Continually Angry Steal Speak unwholesomely
Grieve Holy Spirit Bitter Rage filled
Brawl Slander Malicious
Obscene Talk foolishly Joke coarsely
Immoral Impure Greedy
Idolater Unwise Foolish
Get Drunk Involved in debauchery
Righteous Holy Speak truth
Good Wise Kind
Compassionate Forgiving Loving
Giving Thanks Have a new attitude Godlike/Imitating God
Work Share with those in need Talk that builds up and benefits
Sealed by Holy Spirit Filled with Holy Spirit Please the Lord
Understand God's will Make the most of opportunities Speak in psalms, hymns, songs
Sing and make music No sexual immorality No impurity
No Greed Nothing to do with darkness Expose the darkness
It is important to note that the final part of this tells us to not even have a hint of these things, make it so that no one will even look at your life and think something bad is going on, and beyond that make sure you aren't actually doing any of the wrong things either. We are called to bring light to darkness. In a christian setting we need to expose and actually show the areas of that are tainted. In a cultural setting we can tell the culture that we don't approve of certain things. In a non-christian setting we don't need to scream or wear billboards but instead we can simply be a light that shine's Christ to them, showing them truth and drawing others to it.
I give this morning: A-
Favorite moment: "Sexual Immortality"
Monday, March 29, 2010
Monday, March 22, 2010
No Longer Tossed -- Sunday, March 21st
This morning we continued our study of Ephesians by reading chapter 4 verses 1 through 16. In the frist three verses we talked about being called and need to live a worthy life. That worthy life is to be a humble life, a gentle life, a patient life, a loving life, and a united life. Verses 4-6 tell us that we are part of one body, we have one Spirit, we have one hope, we have one Lord, we have one faith, we have one baptism, and we have one God the Father. Verses 7-10 talks about Jesus ascending into heaven after he had descended to the earth. He also gave us grace proportianally in order to make us all on equal footing spiritually.
Verses 11-16 finish it all off and was the focus of our morning. It starts by telling us that God has appointed some to be apostles (church planters/evangelists/missionaries), some as prophets (those who speak from God), some as pastors (those who take care of a congregation), and some as teachers (those who teach the bible). Why? He did it to prepare God's people. He wanted to prepare his people to do the following: #1. Works of service, #2. Build up the body of Christ, #3. Reach unity in faith and knowledge, #4. Become mature, #5. Attain the whole measure of fullness of Christ, #6. No longer be infants, #7. No longer be tossed back and forth, #8. Speaking the truth in love, #10. Growing up into Christ.
We are like any young kid, we start off by learning the basics, we might not make the connection between the do and do not but we have to learn what the rules are and make it a habit to follow it. It is very basic. As we grow we start to build on those basics and start memorizing things but still the application isn't there, we are still learning. Finally we graduate and become mature, we know the truths, we have habits of following those truths, but we also understand why they are important to do or not do, and finally we start to teach others. We need to grow up and become mature. Learn the truth, apply the truth, live the truth, and share the truth.
I give this morning: A
Favorite moment: Joel trying to move Ben
Verses 11-16 finish it all off and was the focus of our morning. It starts by telling us that God has appointed some to be apostles (church planters/evangelists/missionaries), some as prophets (those who speak from God), some as pastors (those who take care of a congregation), and some as teachers (those who teach the bible). Why? He did it to prepare God's people. He wanted to prepare his people to do the following: #1. Works of service, #2. Build up the body of Christ, #3. Reach unity in faith and knowledge, #4. Become mature, #5. Attain the whole measure of fullness of Christ, #6. No longer be infants, #7. No longer be tossed back and forth, #8. Speaking the truth in love, #10. Growing up into Christ.
We are like any young kid, we start off by learning the basics, we might not make the connection between the do and do not but we have to learn what the rules are and make it a habit to follow it. It is very basic. As we grow we start to build on those basics and start memorizing things but still the application isn't there, we are still learning. Finally we graduate and become mature, we know the truths, we have habits of following those truths, but we also understand why they are important to do or not do, and finally we start to teach others. We need to grow up and become mature. Learn the truth, apply the truth, live the truth, and share the truth.
I give this morning: A
Favorite moment: Joel trying to move Ben
Friday, March 19, 2010
Forgiveness -- Wednesday, March 17th
Tonight we started off with the story of Saint Patrick, who was enslaved by the Irish, escaped slavery, and could have never forgiven them for what they had done. But instead he forgave them and returned to Ireland to share the gospel. When Jesus was killed, though he had done no wrong, as he was hanging on the cross he uttered these words, "Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing." (Luke 23:34). We have all been hurt before, so why should we forgive them? Especially when they don't deserve it or even have asked for it? We should forgive because we have been forgiven. We should forgive because it helps us to release pain, hurt, and anger. We should forgive because God has told us to. We should forgive because unforgiveness blocks our relationship with God. We should forgive because it can change our hearts as well as the person that was forgiven. We should forgive because it stops the cycle of revenge and uproots bitterness.
Colossians 3:13 says, "Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you." Today is a good day to forgive someone, it could change your life!
I give tonight: C-
Favorite moment: The drawing for deoderant and soap
Colossians 3:13 says, "Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you." Today is a good day to forgive someone, it could change your life!
I give tonight: C-
Favorite moment: The drawing for deoderant and soap
Monday, March 15, 2010
Special Speaker -- Sunday, March 14th
This morning Lacey Gorrod was our special speaker and covered Ephesians 3:1-21. We hope you enjoyed it.
I give this morning: B
Favorite Moment: "God is like a stalker, but in a good way."
I give this morning: B
Favorite Moment: "God is like a stalker, but in a good way."
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Communion -- Wednesday, March 10th
Tonight we finished our disciplined series by talking about communion. The idea of this series was to train us how to grow closer to God by using christian disciplines or training. Tonight's topic communion is the taking of Jesus into our lives. We read from 1st Corinthians 11:23-29 in which we are told that Jesus broke bread and called it his body broken for us and to remember him by it. He then took a cup of wine and said it represented his blood, spilled out for a new covenant and to remember him by it.
That rememberance has three parts to it. #1 The Past: Jesus died for us, his body broken, his blood spilt so that we might have life and a relationship with God. #2 The Present: Jesus lives in us, just as when we eat the bread and drink the cup it goes into our body, going throughout the body, giving us energy and life. jesus shoudl also be a daily part of our lives, like food and drink. #3 The Future: Jesus will return someday and that means we need to be busy living a right life and telling others about him.
I give tonight: B+
Favorite moment: Double Salvations
That rememberance has three parts to it. #1 The Past: Jesus died for us, his body broken, his blood spilt so that we might have life and a relationship with God. #2 The Present: Jesus lives in us, just as when we eat the bread and drink the cup it goes into our body, going throughout the body, giving us energy and life. jesus shoudl also be a daily part of our lives, like food and drink. #3 The Future: Jesus will return someday and that means we need to be busy living a right life and telling others about him.
I give tonight: B+
Favorite moment: Double Salvations
Monday, March 8, 2010
Built -- March 7th, 2010
We spoke from ephesians 2:11-22 this morning and talked about the need to build our youth group, our church, and ourselves in the right way.
Ephesians tells us that we need to have a foundation of the Bible and a cornerstone of Jesus. Many of us fail to be built in this way and it shows. If it is a church then it shows in how it acts toward the world, its members, and the community it is in. If it is you personally it shows in how you act. It iwll show in your priorities, your actions, the things you don't do, what others say about you, and in your attitude. Why do we fail in this area? I think it is for four reasons. #1 We look at Christianity as if it is just one part of our life, rather than everything else part of our christianity. #2 We are corrupted by the world and compromise to its way of doing things. #3 We are apathetic to sin, we just don't think it matters if we do right or wrong since God will forgive us. Ignoring that every sin, no matter how small, will effect you, your relationship with God, and others around you. #4 We are lazy and it is easier when Jesus is just a small part of our life.
Today is the day to start building your life right, with a foundation of the Bible and with Jesus as the cornerstone.
I give this morning: D+
Favorite Moment: DVD Case Christianity
Ephesians tells us that we need to have a foundation of the Bible and a cornerstone of Jesus. Many of us fail to be built in this way and it shows. If it is a church then it shows in how it acts toward the world, its members, and the community it is in. If it is you personally it shows in how you act. It iwll show in your priorities, your actions, the things you don't do, what others say about you, and in your attitude. Why do we fail in this area? I think it is for four reasons. #1 We look at Christianity as if it is just one part of our life, rather than everything else part of our christianity. #2 We are corrupted by the world and compromise to its way of doing things. #3 We are apathetic to sin, we just don't think it matters if we do right or wrong since God will forgive us. Ignoring that every sin, no matter how small, will effect you, your relationship with God, and others around you. #4 We are lazy and it is easier when Jesus is just a small part of our life.
Today is the day to start building your life right, with a foundation of the Bible and with Jesus as the cornerstone.
I give this morning: D+
Favorite Moment: DVD Case Christianity
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Disciplined: Meditation and Memorization -- March 3rd
We continued our Disciplined series tonight with the ideas of meditation and memorization of scripture. Meditation is the process of exchanging an old way of thinking and acting and replacing it with a new one. It is not instantaneous, it will take work and time. Putting in God's word gets rid of the lies and evil that our culture pollutes our minds with.
New thinking brings about a new mindset which brings about new actions. The reason we act the way we do is because we are thinking that way. If we change our thinking and our minds our actions will follow. It has to be a daily habit of washing our minds consitently. Memorization is putting it in your mind and then making it stick around. If something is important to you, you'll make a point to remember it. The goal of memorization isn't just to learn it but to do somethign with it, make it a part of your life. As a way of making this valuable we are goin to pick a new scripture to meditate and memorize for the youth group as a whole. This month's is Psalm 19:14, "May the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be pleasing to you, O Lord my Rock and my Redeemer."
I give tonight: A-
Favorite Moment: How many would have been willing to drink water/oil for $5
New thinking brings about a new mindset which brings about new actions. The reason we act the way we do is because we are thinking that way. If we change our thinking and our minds our actions will follow. It has to be a daily habit of washing our minds consitently. Memorization is putting it in your mind and then making it stick around. If something is important to you, you'll make a point to remember it. The goal of memorization isn't just to learn it but to do somethign with it, make it a part of your life. As a way of making this valuable we are goin to pick a new scripture to meditate and memorize for the youth group as a whole. This month's is Psalm 19:14, "May the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be pleasing to you, O Lord my Rock and my Redeemer."
I give tonight: A-
Favorite Moment: How many would have been willing to drink water/oil for $5
Monday, March 1, 2010
Alive -- February 28th, 2010
We continued our Ephesians series this week. We read from Ephesians 2:1-10. In these verses we are presented with two lifestyles, one that is a living death and one that is being truly alive.
We were once dead in our sins and transgressions.
#1 -- because we followed the ways of the world
#2 -- because we followed the ways of the devil
#3 -- because we gratified the cravings of our sinful nature
#4 -- because we followed our sinful nature's desires and thoughts
We were once objects of wrath
We were made alive in Christ
#1 -- because of God's great love
#2 -- because of God's great mercy
#3 -- because of God's grace
We were seated in the heavenly realms with Christ
We are saved
#1 -- Saved by grace through faith
#2 -- Saved not from our own works
#3 -- Saved as a gift of God
We are God's workmanship (a poem or work of art)
Many times we live as if we are still slaves to sina nd living that old way of life even though we have been made alive in Christ. Stop living i the past, you are brand new because of God!
I give this morning: B
Favorite moment: Elmo
We were once dead in our sins and transgressions.
#1 -- because we followed the ways of the world
#2 -- because we followed the ways of the devil
#3 -- because we gratified the cravings of our sinful nature
#4 -- because we followed our sinful nature's desires and thoughts
We were once objects of wrath
We were made alive in Christ
#1 -- because of God's great love
#2 -- because of God's great mercy
#3 -- because of God's grace
We were seated in the heavenly realms with Christ
We are saved
#1 -- Saved by grace through faith
#2 -- Saved not from our own works
#3 -- Saved as a gift of God
We are God's workmanship (a poem or work of art)
Many times we live as if we are still slaves to sina nd living that old way of life even though we have been made alive in Christ. Stop living i the past, you are brand new because of God!
I give this morning: B
Favorite moment: Elmo
Disciplined: Prayer -- Wednesday, February 24th
Tonight we continued our disciplined series. We are not talking about punihsment but training in order to gain a closer relationship with God and order our life around him. We talked about the Christian discipline called prayer.
Prayer is talking with God and God wants us to do it. Why is it so important? It is time with God, it builds relationship between the two of you, and it can make things change. What can you pray? Ask (things for yourself or others), Share (emotions, love, what is going on), and Listen. When should you pray? Constantly reoccuringly throughout the day. Does God listen? Yes, nothing is to small or large, he is never too busy. Sometimes he will answer yes, sometimes he will answer no, and sometimes it will take him time to answer, but he always does. Make it a discipline in your life to pray, and pray more.
I give tonight: A
Favorite Moment: Building a dinosaur through a door
Prayer is talking with God and God wants us to do it. Why is it so important? It is time with God, it builds relationship between the two of you, and it can make things change. What can you pray? Ask (things for yourself or others), Share (emotions, love, what is going on), and Listen. When should you pray? Constantly reoccuringly throughout the day. Does God listen? Yes, nothing is to small or large, he is never too busy. Sometimes he will answer yes, sometimes he will answer no, and sometimes it will take him time to answer, but he always does. Make it a discipline in your life to pray, and pray more.
I give tonight: A
Favorite Moment: Building a dinosaur through a door
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