Saturday, May 29, 2010

Questions and Answers from Wednesday, May 26th

100 How did you go bald?
First of all, I’m not technically bald, I do have hair on my head, I have bald spots. But how did that happen? I got a cursed job in college, it had made the guy before me start to bald, it made me start to bald, then dealing with you has only aggravated the problem.
200 Alex, did you ever have more hair than you do know?
No(show picture), though this picture might show more hair on my head, once you start to lose it from one place you start to gain it in others (show back picture)
300 Why is your name Alex? I want 2 know
My name is Alex because my parents named me that. They chose the name Alex because they liked a TV show called Taxi and in it a character (show picture) who was the wise one of the group was named Alex.
400 Why does Pastor Alex have a big TV?
I have a big TV because I like being able to see what is happening on the screen and because I chose to spend my money that way instead of a better way.
500 Alex, why do you hate cats? Do cats hate you? What did they ever do to you?
I hate cats because they are snobs. They don’t come when called, they don’t love, but instead only want petted to spread their sent to you. They aren’t friendly. Plus God hates them, notice he mentions dogs in the bible, lions are mentioned, but cats…never…why? Because God doesn’t like them. Do cats hate me? No, it is hard to hate someone when you are dead because he ran you over. What did they do to me? Nothing that is the problem, they are selfish jerks.
600 Would you rather go to the MTV award or the Emmys?
700 How many kills (paintings) have you done on 007?
I have never had any paintings in 007, since I have only ever played with the non-paintball guns.
800 Why don’t you wear a chicken suit?
I don’t have one
900 How many sodas have you sold?
I have never sold a single soda in my whole life, lots of pops but no sodas
1000 How many years of school have you had?
I have been to school for Kindergarten, 1st-3rd grade, 5th-beginning of 7th grade, end of 7th-8th grade homeschooled, 9th-12th grade, Freshman-Senior of college, 1 term of masters degree = 16.25 years, take summers and holidays out it would come out to a little more than 11 years.
100 Why do you not like twilight?
I don’t like Edward (one of the heroes) telling Bella to get an abortion. I don’t like the sensuality, the encouragement of fantasy love, Bella (one of the heroes) being willing to give up her virginity as if it isn’t valuable. I don’t like the obsessions and lust between Bella and Edward (even to the point of her saying she doesn’t care about her eternal soul if she can have him). I don’t like that she thinks that Edward will bring her fulfillment and contentment. I don’t like that she lets Edward stay in her room overnight. I don’t like that she lies to her parents. I don’t like that there are many Mormon beliefs found in the book. I don’t like that swearing is found in it. I don’t like that they drink blood (animal or human), since this is something condemned throughout both the old and new testament. I don’t like Bella being so against the institution of marriage. I don’t like the level of gore portrayed in the book. I don’t like that for the 4 books it is 2,300 pages and many will read it but the bible (only 1000-1500) pages still goes unread. I don’t like that the heroes are not clearly good, thought we are supposed to follow their examples as good. I don’t like that it has caused obsession and addiction to many who have gotten involved in it.
200 Why is twilight so stupid?
I don’t think that twilight is stupid, I have no desire to spend my time with it, but as far as stupid, there aren’t spelling and grammar mistakes.
300 Why should Christians not be addicted (watch or read) to twilight?
Christians are supposed to see the fruit of the spirit in their lives, one of which is self-control which means not being addicted because you are in control of your life, not something else in control of you. So, Christians shouldn’t be addicted (whether the movies or books) to twilight. Nor should they be addicted to anything, drugs, alcohol, other series’, caffeine, sports, video games, work, etc… So, what makes us know we are addicted? Do you find yourself thinking about it a lot? Do you find yourself buying things connected to it to help feeling closer to it? Do you continually read/watch it? Do you dwell on it and fantasize about being part of it? Are you unable to help yourself when it comes to reading/watching it? Do you constantly talk about it with others? Do you have dreams about it? Some of these can help start to see if you are starting to get addicted to it or something else.
400 What are your feelings on Christian leaders that are addicted to twilight?
Like any Christian leader addicted to anything it is a sin, whether they are addicted to something good or bad we are to be people who have self-control. Addictions limit our leadership ability; it also can limit our ability to be the best Christians we should be.
500 Is it wrong to read about Greek mythology like for example, the Percy Jackson and the Olympian series about a boy who’s dad is Poseidon?
The quick answer to this is no. The longer answer is maybe. The reading of these, or even something like twilight isn’t necessarily a sin. If addiction is connected to it, yes it is wrong. If you aren’t mature enough when you read it and start to imitate the evil behavior found in the book/movie then yes it is wrong. If you start to think it is real, then you should not be reading it until you have grown in your relationship with God so you can distinguish between truth and error. Fantasy genre can help us get away from the here and now and that is okay for a brief periods of time. But it must also be taken into account that these myths are part of a religious system (though mostly dead now) and therefore opposed to God’s truth found in the Bible. If you can’t discern the truth from error you should spend more time in the truth before you start looking at the other things. It is like an old grenade, it can be interesting to study but if you aren’t careful it can blow up and kill you (in this case faithwise). So the quick answer is no, but the long answer is maybe.
600 Why do the sounds that they make 4 when Chuck Norris punches and kicks so

When he actually punches and kicks sonic booms happen and destroy the audio equipment, so they have to put in something. They choose the corny sounds because they find them for free online.
700 Why is Chuck Norris idolized so much? I think he is dumb
Who asked this question? If no one raises hand then explain it is because they have been killed for calling Chuck Norris dumb. But if it goes to idolization in the sense of worship it is wrong. If you mean idolization as in you respect or like him, then it is because he has awesome skills and is a really nice guy. The other stuff is just for fun and shouldn’t be taken too seriously.
800 How can I defeat a girl bully that stops at nothing no matter what?
The best way to defeat a girl bully that stops at nothing no matter what and you are a guy is to marry her…wait, no that didn’t work for me. So if you are having problem with a girl bully that just won’t stop maybe the problem is you are trying to defeat her in a way you can’t defeat her, the physical. Instead take some time and defeat her through prayer, pray that God would help her to stop bullying you, that he would protect you, and that you would show love to the bully. Then you have a chance to stop the bully and win.
900 Can we watch Avatar in 3D for a youth event?
The answer is no for two reasons. #1 we don’t have anything at the church that can display it in 3D. #2 the movie has some very bad things in it (swearing, sexuality, etc…) and the overall plot of the world, all animals, and all creatures are connected by a life force is very new age thinking and opposed to what the bible says to the extreme. That isn’t to say we shouldn’t take care of our world, or show love, but we are created above animals, having souls, we are created above plants, having souls. Make sure when you watch movies that you don’t just sit and enjoy mindlessly but think about what it is trying to teach you.
1000 What’s the code for Lost Vikings 2 for the final level?
Level 31 is: D4DY; The credits level is: CR3D
100a How does Cody not look like one of the Beatles?
Nose, hair, clothing are all wrong
100b Why does Cody look like one of the Beatles?
He is male, long hair, and plays guitar
200a Can you ban all Dr. Pepper in the youth room?
200b Can peace tea be banned from this youth room?

Yes, but I’m not going to. We have to pick our battles
300a Can we have a youth night of trying to find Cody’s Zune?
We could, but I imagine it would be like a youth night trying to find a unicorn
300b Can we have a strong bad night?
We can, in fact I will try to do one by the end of the year
300c Can we have a service about burning stuff?
We could, but I don’t know if you all want a sermon all about hell
300d Can we watch a violent movie in youth group?
The only one I’ve been tempted to show in youth group is The Passion of the Christ. I try to avoid showing violent movies in youth group because I don’t think there is much redeeming about the violence, most is just violence for violence sake.
400a What happened to the sex-gestion thing???
The sexgestion box only is around for the month before the sexual purity night, which usually takes place in October.
400b Why do people write on the suggestion box?
Because people like to vandalize things. But as long as it is clean you can write on the suggestion box, better there than on the wall.
400c Why is there a band aid on the suggestion box?
Because it had an owie
400d How many questions in total were there in the Jeopardy night?
90 for this time, overall 248
500 At the Joshua Memorial game center, why is Chrono-Trigger not in the game

It is an extremely hard game to find, it used to go for over $45, but I just saw a copy of it for $21 at the game store in the Dalles, so if you want to buy it for the center you are more than welcome to.
600 Can we have more cat piñatas in the Seite De Mayo thing?
Yes, if we can find them we will have more cat piñatas
700 Can we have a strict dress code?
We could have a strict dress code, but we need to pick our fights. There are certain things that we won’t allow you to wear in the youth room because we think they can cause others to sin. Things like low cut shirts, speedos, a bikini, no shirt, nakedness, drug related stuff, stuff with swearing on it, etc… But ultimately we want people to show up here that are dirty and lost so they can find hope in God, then after turning to him start making changes which may include the way they dress. But since someone wanted a strict dress code, from now on you must dress like a youth leader in order to get in, so choose one and start to dress like them.
800 How many tabprints of honor on the youth room?
40 people have earned their TABprint of honor, of those 21 have made their mark on the wall.
900 Can we get more couches in the youth room?
We have had offers to take people’s couches into the youth room, some of them were not good. But over the last few years we have had said no because we have had so many youth coming we needed the extra room, couches take up more room than regular chairs. At this point we could take more couches if they are offered but I would probably just use them to replace the older ones.
1000 Why is the wall white?
The wall is not white, I looked all over and did not see a white wall.
100a What’s your name?
Name is a label for a noun (person, place, or thing) used to distinguish one from another.
100b What’s ur name?
Ur’s name is Ur it is also called Tell el-Mukayyar.
100c How do you spell Jerred?
Looks like you answered your own question.
200 What is a tree?
A tree is a perinial woody plant. It has many secondary branches from the main trunk. It must be at least 10 feet tall at maturity.
300 Why are tacks sharp?
Tacks are sharp so that they can accomplish their purpose, going into things in order to hold other things to them.
400 Does Daniel have long hair?
Daniel does not have long hair, he died in the 500’s bc so more than likely (barring freezing or mummification) he has no hair left because it has wasted away.
500a Can I have some c-4?
You can if you have 21 dollars for about 2lbs of it. Plus shipping, plus the authorization through the government to have it….so probably not.
500b Can I have a free pop? (Samuel B. Justman)
You can!
500c Can Samuel Justman borrow your TV?
600 Why did the chicken cross the road?
A nun would say it was out of habit
700 How many guitar players does it take to screw in a light bulb?
5, 1 to do it and the rest to say, “I could have done that.”
800 Why do explosions say boom instead of bang?
Explosions don’t say anything.
900 Wuz Up?
The ceiling, insulation, the roof, the sky, the moon, my sarcasm level
1000 Why do girls always attack me!?
Well, it could be that you are really, really good looking or it could be that they hate you because you are a disgusting pig (or act like one). So look in the mirror and figure it out.
200 What are your feelings on evolution?
My feelings aren’t really all that important, it is more about the facts. I do believe in evolution. But I only believe in evolution within a species from things that were already present in the genes. (moths example) So, they always had that genetic information but over time and deaths it was moved from white to black, but moths were still moths. I don’t agree with evolution being from one kind to another. There is no evidence of it taking place, there is evidence to show that the earth is younger than millions of years, and the Bible isn’t compatible with evolution. I love this topic and think it is important for you all to learn if it is true or not. Which happened evolution or creation? What would it mean if evolution was true? How should we act if evolution is true?
300 Why do you let random kids ask random questions?
We let random kids ask random questions for this night because it is fun and we cover things we might not otherwise. But we also want to instill in you all that it is okay to ask questions. Never be afraid to ask, even if you may feel dumb because you think everyone knows, but not everyone knows and maybe some have never thought about it.
400 Has someone done a lot of sins? (edited for appropriateness)
Yes, everyone, save Jesus has sinned, and most have sinned a lot. But the amount of sins isn’t the biggest thing, since all sins cause the separation from God thus barring us from heaven and condemning us to hell. Instead the biggest thing is what are we going to do with that sin, both in the immediate sense as well as the ongoing.
The immediate issue is, are you going to just let the sin stay in your life or are you going to get it forgiven? Jesus (never sinned) is the only way for us to get that forgiveness. He took our sin and died in our place so that we could be free from the consequences of that sin and have a relationship with God again and go to heaven. But that only comes if we ask him for forgiveness, repent (turn from our sins), and make him our God.
The ongoing issue is, are you going to keep allowing sin to rule your life or are you going to actually try and stop sinning. This has to be an effort on your part as well as being filled with the Holy Spirit. That filling by the Holy Spirit helps us in our temptation but we also have to try to avoid those temptations and when they do meet us to turn them down.
500a What is chocolate made of?
Fermented, dried, and roasted cocoa beans. Most chocolate then adds butter and some milk and sugar
500b Why do some people not like shaved coconut? What is it about it that they
don’t like?

Shaved coconut is like eating plastic with a nasty flavor added on for fun.
500c Why do people hate twinkies?
They are disgusting tasting. They taste like delectable cake with poop in the inside. I am not a big whip cream person.

500d Why do people hate chocolate? Who hates chocolate?
Some people hate chocolate because it is messy, because it is made with milk, because they don’t like the smell, they are trying to lose weight, because they can’t stop eating it, or they don’t like sugar. Who hates chocolate? Justin Larbalestier.
600 What are Doritos made of?
(read from bag)
700 How many licks does it take to get to the center of a lollipop?
It depends, but the average is 508.
800a Why is there no show????
Uh….next question.
800b Why does the college Yale sound like a big fish???
I was confused by this question, which big fish does Yale sound like? (let them answer) If you mean whale, whales are mammels not fish, so it doesn’t sound like a big fish. If you mean, sound like a big fish, glub glub, I don’t think it does.
900 Why is there hippies in middle school?
Hippie comes from the word “hipster” and was a movement that started in the sixties among young people. They were known for their use of psychedelic drugs, listening to rock, and overt sexuality. Now-a-days we usually mean this toward those who are really into environmentalism or nature worship. So to answer your question, there are hippies in the middle school because there are a lot of different groups of people in the middle school, odds are that at least one would be from that group.
1000 I got a suggestion. Get rid of the no purple rule.
This isn’t really a question, but I thought I would put it in here. So basically you want youth group to be the place that everyone can come in and make out, because that wouldn’t be awkward at all.

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