Saturday, July 31, 2010

If Words Could Kill -- Wednesday, July 28th

Tonight we came back to regular youth group. We had a message about our words. In the message I challenged youth to be kind in how they treated one another with their words. I have noticed lately we have turned to a mean sounding group. In John 13:34-35 we are told that Jesus' followers would be known by their love. Our love can be shown in how we speak. In James 3:9-12 we learn that our tongues many times utter curses on people after blessing God. A curse means speaking evil of others in order to bring about a bad thing in their life. I can happen by actually weaning to speak a direct curse but also when our words are spoken in a way to hurt. Us being people that speak these curses on other people's lives is as incompatlbe as salt water come ing from a fresh water spring or fig trees growing olvies or figs growing on grapevines. It shouldn't be happening. Colossians 4:6 tells us that instead of hurting others with our speech we are to instead season our speech with grace. Grace is something good they don't deserve. So when we talk about speech having grace, it is being kind even when others don't deserve it. Salt was used as a preservative, so when we speak with grace i nour words it preserves other's lives rath than the curse which destroys it. We need to be a youth group tht is kind in our words and actions. If you have hurt someone with your words, now is a good time to and ask for forgiveness and start speaking grace rather than curses.

I give tonight: A
Favorite moment: Group Affirmations

Monday, July 19, 2010

Beach Retreat 2010 -- July 12-15th

Check out even more pictures from the Beach Retreat at:

Friday, July 9, 2010

Water Baptism -- Wednesday, July 7th

Tonight we talked about water baptism which is hwen we immerse a person underwater. But that is just the technical definition of it. Romans 6:3-4 tells us that it is symbol of something that has taken place in our life, dying to our old master (sin), being cleansed from it by God's grace, and finally coming back to life under a new master (God). Baptism is also a public decleration of your belief in Jesus and intention to follow him the rest of your life. Matthew 3:13-15 tells us that Jesus felt it was something that would help us fulfill all righteousness and Matthew 28:18-20 tells us that it is part of the Christian journey. First we get saved, then we are baptized to show that we are saved. It should only be done if you are truly comited to following God the rest of your life. It will not cleanse you of sin, get you to heaven, or make it so you don't sin anymore. Mabye you have never been baptized but you are saved, God wants you to be baptized as well. If you are interested in being baptized we have a baptismal service on Wednesday, July 21st. Let Pastor Alex know if you are interested.

I give tonight: B-
Favorite Moment: Violent Baptisms

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Wild Water Nite -- Wednesday, June 30th

Check out even more pictures from the Wild Water Nite at: