Tonight we talked about water baptism which is hwen we immerse a person underwater. But that is just the technical definition of it. Romans 6:3-4 tells us that it is symbol of something that has taken place in our life, dying to our old master (sin), being cleansed from it by God's grace, and finally coming back to life under a new master (God). Baptism is also a public decleration of your belief in Jesus and intention to follow him the rest of your life. Matthew 3:13-15 tells us that Jesus felt it was something that would help us fulfill all righteousness and Matthew 28:18-20 tells us that it is part of the Christian journey. First we get saved, then we are baptized to show that we are saved. It should only be done if you are truly comited to following God the rest of your life. It will not cleanse you of sin, get you to heaven, or make it so you don't sin anymore. Mabye you have never been baptized but you are saved, God wants you to be baptized as well. If you are interested in being baptized we have a baptismal service on Wednesday, July 21st. Let Pastor Alex know if you are interested.
I give tonight: B-
Favorite Moment: Violent Baptisms
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