Toinight we started with our first of four weeks on risks. We challenged tonight for you to change how you talk. This really takes two different forms: How we talk with people and How we talk about people. When we are talking about how we talk with people we ar talking about things like: swearing, taking God's name in vain, our attiude when we talk to people, and the topics that we talk about. In each of these God desires us to speak differently than the world around us, using pure language, talking about pure topics, doing it all with kindness and being encouraging. When we are talking about how we talk about people it has to do with things like: Loving instead of mocking, conistency and truthfulness instead of gossip, and building people up instead of tearing them down. So why should we take this risk? #1 All people are valuable, #2 God asks us to, #3 Helps to end drama, and #4 That is what we want for ourselves.
I give tonight: B+
Favorite Moment: Application Time
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