Tonight we started a new series called Clue. In this series we are looking for what changed people and thus what can change us. In tonight's message we checked out John the apostle. He went from an angry, jealous, and power hungry individual to becoming a man known for love. So what changed him? He was changed by two things, salvation through belief in Jesus and the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. We can have this same 180 degree change in our lives. We can be one way (lying, lust, anger, stubbornness, fear, etc...) and if we allow God to chagne them we can be completely different. We can't do it on our own....only God can chagne us! How? #1. Accept Jesus as your Savior. #2. Invite the Holy Spirit to come in and change you. #3. Tarry (wait and keep praying until God makes that change in you).
I give tonight: B-
Favorite Moment: Group Resplit
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