Tonight's topic was all about God. We first started taking about that we bleive that there is a God. We believe that nature, our own natural inclinations,a nd the Bible point to the fact that there is a being that is all-powerful (omnipotent), all-knowing (omniscient), and all-present (omnipresent). If this is true, it means that He is in control, he sets the rules, he knows everythign about us, and he is able to be present with us even during the darkest of times.
Secondly, we beleive that there is only One God. We don't believe that there is any other true God, only the God we serve. If this is true then only our God should be served and believed in.
Thirdly, We believe that God is a Trinity. This is the belief that he is three in one, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Talk with Alex if you would like the handout for this portion, as it is difficult to explain. If this is true, it shows us that we are not to stand alone, we are created for community.
Lastly, We believe that Jesus is God. He was nto a created being, he is and always has been God. He came to this earth becoming both fully human and fully God. He died for our sins and rose form the dead, where he now sits with the father in heaven. if this is true, we can have full assurance of our faith and trust our sins are forgiven when we ask for forgiveness.
Will you commit with me this summer to brow in yoour knowledge of what you believe?
I give tonight: A
Favorite Moment: Klondike Bar Challenge