Saturday, September 17, 2011

BINGO! #2: Ignite -- 091411

Tonight we continued our series called BINGO! by looking at the letter I for ignite.  We started by talking about there needing to be three things in order for ignition to take place: oxygen, fuel, and heat.  Once there is enough oxygen and heat they will ignite the fuel.  This causes a chain reaction in which the fuel now provides the heat to continue ignited more fuel, all it needs is oxygen and more fuel to continue burning.  Jesus, after he died and rose again, appeared to his disciples one last time before going back into heaven.  In Acts 1:8 he tells them that there job will be to evangelize the whole world after he is gone but they won't have to do it on their own because they will recieve power when the Holy Spirit comes on them, an event we call baptism in the Holy Spirit.  They are indeed baptized and the church jumps to over 3000 in one day.  They were the fuel,t he oxygen was their belief that they had a job and that people were lost without Jesus, all they needed was a spark, heat!  And they got that in the form of the Baptism in the Holy Spirit.  The fuel was ignited and it burned brightly in their world, though not everyone was happy about it.  Later Peter and John, two of the disciples in charge of the church, were arrested for healing and speaking in the name of Jesus.  As they are brought back for judgement they are told they can't talk about Jesus any more, they reject this and go back to the other believers.  Tehy pray and are filled with the Holy Spirit and the bible says in acts 4:31 that after they were filled they went out speaking boldly (without fear!).  Why?  Because they had ignition, the Spirit had fille dhtme, he moved and compelled them to tell others. 

We need to reach our world with the gospel of Christ so that as many as are willing will be saved.  In order to do this we must:  #1.  Be the fuel, be willing to do the job God ahs called us to, to reach others for him.  #2.  Have oxygen, which is believeing that people are lost and that we have the one way of bringing them salvation.  #3.  Be ignited byt he heat source, the infilling of the Holy spirit.  You are the fuel, if you bleieve you have the oxygen, now you just need the heat applied so you can ignite!

I give tonight: A-
Favorite Moment: 20 minutes of small group time!

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