Saturday, April 7, 2012

The Greatest Sci-Fi Novel #6: Epilouge -- 040412

Tonight we finished off our series about the Bible by talking about the epilouge, not that there will be a new Bible written, but rather that Jesus has promised He would return.  An epilogue is the final part of the book that ties up loose ends and plants a seed for a coming sequel.  It gives you a sneak peek at what is coming next in the overall story, and it is supposed to keep you engaged until the next book arrives.  Acts 1:6-11 gives us the epilogue.  In it Jesus tells his disciples they are now to go into the whole world, with the Holy Spirit's help, and preach the good news.  Then he ascends into heaven and it is foretold he would return the same way he left.  This is the sneak peek into what is to come.  We don't know when Jesus will return (mt. 24:36) but we know everyone will know it when he does (mt. 24:23-27).  This will be at the end of the world as we know it, and the beginning of eternity with our destiny of choice.  So we know He is coming and we wait in eager anticipation.  2nd Peter 3:10-14 tries to keep us egaged until Jesus returns.  It asks the vital question: How we ought to live?  It answers by saying holy and godly lives, doing what he has called us to do.  We are called to be transformers.  Situational Transformers (taking care of those in need and standing up for justice), Soul Transformers (converting people), and Self Transformers (purifying our lives).  Are you excited for his return?  What will you do in order to be ready?  What will you stop doing and start doing?  What will you do in order to help yourself not lose focus on his coming? 

I give tonight: B
Favorite Moment: Taking communion together

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