Saturday, June 1, 2013

052913: OMG! God is Patient

Message: OMG! – God is Patient

I.                    Introduction
a.       Over the next few weeks we are going to be talking about different character traits of God.  Beyond this, God desires us to be like him.  Ephesians 5:1 says, “Be imitators of God…”  So we will show how we can live out that characteristic in our own lives.
b.      Tonight we are going to look at the character trait of being patient
                                                               i.      2nd Peter 3:9b – “The Lord is patient…”
                                                             ii.      We have a God who is patient.
II.                 Body
a.       God’s Patience
                                                               i.      In greek the word for patience is two words together “suffer” and “long” meaning that patience is suffering, but holding up under that suffering for a long period of time. (like our game earlier)
1.      It can be a suffering brought about circumstances (being in line)
2.      It can be a suffering brought about by a person (being annoyed)
                                                             ii.      Being patient means that despite that suffering we remain self-controlled rather than lashing out.  Maybe that is holding your tongue, or maybe it is holding your fist.  No matter how much a circumstance or a person provokes you, you hold back what YOU think they deserve for those actions. (not necessarily what they really deserve but what you think they deserve)
1.      Eventually patience runs out and you give the person what YOU think they deserve for their actions.
2.      Illus: The monkey attack video
3.      They taunted and taunted and finally the monkey had enough of their antics and the patience ran out and he gave them what he felt the deserved for their actions.
                                                            iii.      When we say that God is patient, we are saying he holds back from giving what people who have provoked him deserve.  And God knows exactly what we deserve for our actions.
1.      What kind of actions have we done that would provoke God to act and end his patience toward us?
                                                           iv.      2nd Peter 3:9 – “The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness.  He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.”
1.      Some of you in this room have been called again and again to surrender your life to God.  He has up to this point been patient with you and will continue to do so until the moment when it is too late.  Sadly we don’t know when that moment is
2.      So rather than continuing to turn your back on his forgiveness and love and instead doing your own thing, why not tonight repent?  Why not ask him for forgiveness and allow him to start changing your life?  It is better than getting to the point when his patience runs out.
3.      Pray for those who raise their hands
III.               Conclusion
a.       If God is a patient God, that means we need to be patient people.
b.      Ephesians 4:2 says, “Be patient, bearing with one another in love.”
c.       Who is someone that you have a difficult time being patient with?  It is time to ask them and God for forgiveness for being impatient with them.  It is time to make a new commitment to be patient with them from this day forward. 
d.      Give them as many chances as God has given you!

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