Friday, June 14, 2013

061213: Welcome to the TAB #1 -- The TABernacle

Welcome to the TAB! #1 – Only One Way

I.                   Introduction
a.       Welcome to the TAB!  We have been known as the TAB since January 1st, 2003, when the youth at that time picked it as the name.  There were other choices like:
                                                              i.      Anchors, Anti-Cats, Alex is Cool, The Ax Youth Group, Hoi Hagiazoi, Kitty Cat Lovers, More than Conquerors, NLH (Ne Life Hunters), The Rampaging Mad Men, Ravenous Crusaders, Rock Solid, S.C.H.O.O.L (Solid Christians Holy Organized Outfitted Loving *motto: School Rocks!*)
b.      Tonight we are starting our summer series called: Welcome to the TAB!  Tonight I want to talk about the thing we are named after, the Tabernacle.
c.       The Tabernacle was a tent structure that the Israelites kept with them in order to meet with God and worship Him.  So let’s go and explore it outside!
II.                Body
a.       The Outside (Anyone Jewish Could Enter)
                                                              i.      The Court (150’x75’x7’6”)
1.      The Entrance (30’x7’6”) to the east
a.       Made of purple, red, blue linen with angels embroidered into it
b.      Only way in or out of the Tabernacle, access was limited
2.      The Bronze Altar (7’6”x7’6”x4’6”)
a.       This is where all the sacrifices were made, whether grain, oil, or animal.
b.      It was to stay burning continually, even when it was being cleaned.
3.      The Basin
a.       Made of bronze mirrors and filled with water
b.      Priests would wash their hands and feet before sacrificing or entering the tabernacle.
                                                            ii.      The Tent (45’x13’6”x15’)
1.      It was called the tent of meeting.  During their travels with the Tabernacle, the presence of God travelled with them in the form of a pillar of cloud during the day and a pillar of fire by night
2.      The first cover was linen that was blue, purple, and red with angels embroidered into them
3.      There was three other covers one that was similar to the first, just without the embroidery.  The second was made rams skins dyed red, then manatee skins.
b.      The Inside (only priest could enter)
                                                              i.      Odds and Ends
1.      Entrance curtain made of blue, purple, and red linen, connected to 5 posts
2.      The tabernacle contained 1 ton of Gold, 3 ¼ tons of Silver, and 2 ¼ tons of Bronze.
                                                            ii.      Table of the Bread of the Presence/Showbread (3’x1’6”x2’3”) (North)
1.      Fresh bread was put on it every Sabbath (Saturday)
2.      Bread was placed on gold plates, there was frankincense in a gold bowls, gold cups and a pitcher of wine were placed there as well.
                                                          iii.      Lampstand (south)
1.      Made of 75lbs of pure gold
2.      It was the only source of light in the tabernacle
3.      Stayed burning continually
4.      Had 3 branches on each side, on each branch were 3 cups that looked like almond flowers.  There were 4 cups under each branch
                                                          iv.      Incense Altar (1’6”x1’6”x3’) (in front of curtain)
1.      Burned incense there morning and evening, as a symbol of prayer.
2.      The incense was a recipe that could only be used for the tabernacle
                                                            v.      Dividing Curtain (only high priest, once a year could enter)
1.      Made of blue, purple, and red linen with an angel design embroidered into it
                                                          vi.      Ark of the Covenant (3’9”x2’3”x2’3”) (in Most Holy Place)
1.      Wood box with gold over it
2.      Contained, Aaron’s budded staff (showed God had picked Aaron and his family has high priests); Stone tablets of the Covenant; Jar of Manna
3.      On top of it was placed the Mercy Seat/Atonement Cover
a.       A gold lid that had blood sprinkled on it on the day of atonement
b.      Above it were 2 cherubim (angels) facing each other with wings overshadowing the cover
c.       This was where the pillar of cloud/fire hovered over
III.             Application
a.       Ever since sin entered the world man has longed to be near God again, but not allowed.  Sin makes it so we cannot go near God, yet both us and He want a relationship again, we want to be near each other again.  But sin has put up a wall between us and God. (like the outer curtains)
b.      We are still allowed to see glimpses of God, but our access has been cut off.  And because our access has been cut off for this life, it means that our access has been cut off for eternity, when we die.
c.       Is there a way into the tabernacle?  Yes, through the east entrance, it is the only way in.
d.      What about in real life, how can we have a restored relationship with God and again be in his presence?  How can the sin be removed so there is no longer curtains standing in the way?
e.       John 14:1-6 says, ““Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in  me. In My Father’s house are many rooms; if it were not so, I would have told you.  I am going there to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am. You know the way to the place where I am going.” Thomas said to him, “Lord, we don’t know where you are going, so how can we know the way?” Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.
f.       In the tabernacle there was only one entrance at the front of the tabernacle, only one way to God.  There is still only one way to God, only one way to salvation, only one way to forgiveness, only one way to peace, only one way to contentment, only one way to heaven, and only one way to hope.
g.      No person can approach God unless it is through Jesus.  What do I mean by that? 
h.      Jesus died on a cross, taking our sin upon himself, because of that he offers us the opportunity to have our sins removed/forgiven if we ask and repent. 
i.        Romans 10:9 says, “That if you confess with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.
j.        So tonight if you are wanting those curtains removed so you can have access to God, to freedom, to peace, to heaven, you have to go through Jesus, and that is by both confession of Him being your God and Leader, and believing that He came back to life, giving you forgiveness of sins, confessing them to God and turning away from them, and instead choosing to follow him. 
k.      Is that you tonight?  Do you want to be back in relationship with God?

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