Tuesday, March 31, 2009

One Last Meal

For our C.I.A. Meeting this morning we continued our journey through the book of Mark. We talked about Mark 14:1-31. This passage takes place during the final week of Jesus' life on earth.
In this passage we find Jesus visiting a house a couple days before passover. It is the house of a man named Simon the leper. While Jesus was there a woman came in and poured some perfume on his head. Judas becomes mad at this, but Jesus corrects him. Judas goes to those seeking to kill Jesus and agrees to betray him for 30 silver coins.
Two days pass and Jesus and his disciples prepare for the passover.

As they are eating Jesus announces that one of them will betray him. They all deny it. Then he took some bread, broke it, gave thanks, and had them all eat it. He told them it was his body that would be broken for them. He then passed a cup to them and had them all drink from it. He told them it was his blood for a new covenant with them. Afterward he told them again that he would be arrested and that they would scatter. Peter denied this, saying he was willing to die for Jesus rather than deny him. Jesus told him that he would deny him three times before the rooster crowed in the morning. They then left the room and sang a hymn.

During our application time we talked about how we wanted to remember us when we died. What exactly do we want people to remember us for? Then we discussed how to make that happpen, which is by saying it and acting it out/living it out. Jesus wanted us to remember that he died for us and that through him we can have a relationship with God. He helped us remember this by saying, living it out, but also by giving us the symbol of communion. Communion helps us remember why Jesus came, what he did, and that he will one day return!

I give this morning: C+

Favorite moment of the morning: Josh wanting people to remember him for his ability to fly

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