Friday, May 29, 2009

Amazing Race #4 -- Pit Stop -- May 27th

Tonight we completed our series called: The Amazing Race. At the end of the race there is the final pit stop, a place of reward and rest. We continued our story of the Israelites this week. When we left them last they had been sentenced to wander in the desert for 40 years, until all the past generation (save 2) would pass away. We read in Joshua 3:14-17 and 4:18 as the Israelites, lead now by Joshua, enter the promised land. In order to do this they must cross through a flooded river, the Jordan. God causes the water to stop, so Israel can walk through it on dry ground (just like the Red Sea!). So Israel, when they put their trust in God and acted were able to enter the promised land because God opened up for them a way in.

The application for you is this. We all have a promised land, we call it heaven. It is a place where anyone that puts their faith in Jesus will go after death. god is there and it will be a place that is fileld iwth joy, complete peace and contement will be had, and it will last forever. It will be more than you coul ever hop eand imagine. God has made a way for us to enter this promised land. We can earn it by living a perfect life, but since we all have sinned that isn't a possiblity for us. Or we can go through Jesus' death for us. He took our place. So all we have to do is trust and act to make it to the promised land. Romans 10:9 says, "That if you confess with your mouth Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead you will be saved." You have to make him your lord (do what he tells you and listen to his leading) and you must believe in his death and resurrection. When we do those two things we are allowed in to the promised land when we die. Won't you join me and others before who have put their trust in God?

I give tonight: D-
Favorite moment: Whack-A-Kitty

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