We started our three week series called Heroes tonight. The focus of this evening was finding out about our superpowers. We began with the story of a girl named Agnes who was born to small upper-middle class family. At the age of 8 her father died, leaving their family in extreme poverty. Yet during this time they continued to go to church. At the age of 12 she decided that she was called to be a missionary and at the age of 18 she left. She worked in the country of India for 20 years as a missionary. Then one day while riding a train she had a vision of Jesus telling her to go after her passion, which was the same as his, the poor, hurting, and unloved. She dedicated the next 49 years of her life going after that passion, reaching out to lepers, the homeless, widows, and the extremely poor. God used her passion, her past, and even her stature (she was 4'10") to change many lives and help many people. Her name was changed and she became known as Mother Teresa.
Every comic book hero in their first book has to find out two things: What is their secret power and how did they get their secret power. We have been giving superpowers by God, each and every one of us. What is your superpower? It is made of three parts: 1. Who you are (character, past, personality). 2. Your talents and God-given gifts. These can be something that you are born with, something God enhances, or something God adds later on. 3. Your passion, that is the things that you care about the most. Once you know your superpower you have to figure out how you got it. The answer for real humans is simple: 1. You were born with it, 2. You grew up into it, and 3. God gave it to you. Since God is the one that gave you the power, it means that the best use of your power is wherever God directs it and however he directs you to use it.
I give tonight:
A-Favorite Moment:
The story of Agnes
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