Tonight we continued our series about being Heroes. Last week we discussed how every hero has a superpower and there is a need to discover what it is and how we got it. We decided our superpowers are our talents/passions and we get them from God, so they should be directed by Him. The next step in all superhero stories is they find out what their weakness is.
We all have weaknesses, things that consistently get in between you and God. Your enemy knows what your weaknesses are and will use it. And it can be more than one thing. We read from Mark 9:43-47 in which Jesus tells us to gid rid of anything that causes us to sin, no matter how important it is to us (he doesn't mean literally to gouge out your eyes). So we came up witha 5 step plan to help you overcome your weaknesses.
#1 -- Admit it (actually admit to yourself and God that you have a weakness and what it is)
#2 -- Give it (to God to handle and forgive)
#3 -- Leave it (get rid of whatever is causing you to get entangled in it. Which means if it is porn, get rid of the internet, if it is partying with a friend, stop hanging out with that friend)
#4 -- Show it (tell others what your weakness is so that they can encourage and pray for you)
#5 -- Repeat #1-#4 as necessary
Make sure you go and check out our picture website for pictures of youth that dressed up as superheroes tonight! Find it at: http://thetabyouth.spaces.live.com/
I give tonight: A
Favorite Moment: Joshua Justman Stripping
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