We read from Genesis 41 today as we continued the story of Joseph. A quick review: Joseph was born to a large but rich family, he was the favored son, he did the right thing and told on his brothers for being lazy, he did the wrong thing and bragged about his dreams, his brothers hated him and tried to kill him, his brothers instead sold him into slavery, he was sold to an executioner as his slave, he did the right things and the house prospered, his master's wife offered to sleep with him but he continually rejected it, the wife claimed he tried to rape her so he is thrown into jail, he interpreted dreams of those in jail and asked them to remember him, two years pass while in jail, he is released to interpret the Pharaoh's dream, he intrepts it and is appointed as the 2nd in command of all of Egypt...whew...
Why was Joseph hated by his brothers? Partially for being the favored son, but partially for doing the right thing.
Why was Joseph sold into slavery? For doing what his dad asked.
Why was Joseph put in jail? For not committing adultery.
Why was Joseph put as the 2nd in command? Because God had grace on him.
So hold onto these truths. #1 Life is hard. #2 Doing the right thing doesn't guarentee immediate success in life. #3 Doing the wrong thign doesn't guarentee immediate punishment. #4 Doing the right thing will eventually be rewarded (even if not in this life). #5 Doing the wrong thing will eventually be punished (even if not in this life). In the mean time keep doing the right thing, no matter what the consequences are or what is going on in your life.
I give this morning: B-
Favorite Moment: Lima, Peru Challenge
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