Today we read from Genesis 45:1-11 and 50:15-21. Both passages have to do with Joseph being reunited with the brothers who sold him into slavery and having to make a choice of whether to handle them with love and forgivness or revenge. In both cases he chose not to revenge because he knew that God was working and used their evil to bring about good, the saving of all from the famine.
Bad things happen to each one of us. Sometimes this is because of our own actions, sometimes by other people's actions, sometimes by God's will. But who caused it isn't as important as how we react to that bad thing. We don't always understand why they happen but they hurt us non the less. Soemtiems we react with anger, fear, depression, or even revenge. But the proper reaction is none of these but instead a trust that God will take care of you no matter what else goes on. That even though it hurts right now, God is right there besied you taking care of you. We need to trust that one day God will use that expereince to help others. Romans 8:28-38 tells us just this, he works together everything for the good of those who follow after him. No matter what he can take the worst circumstances and turn them for God.
I give this morning: B+
Favorite Moment: Rock Scissors Paper Tourneyment
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