Tonight we started our new series: Committed. We started with the story of Hosea. He was called to go and marry an adulterous woman, so he married Gomer. They had a son and daughter together, then she had another son, but it wasn't Hosea's. She left him for another man, became a prostitute and became enslaved because of debt. Hosea heard God tell him to go and buy her out of slavery and take her back as his wife. Now why did God do this? Because he was giving a picture of him and the nation of Israel. He had called them as his people and committed to watch over them as long as they followed him, but they turned to other gods, enslaving themselves. But each time he bought them back out of slavery. After one of thse times when they went into actual slavery a man wrote in Lamentations 3:22-23, "Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed, for His compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness." He knew that God has committed to them even though they had sinned and God had punished, that He was still faithful to them.
God is committed to us as well, even at the first sin, when Adam and Eve did wrong, he said he wuold one day bring back his relationship with man, stating in various ways that he was faithful and committed to us. But it isn't his words that make us believe that he is committed to us, but his actions. Jesus' death which brough back the ability to have a relationship with him.
God is still committed to us, and to you specifically. He is committed to love you , no matter what you have done. He is committed to care for you, when you are hurting. He is committed to listen to you, when you speak to him. He is committed to have a relationship with you, no matter how many times you run from him. He is committed to forgive you, when you ask for it. Now it is your turn to decide what to do with his commitment.
I give tonight: A
Favorite Moment: Prayer working for Kendal
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