Tonight we talked about being commmited to service, which in its most basic form means helping. We read from Mark 10:35-45 in which Jesus challenges his disciples to serve from a leadership position, rather than demanding others serve them. Jesus himself tells them that he didn't come to be served but rather to serve, so follow his example.
Why do we serve? Not to put on a resume, impress others, or make yourself fell better. Instead it is an act of worship. It is also a picture of God's to others. We serve so we use instead of wasting the talents that God has given to us. Finally we erve because everyone has equal value.
How do we commit to serving? First we have to actually commit to it in our heads and hearts. Next find out your talent and passions. Then start to try new things. Give up something for more time if necessary. But eventually we must just actually go and do, instead of just saying we want to. When you are serving do your best, since ultimately you are serving God.
There are a lot of places to serve, won't you become committed to serve!
I give tonight: B
Favorite Moment: Picking on the addiction of texting
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