Saturday, February 25, 2012

The Greatest Sci-Fi Book #1 -- Exposition: 022212

Tonight we began a long (6 weeks) series about the Bible, it is entitled: The greatest sci-fi novel.  But not because the Bible is a sci-fi book, instead we are using The Hobbit as our great sci-fi novel and using the Bible as a book of truth (thought I would clarify that before we go to far).  Every good book as different parts (exposition, foreshadowing, rising action, climax, falling action, resolution, and an epilogue that leads to a sequel).  The Bible has all these parts, and though not a sci-fi book, it is a book of truth tha can change your life. 

Exposition introduces the protagonists (main characters) and the antagonists (those opposed to the main characters).  It introduces the conflict and gives the background and the setting for the rest of the book.  Genesis 1-3 is the expositional part of the Bible.  In it we learn who the protagonists are (God and man), who the antagonists are (satan and sin), what the conflict is (Satan tempts Adam and Eve to sin, causing a wedge to divide God and them from a close relationship, death enters the world), the background of the main characters (God has always been and is powerful enought to create everything, he intended everything to be good, man was created in his image, we are made to have relationship with each other and with God, we were intended to be perfect and live forever), and it gives us the setting for the rest of the book (the universe and specifically the earth that God created.  It is where the conflict started and where it will end).

We were created fora  relationship with people and with God.  You might feel alone and as though you are seperated from God and other people.  You don't have to be alone, God wants to restore your relationship with him and hwen you havea  good relationship with him you will be able to restore healthy relationships with people.  How do you get that relationship back?  That is what the next 5 weeks of the study are all about, but let me give you the end of the story.  Jesus sacrificed himself on the cross to restore relationship between you and God.  He was prefect and because of that was able to take your sins upon himself, taking your punishment.  All you have to do is believe and aks for forgiveness, making him your God.  When you do so, and really mean it, your relationship will start to be restored (then it is just a matter of spending time with him and obeying him in order to continue building that relationship).  You won't be seperated from him anymore.

I give tonight: A+
Favorite Moment: Having Jana back for the night.

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