Tonight we finished our villains series by looking at the biggest villain of all: Satan. Satan was an angel created by God, who desired God's postion, tried to lead a rebellion against God with angels he had convinced to follow him, and end up getting thrown out of heaven. At first he is refered to as Lucifier, meaning light bearer. But the other names used for him truly reveal his character. Satan (adversary), Devil (slanderer), Beelzebub (lord of the flies), Belial (good for nothing), Accuser of our brothers, Ancient serpent, Destroyer, Enemy, Evil one, Father of lies, God fo this age, Great dragon, Roaring lion, Murderer, One who leads the whole world astry, prince of this world, ruler of the kingdom of the air, Spirit at work in those who are disobedient, and Tempter. The first mention of him is int he garden of Eden, where he tempst eh first man and woman to disobey God. Why would he do this? Maybe, like so many others, he made bad decisions and was headed toward punishment, so he was trying to drag everyone else down to be punished as well. Jesus, in John 8:44, tells us that he is a liar, who speaks his native language when he is lying, and that he is the father of lies. When I was in youth group one teaching that I really remember was a pastor telling us, "Satan is not your friend" He doesn't want anything good for you, and if at the time it seems good, just wait it will turn into a trap for you. He is a liar and will do anything to make you believe his lies so you will be drawn away from god and get thrown into hell with him.
When it comes to liars other than Satan, there are two things we should do. #1. Avoid, stop beliving them and keep away from them. If you don't you will either believe more lies or you will start to act like them and becomea liar yourself. #2. Learn from them. In Pslam 31:5 we learned that our God is is an honest God, so we should be honest because God is honest. IN Proverbs 12:22 we find out that God delights in honest lips, we should be honest because God likes it. In John 8:32 Jesus stell us that truth will set us free. We should be honest becuase it is good for us, it gives us less stress and helps us to live a better life in which we are trusted by those around us.
I give tonight: A-
Favorite Moment: OK Go Video
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