Saturday, January 25, 2014

012214: Where Are You?

Message: Where Are You?
I.                    Introduction
a.       During this coming year we are going to have an interlocking theme for each of the sermons, each one will be about a question that is asked in the Bible.
b.      Often the Bible gets looked at as something full of answers (which it does have) but it is amazing when you read the Bible how many Questions it asks, and not just silly questions, but deep ones that go to the core of our life.
c.       So each week we will look at one of those questions and hopefully by the end of the year see ourselves more rooted in Christ as we grow together.
d.      Illus: Have Groups Present their Plays
                                                             a.      Saul – Gordie/James
                                                            b.      Jonah – David/Sharon
                                                             c.      Elijah – Lacey/Karen
e.       Each of these stories had something in common, in each case the people in the story were hiding from God
                                                             a.      Saul hid from his destiny, his calling to be king.  He was afraid, yet God sought him out even though he was hiding because God had something important for him to do!
                                                            b.      Jonah knew what he was supposed to do but had ran from it doing his own thing.  He was going to hide as far away from God as he could think…but God sought him out so he could put him back on the right track, correcting his sinful choices.
                                                             c.      Elijah was depressed, scared, and in pain.  He felt abandoned and just wanted to die.  Yet God sought him out and gave him hope, healed his pain, and removed his fear by showing how powerful he was.
II.                 Body
a.       The first instance of this hiding is found in Genesis 3:6-9.  And this also where we will find our question of the night
b.      Read Genesis 3:6-9 – “When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, she took some and ate it.  She also gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate it.  Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and ty realized they were naked; so they sewed fig leaves together and made coverings for themselves.  Then the man and his wife heard the sound of the Lord God as he was walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and they hid from the Lord God among the trees of the garden.  But the Lord God called to the man, “Where are you?””
                                                             a.      When they sinned they had broken their relationship with God and felt dirty, thus they first try to hide their sin by covering up their bodies, hiding themselves from each other and the world around them.  Suddenly they felt exposed and ashamed, and could think of nothing better to do but to hide
                                                            b.      But then things get worse because they forgot about one part of the equation, God.  And now he is in the garden walking toward them.  What would he do when he found them?  Would he kill them, would he hate them?  So they hid.
                                                             c.      But God doesn’t just walk by, ignoring the problem.  Nor does he just walk up to them and say, “You dirty sinners come and get judged.”  Instead he calls to them, “Where are you?”  allowing them the chance to come out of hiding.
                                                            d.      Did God know where they were?  Yes, but he was seeking them out
                                                                                i.      Even though they were dirty, even though they were avoiding him, even though they didn’t deserve to have a relationship with God again, he went looking for them
III.               Conclusion (Things that are true for your life)
a.       We all hide at some point in our lives
                                                             a.      Some hide to avoid doing what God has called them to do.  Maybe this is with a calling in your life (to be a pastor, missionary, teach a SS class, be on worship team, etc…), sometimes this is making a lifestyle change (stopping hanging out with certain friends, getting out of a bad relationship, etc…)
                                                            b.      Some hide to avoid God correcting us from our sinful choices.  We turn up our music and tune out God (stopping praying, reading the bible, listening when in church), we like our lives how they are and don’t want to hear we are doing something wrong.
                                                             c.      Some hide to avoid God because we have lost our relationship with him and feel he might hate us or not accept us back.
                                                            d.      Some hide to run away from fear and pain, we are depressed and just want to die, so we hide from God and from the world, the pain is too great we don’t want anyone to find out, so we hold it in and smile.
                                                             e.      Maybe you are hiding tonight
b.      But God is seeking you out
                                                             a.      God wants to show you your purpose and walk with you as you live that out, you won’t have to do it alone.
                                                            b.      God wants to correct you when you are making sinful choices because he wants the best thing for you and to help you before things get worse.
                                                             c.      God wants to mend the broken relationship he has with you, not so he can punish you but so he can restore what has been lost between the two of you.
                                                            d.      God wants to take away your fear, pain, and depression by showing his power to you and giving you hope
                                                             e.      God is seeking you out, tonight he is asking, “Where are you?”
c.       If that is you tonight and you want God to find you, to guide, correct, mend, or heal, then I want you to do something brave tonight, everyone look at your table leader, and if that is you tonight and you want to stop hiding, tell your leader at your table right now, “I’m here.” 
d.      I’ll pray and then you can talk at your table about this and be prayed for by your leader.

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