Today we covered Genesis 12:10-20; 20:1-18; and 26:1-35. In these chapters we find three stories that are very similar. In 12:10-20, Abraham and his wife Sarah travel to Egypt, he begs his wife to claim to be his sister so that they won't kill him in order to get at her. Because of this lie the pharoah takes Sarah into his house in order to marry her. A plague strikes until the pharoah relaizes what has happened and returns Sarah. The same exact thing happens in chapter 20, though with a different king in a different location. In chapter 26 we see Abraham's son do the same thing.
Some things we shouldn't get from these chapters:
1. Marry someone ugly it will keep you from trouble
2. Lie all you want, God will protect you
3. Don't show affection to your spouse in public
4. We are destined to do the sins of our parents
Instead we should learn the following:
1. Lying is wrong
2. Sin hurts everyone, even those not directly involved int he sin
3. Our actions are watched and followed by those around us
We lead others, even when we don't think that we do, so be careful how you lead and what you lead them to do.
I give this morning: B
Favorite Moment: Follow the leader pileup with Josh and Samuel
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