What is righteousness? It is an absolute quality of moral conformity of one's character to the character of God. It means you exactly perfect in the way you are because you are exactly like God. Another way of saying it: Dong the right thing at all times. This inner righteousness is shown to be held by the actions exhibited outwardly.
We looked at several scriptures. 1st John 3:7 tells us that the person who does right is righteous. Matthew 6:33 tells us that we are supposed to seek after God's righteousness. Isaiah 64:6 compares our personal righteousness to filthy rags. Romans 3:10 tells us that no a single person on this planet is righteous (since we have all sinned). Matthew 5:20 tells us that unless we are more righteious than Pharisees (strict followers of the law) then we can not get into heaven. Psalm 119:137 tells us that God is righteous. Romans 1:17 tells us that righteousness comes from God through faith (just like Abram). Finally Philippians 3:9 says that righteousness comes from belief in Christ Jesus, not our own works.
What does this all mean? It means that we personally will never be good enought to get into heaven or even have a relationship with God, but that when we place our faith in Jesus we are counted as righteous, so we both get a relationship with God and everlasting life in heaven. Now that is so me good news!
I give this morning: C
Favorite Moment: Super Jews
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