Today we talked about the myth that accepting Jesus is it. When we accept Jesus we are guaranteed heaven, because he has forgiven our sins, so that part is right. But does that mean after we accept him we just kind of hangout, party, do whatever we want until we die and go to heaven?
It is true that accepting Jesus gives us salvation, it is in no way based on our works. But part of accepting Jesus is making him our Lord/Master/God, which means that we are surrendering to do his will not our own. Salvation is only a starting point of a long journey.
We read from Hebrews 5:12-14, which tells us that when we are first saved that we are babies, and that we should grow over time, but many have not and have remained acting like babies. You are a baby when you get saved, which means you need a lot of noursishment and caref rom God and others Christians, but after a time you are supposed to learn to craw/walk/run/feed yourself,a nd then eventaully care for others as you were cared for. How ridicoulous if in real life we never stopped acting like babies? We just cried and laid their and waited for our parents to move us around/burp us/feed us/change us? It would be silly. Yet many of us continue to act like baby christians after years of being saved, this shouldn't be. So if accepting Jesus is just the starting point what else is there?
Alteration -- which means transformation and purification from the bad things we do
Baptisms -- which means both in water and in the Holy Spirit
Commuion -- which is taking commuion in order to remember what Jesus has done for us
Doing Good Deeds -- whcihs is serving others, loving, and choosing to do the right things
Evangelsim -- which is sharing with others about what Jesus has done for them
Fellowship with Believers -- which is hangout with other christians to encourage in faith
Going after Destiny -- which is finding and doing what God has for our lives
This myth is busted! the truth is: Salvation is the 1st Step
I give tonight: A+
Favorite Moment: (tie) Choose your own adventure or The application envelope time or All babies look like slugs
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