Tonight we concluded our mythbusting series with the myth that we can make it on our own. It is true that we can try and make it on our own, but eventually we are going to encounter prlbems that are bigger than ourselves. And when we try to conquer those problems our own our we only end up failing. You need someone else to make it through. The good news is that you don't have to try to make it on your own, there are others ready to lend a helping hand.
This youth group and the church is a place where you can find support for those trying times. We talked about how when you interleave two books together and then try to pull them apart it will take a tank before you will see them budge. in the same way when you have three strands of rope and interweave them, they are stronger than they would be on their own (Ecclesiasties 4:12). Just like the books or the ropes, our power is derived from relying on each other, rather than trying to make it on your own.
Ultimately, our hoep is that you will end up not just relying on people in the church or youth group but turn and fully rely on God, because God will never fail you. He knows all things, sees all things, and has all the power, so he is the best one to help you through hard times.
The myth that we can make it on our own is busted, the truth is we need help. Sometimes we don't ask because we are embarrased, or don't know who we can trust, or because we think we can make it on our own. Don't be ashamed to ask for help, remember you can trust the church and God, and stop thinking you can make it on your own!
I give tonight: D
Favorite moment: Strong people trying to pull apart two small books
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