Saturday, June 23, 2012

Quantum Leap #3: Water Baptism -- 062012

Tonight we continued our series: Quantum Leap, by leaping back into my past when I was baptized.  Baptism is part of the process of being a Christian (Matthew 28:19-20).  We are called to be saved and become Jesus' disciples and the next step that is mentioned is being baptized in water.  We also see discipleship/spiritual growth and evangelism as part of that process.  In other places we see God calling us to Communion and Baptism in the Holy Spirit as Well.  But Water Baptism is mentioned several times as the next step for christians to take after salvation.  It is a symbolic ritual that reminds us of Jesus' death and resurrection as well as our own spiritual journey of dying to sin and being made alive in Christ.  (Romans 6:3-4).  There are many errors when it comes to ideas of water baptism.  #1.  Don't do it becuase others are.  #2.  Don't do it because you feel guilted into it.  #3.  Baptism won't forgive your sins, it is a sign of what has already taken place in your life, the forgiveness of your sins by Jesus Christ.  #4.  Baptism won't make you perfect, you will still sin and be a mess afterwards but it is part of the process of holiness that God has called us to.  If you are saved and aren't baptized it is time to think about taking this step.  Let me know if you are interested.  We are doing baptisms at Maryhill on August 1st.

I give tonight: B-
Favorite Moment: Wait....Tera's still here?

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Quantum Leap #2 -- Influence: 061312

Tonight we continued our series: Quantum Leap as we travel back through my life and use it to change your future for good.

In High School I felt called by Goid to become a pastor and ended up going to Eugene Bible College in 1998.  When I got there I was very shy and didn't know anyone, so I spent a lot of time in the dorms hanging out.  Which mean tthat I was spending time with others who hung out in the dorms.  When I got part of th eway through my sophomore year I realized that the friends I was hanging out with weren't the best influences on me.  They gamed constantly, they eat a lot, they would swear randomly, they would talk about inappropriate things, they weren't really focused on why they were at Bible College.  By spending time with them I was taking on all those same habits.  I felt convicted by God that I need to make a change in my life, but it meant that I had to start hanging out with new people, in a new place, in order to escape that influence that kept dragging me in and away from God.  I had to choose which was more important, those friends or my relationship and call with God.  It was not an easy decision, but I made the change.

Yeast is a funus that spreads under certain circumstances.  It is how we get fluffy bread, but it doesn't tkae a lot of yeast in order to leaven an entire batch of bread.  Galatians 5:7-9 talks about a church who was being influenced by a group that was trying to add works to salvation and they are told that a little yeast works through the whole batch.  We need to careful about who we spend the majority of our lives with, because they will change us to be more like them, if there is a little bad it will work through the whole group.  We need to be careful about what we spend our time watching, reading, and listening to.  They will change us to be more like what they are telling us is true and right.  Whether it is media or people, they will influence us, and if they're influence is a bad one, we will become slowly corrupted and thus turned away from our relationship with God and the destiny he has for us.  So here is my advice looking at my past: Get rid of bad influences, doing it as completely as poosible so they won't drag you back in.  Choose God over friends, his way is more important and has better things for us when we choose him.  Put good influences, both media and people, into your life.  Be a good influence to others.

I give tonight: A-
Favorite Moment: The Return of Cody

Quantum Leap #1 -- Salvation: 060612

Tonight we started a new series entitled Quantum Leap.  In the show the main character bounced through time chaning the past for good.  During this series I want to bounce through my life and use it to change the future for good.  Tonight we read from Luke 15:11-32, the parable of the prodigal son.  Some things to keep in mind when you read this passage: To ask for an inheritance before the death of your fathe would be about the same as saying, "You are useless, I don't need you, I just want your money, and I wish you were dead."  Second, pigs were considered unclean animals, they shouldn't be eatan, they shouldn't even be touched.  Third, runing for old men was conisdered disgraceful and beneath them.  Finally, fatted calves were set aside for special occasions and were very expensive.

I grew up in a Christian House, we went to church all the time, I was fine with God.  My parents liked Him and worshipped Him, so I did too.  My parents read their bibles, so I did too.  But ti was their faith, not my own.  It was June 1990, I was 9 and I lived in a small town in Oregon at the time and my parents took my borther and I to Portland to see a group called the Power Team.  The power team was a group that would break things to show God's power being used through them, at the end they presented a message from Luke 15.  At the end fo the message they asked for anyone that wanted to come forward, just as the son returned home, we were returnign to God, asking him for forgivness. I went forward and prayed, making faith in God my own, not something I did because of my parents.  I started a personal relationship with God that night and all of my sins were forgiven.  I became saved at that moemnt.  I was dead, but had been made alive again, I was lost, but had been found by God.

Do any of you find it amazing that God, represented by the Father in this story, was willing to take his son back home?  Do you find it amazing that he didn't just make his son grovel at his feet begging for forgiveness, but ran out and forgave him instantly?  do you find it amazing that God was willing to forgive everything that son had done.  God is waiting for you to come home.  He wants to forgive you and welcome you back.  All that it takes is you deciding to go to Him, a simple decision that you want to have a relatioship with your Heavenly Father.  And when you make that decision and start heading toward home, when you ask him for forgiveness, he will come running to you, loving you no matter what, forgiving you every thing you have done, not holding it over you, but instead celebrating that his sons and daughters who were dead are live again, who were lost are now found!  Are you ready to go home?

I give tonight: A+
Favorite Moment: Youth getting saved!

Monday, May 28, 2012

Red Shirt #4 -- Good Soil: 052312

Tonight we completed our Red Shirt series by looking at the last type of soil talked about in Luke 8:4-8, 11-15.  This type of soil isn't a red shirt soil, but a gold shirt one.  They are the ones that grow and mature and produce.  It tells us about them in verses 8 and 15.  It says they are seed tha fall on good ground, which means they end up growing and reaching teh full potential that God created them for.  They grow, mature, thrive, and reproduce.  The people described here believe in Jesus, accept him as their Savior, make him their master, and then go out and convert others. 

It tells us that these type of people are defined by doing 5 different things.  #1.  They have a good and noble heart.  This comes by allow God, through His Holy Spirit, to transform us.  Then we resolve to do good and noble things, finding out what is good and noble, and actually acting on it.  #2.  They hear God's word.  This could be by going to church, reading the Bible, praying, reading Christian books, talking with people about God's word, etc...  #3.  They retain God's word.  We can do this by memorization and setting down markers to remind yourself.  #4.  They persevere. No matther what happens they hold onto their faith in God.  They spend time with Him so they can learn trust.  #5.  They produce a crop.  They actually go out and tell other people the good news about Jesus.  These are signs that accompany a mature Christian. 

I give tonight: B+
Favorite Moment: Evoke Video

Friday, May 18, 2012

Red Shirts #3: Thorny Soil -- 051612

We continued our study of Luke 8:4-8, 11-15 and our series entitled Red Shirts.  Tonight we focused on verses 6 and 13.  God's word goes out (as seeds) and lands on the soil (people's hearts) developing faith (plants).  Different people react differently to this gospel.  The type of soil we talked about tonight is thorny ground.  This seed falls in thorny soil, it starts to grow but never reaches its full potential because it is choked out by the thorn bushes that surround it.  The people described here believe in Jesus, accept Him as their Savior, but never really make Him their master.  They don't weed out the thigns that hinder them from growing in maturity and understanding of God.  Because of this their faith is never fully developed.  Theya re the people that you here about when it is said, "Wait, I thought _____(fill in a name) was a Christian but they ________(fill in a sin).  They act like veryone else around them and because of this no one knows they are "Christian" or if they do they think of them as a hypocrite.  They in no way help anyone else either in this life or for eternity.

The thorns represent life's worries, riches, and pleasures.  Each of these things makes us lose focus on the goal of growing our faith, they instead distract us, thus stunting our growth.  They are not all necessarily bad things, but if they are distracting us from focusing on the God and our relationship with Him then they are bad.  These things distract us and keep us from becoming mature, bearing fruit, whether that be good deeds, producing disciples for God, or just following the destiny God has for us. 

In order to avoid this fate we have to continually allow the Holy Spirit to weed our soil (hearts).  This must be done daily (weeds will grow constantly, vigilance is required), completely (therer can't be a par tof your life that is off limits to God, whether an action, an attitude, or a thought), and willingly (you must be willing to change that thing if God point sit out as crippling to your faith).  You can also find a friend that can help oint out those areas that you are not following God completely in and are distracted with. 

I give tonight: A-
Favorite Moment: How many army men were earned last week

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Red Shirt #2: Rocky Soil -- 050912

Tonight we continued our seires on Red shirts, those who dont' survive and thrive in their faith.  Tonight we looked at the second type of red shirt talked about in Luke 8:4-8, 11-15 by looking at 6 and 13.  In this part we see seed that is trhown on rocky ground.  Those taht fall there grow up very quickly but just as quickly wilt under the heat of the son because of lack of moisture.  They don't have enough soil to become firmly rooted and bring up the moiusture they need to survive, so they die.  In the same way there are people who get very exciteda bout Jesus and what he means to them, believing very quickly in him, but they never go deeper in their faith.  They have an emotional response to Jesus but never deepen their faith in him  Wehn hard times come they turn their back son him, because following him is no longer easy or fun.

There are a lot of difficult things people have to go through,s oem physical, some emotional, some mental.  When those with no root encounter these difficulties they end up abandoning their faith because it isn't fun anymore, it isn't easy, so like a fat person faced with the choice of a lazyboy or a treadmill they go with the easier fo two options.

Jesus overs a very simple solution of how to avoid becoming a red shirt in this way, become rooted.  It is all about spending time with God and building trust in him.  We must become rooted in Christ.  This can happen by spending time with him, developing trust in him,reading your bible, praying, going to church, talking about him, reading books that have to do with, etc...

Don't Be a Red Shirt!

I give tonight: B+
Favorite Moment: STL Offernig--Give Boldly!

Friday, May 4, 2012

Red Shirts #1: Trampled Dirt -- 050212

Tonight we began our new series: Red Shirts.  Red shirts in Star Trek are the expendable crew members.  They are usually killed off quickly to show the danger of the situation.  They usually are wearing red shirts, thus the name, and have no name.  They are destined to die.  When it comes to churches we have red shirts too.  They are the ones who don't have a faith tht survives and they never end up growing in their relationship with Christ. Don't be a red shirt! 

We read the parable to the sower (or soil if you wish) from Luke 8:4-8, 11-15.  A parable is a story with a point, trying to cmmunicate the point through a comparison.  Jesus used them quite often in order to help those who were listening understand what he was talking about, using fimiliar images.  he also used them so that only true seekers could understand the true meaning of the parables.  This particular parabel can teach us 3 ways we can be red shirts (those that don't survive or grow in their faith).

The seed is God's word, going out through preaching, evangelsim, etc...  This is the gospel, the good news that Jesus died, came back to life, and we can get forgiveness for the bad things (sins) we ahve done through Him so we can havea  good relationship with God now and for eternity in heaven.

The soil is different types of people's hearts and how they respond to the gospel.  Some never grow, some grow but die, some grow but never thrive, and some grow, thrive, and hel others grow.

The Path soil (verses 5 and 12) represents a hardened heart that refuses to ever listen to the gospel.  It is trampled down and hardened.  There is no way the seed can ever get into the ground in order to grow, so instead it lies on top , waiting its fate without ever fulfilling its purpose.  Why is it so hard?  It has been trampled down by others, it has never been softened through plowing.  These are people that have beaten down by those aruond them, they ahve experienced pain and are now bitter and unwilling ot allow anyone in to heal their pain.  Maybe you are this type of person, abused, neglected, hurt by something in your past, bitter against God for allowing theings to happen in your life.  Your heart has become hardened to hearing that God cares for you and wants to heal you, so you never let the message sink in.

The birds that eat up the seed represents the devil, our enemy.  The ultimate fate of the seed on hard soil is to be eaten by the birds.  Satan desires to keep you away from God, so that you, as he is, will be condemned to an eternity in hell.  He watns you to be bitter and in pain and never experiece the freedom that comes through Christ.

You don't have to be a redshirt, you don't have to live in pain and ibtterness any more.  But you hae to allow God to soften your heart, by opening up your pain and bitterness to him, releasing the grip you have had on it and let God have it isntead so he can heal it for you.

I give tonight: B-
Favorite Moment: Group resplit!

Monday, April 16, 2012

To Boldly Go! #1: Pray and Give -- 041112

Tonight we started our new series for the month called: To Boldly Go!  Over the last six weeks we have talked about a survey of the Bible.  For those of you here last week we talked about the epilogue, that Jesus was returning but that we have jobs until He returns.  One of those jobs is what this sereis is about: To Boldly Go!  We are called by God to be active "amabassadors" in our world, tryin gto get people to get back into a good relationship with God.  This mission is given in 3 parts by our denomination: Pray, Give, Go.  We will be talking about Pray and Give tonight because they both focus on other who are doing the mission already, then next week we will talk about us going on the mission personally.  The third week we have a special speaker who has just gotten back from going. 

Paul, a missionary in the arly church writes this to Christians ina  church and I think missionaries today would ask the same.  Ephesians 6:19-20.  We are to be praying boldly (which means without fear) for our missionaries.  Asking God to help those who are on the mission to accomplish their calling, and help them accomplish it more effectively.  it is a big responsibility, but it is worthwhile and needed. 

2nd Corinthians 9:6-13.  We are to give boldly (without fear) to our missionaries, so they can do their job more effectively.  This passage gives us several things to keep in mind with our giving:  #1.  Give generously.  #2.  When we give generously, God helps us out and rewards us, so that we can give even more.  #3.  We should determine what we are to give, and give it cheerfully not out of guilt or coercion.  #4.  Not only does your giving help the missionary it brings others closer to God.

You are a vital part of this mission to Boldly Go and change our world, and the first part of that is to give and to pray! 

I give tonight: C+
Favorite Moment: Easter Egg Challenges

Saturday, April 7, 2012

The Greatest Sci-Fi Novel #6: Epilouge -- 040412

Tonight we finished off our series about the Bible by talking about the epilouge, not that there will be a new Bible written, but rather that Jesus has promised He would return.  An epilogue is the final part of the book that ties up loose ends and plants a seed for a coming sequel.  It gives you a sneak peek at what is coming next in the overall story, and it is supposed to keep you engaged until the next book arrives.  Acts 1:6-11 gives us the epilogue.  In it Jesus tells his disciples they are now to go into the whole world, with the Holy Spirit's help, and preach the good news.  Then he ascends into heaven and it is foretold he would return the same way he left.  This is the sneak peek into what is to come.  We don't know when Jesus will return (mt. 24:36) but we know everyone will know it when he does (mt. 24:23-27).  This will be at the end of the world as we know it, and the beginning of eternity with our destiny of choice.  So we know He is coming and we wait in eager anticipation.  2nd Peter 3:10-14 tries to keep us egaged until Jesus returns.  It asks the vital question: How we ought to live?  It answers by saying holy and godly lives, doing what he has called us to do.  We are called to be transformers.  Situational Transformers (taking care of those in need and standing up for justice), Soul Transformers (converting people), and Self Transformers (purifying our lives).  Are you excited for his return?  What will you do in order to be ready?  What will you stop doing and start doing?  What will you do in order to help yourself not lose focus on his coming? 

I give tonight: B
Favorite Moment: Taking communion together

Saturday, March 31, 2012

The Greatest Sci-Fi Novel #5: Resolution -- 032812

Tonight we continued our study of the Bible by looking at the resolution.  The resolution, also known as the Denouement is the point in which the conflict is revealed to be resolved and there is an unravelling of the knots of the plot.  In fact denouement is the combonation of two words which mean to untie a knot. 

In the beginning we had a conflict arise between God and humans, so they couldn't have a close relationship anymore, sin had tied us up with knots so that we couldn't escape, because of this we are destined to die and go to hell.  But God had a plan to untie those knots of sin, and it involved Him coming to earth and dying for us, talking our sin upon Himself, this was the climax of the book we talked about last week.  Then Jesus was buried, everyone on earth, and even Satan, thought the plan had failed, but God's plan had actually worked.  Early on that following Sunday morning Jesus rose from the grave, alive!  The resurrection of Jesu was the resolution to the conflict.  It proved that Jesus had defeated sin and death, he had untied the knot of sin that was keeping God and humanity apart.  We could have a close relationship with him again, and we oculd go to eternity with him instead of hell when we die.  Denouement means untying a knot.  Your life is in a knot if you haven't made Jesus your God.  You are tied up in your sins and have no way to escape.  But Jesus' death and resurrection has provided a way to have those sins untied and give us freedom, allw e have to do is repent and make him our God.  Are you ready for him to untie your knots?  Just ask.

I give tonight: A++
Favorite moment: Pastor Alex being all tied up during the service

Monday, March 26, 2012

The Greatest Sci-Fi Novel #4:Climax -- 032112

Tonight we continued our study of the Bible called the Greatest Sci-Fi Novel (see post #1 in this series to understand this).  Tonight we talked about the climax of the book.  The climax is the point of highest dramatic tension or the major turning point in the action.  The climax of the Bible is the death of Jesus on the cross.  One place this is talked about is Mattthew 27:32-50.  This is the turning point, the point when everything changes.  He died, taking our sin upon himself, and our punishment so that we could have a relationship with God again.  He solved the conflict, but at the time no one knew that.  Instead, during that moment everyone thought this was a big failure.  Why?  Because at that point, many believed the Messiah would come but they thought He would be a military leader who would lead Israel out of slavery to Rome and reestablish them as a great kingdom.  They were expecting a fighter, and when Jesus was arrested, beaten, and then killed, he had failed in a very complete way for those expecting a fighter, because he didn't even try putting up a fight.  When we get to next week, you will get this more, but this moment of "failure" that was a horrible death, wasn't what it seemed, because what God's enemy intended as evil, he took and exchanged it for something good. 

My greatest failure was my addiction to internt pornography.  God din't like that I failed, he didn't approve of what I was doing, but since that point I have repented and turned this area of my life over to Him.  Since then God has taken my failure and used it for good things, he has helped my story and failure change the life of at least one other so they could find freedom and become whole again.  God took what was a failure and exchanged it for something good.  He can do that with your failures too.

I give tonight: A+
Favorite Moment: Glow sticks for failures

Friday, March 16, 2012

The Greatest Sci-Fi Novel #3 -- Rising Action: 031412

Tonight we continued our look at the greatest book, the Bible by looking at the third thing that makes a book well written: Rising Action.  Rising action is th epoint in the book in which things are leading our characters toward a climax.  It is the point in which the path to the solution starts to make a little more sense.  In The Hobbit the rising action is what takes place after Bilbo is hired to help get the mountain and treasure back from the dragon.  He and his group go through many adventures and Bilbo embraces his role as hero.  He gets into the mountain using a map and is able to stand safely before the dragon because of the ring that makes him invisible.  He is able to determine what to do in order to defeat the dragon.  The solution is now out and we are very close to the climax so that the conflict can be resolved.  Now there was a plan, it was just a matter of waiting for the timing to be right.

In the Bible the rising action is anything from Genesis 4 to the death of Jeesus.  We see Noah and his family survive a worldwid flood, we see a man named Abraham chosen by God to have a future descendant bless the whole world, we see a man named Jacob chosen by God to be the father of a nation (Israel) that will have that offspring that will bless all people, we see prophet after prophet foretell the coming of this person who will restore relationship with God and man, and we see Israel fall apart but God sitll promise there is one coming to solve the conflict. There was a plan in place, it was just a matter of waiting for the timing to be right.

Galatians 4:4-6 tells us that the right time did come and Jesus was born, as we see in Luke 2:1-12.  And it is proclaimed that this child would be the one that everyone had waited for to solve the conflict that seperated God and man.  There are some of you who are having a very difficult time in your life and you want God to solve it...know this, God has a plan, he has a solution, it is just a matter of time.  So what should we do while we wait for the time to be right?  #1.  Pray, #2. Have Patience, #3. Trust, #4. Get others to pray with us.

I give tonight: A-
Favorite Moment: Sharon's two innapporpriate comments

Friday, March 9, 2012

The Greatest Sci-Fi Novel #2 -- Foreshadowing: 030712

Tonight we continued our study of the bible as a great novel, trying to get a quick overview of what is all about.  Tonight we talked about the need for foreshadowing in a great book.  In sci-fi novels it can be a prophecy, a poem, a statement from one of the characters that later comes about.  Forewshadowing is the part that tries to show that there is resolve coming to the conflict, it gives you bits and pieces to expect later on so that you have hope in a good outcome.  We used the book Two Towers to show a case of this in a sci-fi novel.  In it Gandalf tells the people in Helms Deep to look for his coming at the dawn of a certain day.  The people there end up trapped by an overwhelming force and they know they are about to be destroyed, but then they see the light of dawn and are reminded of the promise of Gandalf, thus reminding them there is hope that there is someone coming to save them...which he does.

In the Bible there are a lot parts from Genesis-Malachi (the Old Testament) that accomplish this part of the great book, foreshadowing, which is done in the Bible through a process called prophecy.  The first prophecy is Genesis 3:15 in which we learn that from the very beginning that God has a plan to resolve this conflict that has driven a wedge between God and man.  In isaiah 53:1-12 we get another of those prophecies of a coming solution, a suffering servant who would get crushed for us, heis purpose to restore our relationship with God by taking way our sins.  This should bring us hope.

For youth group we asked you to bring your name and the meaning of your name.  In the Bible names often carry with them the idea that they mean something about who they are and what they were to do.  So Moses means "to draw out" because it describes who he is, he was drawn out of the water by his adopted mom, and who he was to become, the one who would draw his people out of slavery in Egypt.  In Isaiah 7:14 we find a foreshadowing of the promised savior and he is named Immanuel which means "God with us".  This was to show who he was, God literally with us on earth, but also who he was to become, God with us even now.  He is standing beside us even during the most difficult times, he resides in us when we get saved.  Don't forget, no matter how difficult the time you are going through Jesus is standing beside you.  And that should bring you hope!

I give tonight: A+
Favorite Moment: Times of Ministry for Students

Saturday, February 25, 2012

The Greatest Sci-Fi Book #1 -- Exposition: 022212

Tonight we began a long (6 weeks) series about the Bible, it is entitled: The greatest sci-fi novel.  But not because the Bible is a sci-fi book, instead we are using The Hobbit as our great sci-fi novel and using the Bible as a book of truth (thought I would clarify that before we go to far).  Every good book as different parts (exposition, foreshadowing, rising action, climax, falling action, resolution, and an epilogue that leads to a sequel).  The Bible has all these parts, and though not a sci-fi book, it is a book of truth tha can change your life. 

Exposition introduces the protagonists (main characters) and the antagonists (those opposed to the main characters).  It introduces the conflict and gives the background and the setting for the rest of the book.  Genesis 1-3 is the expositional part of the Bible.  In it we learn who the protagonists are (God and man), who the antagonists are (satan and sin), what the conflict is (Satan tempts Adam and Eve to sin, causing a wedge to divide God and them from a close relationship, death enters the world), the background of the main characters (God has always been and is powerful enought to create everything, he intended everything to be good, man was created in his image, we are made to have relationship with each other and with God, we were intended to be perfect and live forever), and it gives us the setting for the rest of the book (the universe and specifically the earth that God created.  It is where the conflict started and where it will end).

We were created fora  relationship with people and with God.  You might feel alone and as though you are seperated from God and other people.  You don't have to be alone, God wants to restore your relationship with him and hwen you havea  good relationship with him you will be able to restore healthy relationships with people.  How do you get that relationship back?  That is what the next 5 weeks of the study are all about, but let me give you the end of the story.  Jesus sacrificed himself on the cross to restore relationship between you and God.  He was prefect and because of that was able to take your sins upon himself, taking your punishment.  All you have to do is believe and aks for forgiveness, making him your God.  When you do so, and really mean it, your relationship will start to be restored (then it is just a matter of spending time with him and obeying him in order to continue building that relationship).  You won't be seperated from him anymore.

I give tonight: A+
Favorite Moment: Having Jana back for the night.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Villains #2: Satan -- Lying vs. Honesty

Tonight we finished our villains series by looking at the biggest villain of all: Satan.  Satan was an angel created by God, who desired God's postion, tried to lead a rebellion against God with angels he had convinced to follow him, and end up getting thrown out of heaven.  At first he is refered to as Lucifier, meaning light bearer.  But the other names used for him truly reveal his character.  Satan (adversary), Devil (slanderer), Beelzebub (lord of the flies), Belial (good for nothing), Accuser of our brothers, Ancient serpent, Destroyer, Enemy, Evil one, Father of lies, God fo this age, Great dragon, Roaring lion, Murderer, One who leads the whole world astry, prince of this world, ruler of the kingdom of the air, Spirit at work in those who are disobedient, and Tempter.  The first mention of him is int he garden of Eden, where he tempst eh first man and woman to disobey God.  Why would he do this?  Maybe, like so many others, he made bad decisions and was headed toward punishment, so he was trying to drag everyone else down to be punished as well.  Jesus, in John 8:44, tells us that he is a liar, who speaks his native language when he is lying, and that he is the father of lies.  When I was in youth group one teaching that I really remember was a pastor telling us, "Satan is not your friend"  He doesn't want anything good for you, and if at the time it seems good, just wait it will turn into a trap for you.  He is a liar and will do anything to make you believe his lies so you will be drawn away from god and get thrown into hell with him.

When it comes to liars other than Satan, there are two things we should do.  #1.  Avoid, stop beliving them and keep away from them.  If you don't you will either believe more lies or you will start to act like them and becomea liar yourself.  #2.  Learn from them.  In Pslam 31:5 we learned that our God is is an honest God, so we should be honest because God is honest.  IN Proverbs 12:22 we find out that God delights in honest lips, we should be honest because God likes it.  In John 8:32 Jesus stell us that truth will set us free.  We should be honest becuase it is good for us, it gives us less stress and helps us to live a better life in which we are trusted by those around us.

I give tonight: A-
Favorite Moment: OK Go Video

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Villains #1 -- Judas Iscariot: 020812

Tonight we started a new series that is all about villains of the Bible.  Tonight we talked about Judas Iscariot.  A villia is a person who deliberately opposes a hero in action and in character.  Judas was from Kerioth, a small town in Judea, thus the Iscariot part of his name, identifying his hometown.  He bacame a follower of Jesu and was one of the 12 disciples, the closest followers of Jesus.  He was even put in charge of the money bag for the group.  But Judas was a villain.  He was a theif, stealing fromt he money that had been entrusted to him to caretake.  He was a betrayer, giving Jesus up for arrest and execution.  All this despite Jesus pouring his life into him, showing him miracles, allowing him a place of trust, and teaching him.

When we encounter a betrayer we should do two things: Avoid and Learn from.  There are many types of betrayal.  Someone who gossips and telsl a secret we told them, someone who doesn't stick by your side in difficult times, someone who makes fun of you behidn your back, or even someone who doesn't do what they promised to do.  When we encounter someone that betrays we shouldn't tell them our secrets any more, we shouldn't be come their close friend, we should love them put don't become too close to them, instead avoid them. 

God is a good God, not a villain.  God is faithful not a betrayer.  We should follow his example.  Be faithful rather than a betrayer.  Be a faithful friend in all circumstances.  Don't gossip secrets, don't aboand people during the difficult times, don't mock people behind their back, and keep your promises to them.  Be a faithful follower of Christ.  How can we be faithful?  Ask God for help in being faithful, set in your mind at the start that you will be faithful, and when difficulties do arise continue to reaffirm that promise of faithfulness.  The outcome is that you will have better and stronger relationships with others and with God.

I give tonight: B-
Favorite Moment: Saying Goodbye

Saturday, February 4, 2012

How to Be Hero #4: Follow Your Destiny -- 020112

Tonight we finished our how to be a hero series by looking at the final thing we need to commit to: following our destiny.  We started by reading from Psalm 139:13-16.  From it we learned for important things.  #1.  God made you!  God doesn't make mistakes, people do, but God doesn't.  The Bible continually tells us that God created all things, including us.  If those two things are true that means that you were made by God and that you are no mistake, He wants you here on this earth.  #2.  God made you wonderful!  This doesn't mean that you are made without a flaw, but that He crated you the way He wanted you.  When a man and a woman havea  baby together there are 10 to the 200 possible combinations of their genes, thust hat many possible different babies that could be concieved.  You are literally one in billions.  But it was no accident that you were the one that was born, God chose you to be how you are, flaws and all.  #3.  God knew you before you were born!  God had you in mind at creation, knowing you would one day come along.  God had you in mind when he was on the cross, knowing you would need salvation.  God knew you while you were in the womb and loved you.  You might have been a surprise or accident to your parents, but not to God.  #4.  God has a destiny for each person!  You may feel like your life is pointless and without a destiny, but when God looks at you, He sees a person created with a destiny in this life.  He created you to be a hero, with specific things to accomplish, and he will walk besie you as you do so.  God has a destiny for you.  Are you willing to follow that destiny?

I give tonight: A
Favorite moment: Called to McDonalds

Friday, January 27, 2012

How to Be a Hero #3: Solid Character -- 012512

Tonight we continued our series on what we need in order to be a hero.  Tonight we discussed the need to have good solid character.  Character is moral or ethical traits that makes up a person or group of people.  Why is having good character so necessary to being a hero?  In Luke 6:43-45 Jesus gives an example of a tree.  He says that a good tree produces good fruit but that a bad tree can only produce bad fruit.  If you have bad character you can't produce goodness (heroic actions) and if you have good character you can't help but produce goodness.  Where does that character of goodness come from?  (hint: not from yourself)  First we have to have an intial clean up by the Holy Spirit.  Next we have to see who Jesus is and what he acts like and then mimick those things.  Finally we have to make repeated good decisions, which are often difficult to do.  In Luke 6:46-49 Jesus goes on to an example of building a house on sand or a soild rock, one will crumble and the other will stand firm even itn eh worst of stomrs.  A man or woman of good character has a foundation of Christlikeness (the rock, not the sand) that they have build their life and decisions upon.  A man or woman of good character builds thier choices off that foundation.  A man or woman of good character isn't good just inwardly, but outwardly too.  Finally a man or woman of good character stands firm even when the decisions are difficult to make.  Are you willing ot start making the difficult decions when confronted with choices?  Are you ready to be a hero by developing good character in your life?

I give tonight: C+
Favorite moment: Josh Fender being discribed as a person of bad character.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Hero #2 -- 011112

Tonight we continued our series on how to be a hero.  We all have the ability to be a hero but in order to be one we have to love God (last week's message), love others (tonight's message), have soild character, and follow your destiny.  Matthew 22:35-40 tells us that we are to love your neighbor as our self.  Jesus in a nother place makes the point that our neighbor is any other human.  But the ability to love even our enemies doesn't come naturally.  Do you want to change the world?  Heroes change the world!  Loving others has the end result of changing the world for good.  If you love others you can change the world!  But only God can give you that love for the unlovable or even love those who have hurt us.  In order for us to love like God we have to: #1.  Allow him to change your heart to be like his.  #2.  Allow him to take away your wounds that others have inflicted on you.  #3.  Act on that love, the more you do it the more natural it becomes.  It is time to change the world and be a hero by loving our neighbor.

I give tonight: A-
Favorite moment: The second round of STL giving (go army men!)

Monday, January 9, 2012

How to Be a Hero #1 -- 010412

Tonight we began a series about how to be hero.  What exactly is a hero?  It is a legendary figure given great strength or ability, who shows great courage and is amdired for his or her achievements or noble qualities.  We all have the ability to be a hero but in order to be one, we have to commit to four things: loving God, loving others, having character, and following our destiny.  In Matthew 22:35-38 Jesus tells us the great commandment is to love God with everything in us (heart, soul, mind).  It is the greatest command because if we love God we are obyeing his commands, which means we will love others, we will have a solid character, and we will follow what he has called us to do.  How does a person love God?  By committing to loving him first and foremost, but maintaining their relationship with him instead of letting it slip, a by growing that relationship by getting to know him through the bible, prayer, and other experiences with him.  Loving God makes us a hero because we start on that path, it is him who gives us the strength, ability, and courage to acheieve greatness hand have nobel qualities, he also gives us a destiny to live and die for.  Do you want to be a hero?

I give tonight: C-
Favorite moment: Attendance awards