One Word AnswersDo you think John P is funny looking? No
Do You Think Cody Looks Like One of the Beatles? No
Can I have more TAB Bucks? Yes
Can we have more cookies? No
Do you like cookies? Yes
Do you like cookies? Yes
Do you want more cookies? Yes
Do you like chocolate? Yes
Do you like donuts? Yes
What color do you wear most? White
How many hats do you have? Lots
What’s your favorite color? Green
Do you like jeopardy? Yes
Sing or dance? Sing
Coke or Pepsi? Pepsi
Dr. Pepper or Mt. Dew? Dew
How many years do you need to yell to produce enough sound energy to produce 1 cup of hot coffee? 8.5
Are you afraid of swine flu? Oink
What would happen if I drank a whole energy drink? Pee
About MeWhy are you bald? I’m not, I still have hair on my head
When did you go bald? I’m not, so I never did, but I started losing the majority of my hair my Junior year of college when I was 19
Did you know you look like a unicorn? I was not aware
Would you rather be bald or hide a zit? Since I am most of the way there…bald
What’s your favorite type of car? ’57 Chevy Bel Air
What’s your favorite football team? Arizona Cardinals
What’s your favorite cookie? Oatmeal Raisin
What’s your favorite tv show? All time – Babylon 5; Current – Lost
What’s your favorite band? Relient K
What’s your favorite class? Philosophy
What is your favorite weirdo at the tab? The Cat PiƱata
Why do you hate twinkies? (twinkies are 68% air) Creamy filling. I was created with an amazing sense of taste, so I am able to judge if something is actually good or not…it is not
Why do you wear violent shirts? I can’t help it, the beat me up if I don’t wear them
Are you a boy or a girl? Neither…I’m a man!
How long have Alex and Lacey been married? Married, October 15, 2005, so on October 15, 2009, 4 years
How many times have you been to a hospital? Over 300 times
Do you like The Who? Who? Just joking..Why?
Do you work good with cars? I can drive them fine, but I can’t fix them
Would you rather fall into a river or down steps? Being that I have done both, fall into a river
Would you rather lick poop or fall off a cliff? Lick poop, it has to be better than dying right?
Not About MeWhat is Trogdor? A man, no a dragon-man, no just a dragon, but he is still TROGDOR!!!
How many gallons of milk can Trogdor drink? 0, he is lactose intolerent
How tall is Trogdor? Taller than a tree, shorter than the earth
Make up a PK power for Emma, unless you know hers, in which case you should tell us what the true one is. PK stands for psychokinetic or Pastor’s Kid. I don’t know, so I will go with: Getting boys to come to church, only to have her dad kill them for trying to date his daughter
When’s a good time for Josh and I (Joel) to come over and game? (if you’re busy for a long time, that’s okay too) The next free day is 31st of October, scary I know
Why am I soooo awesome? If you use more than 2 extra o’s at the end of so you aren’t, oops you were sooo close!
How old am I? Started as a pictogram of a arm and a hand, in Egypt around 3500bc, so I is around 5509 years old
Why don’t we have a dress code? We actually do, but we don’t mention it much. We want people to feel comfortable to be themselves. We also don’t feel that you need to dress up to go to church, our heart’s intent is more important than the clothes that we wear. On the other hand we don’t want people to A) stumble in their purity because someone is wearing too little, B) wear things like drug related, alcoholic beverages, or swearing, C) not wear shoes or shirts, D) be disgusted because someone is wearing too little. So please make sure you are dressed in that way.
Why are boys so smokin’ sexy? (not the ugly ones) Because they aren’t following the dress code
Why God? Why?Why did God let school become? People have free will, which means they get to choose what they want to do, God doesn’t make them as robots. A long time ago people decided it would be good to train people to do their chosen careers, thus they started apprenticing under someone who knew what they were doing. Over time they would have more than one person training under them. Then people thought it would be good to train some to read and write, thus schools came to be.
Why did God make idiots, like Obama? Again, people have free wills and act as they choose to. God didn’t make people idiots, they chose to act like idiots. Sometimes people act like idiots, like calling their appointed leaders idiots, when God says we should honor our leaders and pray for them, not insult them.
Why does God let hobos live? I think that he lets them live because He still has a plan for them. We could look down on them and just say, well God should kill them and get them out of the way, but instead God tells us that we should love those who are poor and take care of them. Maybe there are hobos alive just so you can learn to be a servant and learn to love them.
Does God know ahead of time of all the bad things that happens to you?....Why is it that if God knows everything, and could stop it if He wanted to, He allows such bad things such as rape and child abuse which do such harm to us? Yes, he does know everything that is going to happen, so he knows the bad things that will happen to you. There is evil in the world, and some of it is truly horrible stuff, God most times doesn’t stop it from happening, but that doesn’t mean that he approves of it. Instead by not interfering with it he both demonstrates his love for us (by allowing us free will) as well as demonstrates why sin is so bad (by us seeing the consequences). So the better way of thinking of this isn’t: why does God allow it if he can stop it?, but instead; what should we as humans be doing with our free will and how can we stop these evil things from happening?
Why are people annoying? People aren’t annoying, people are people. You might find something that a person is doing is annoying, but the secret (the probably see something you do as annoying too) The choice is yours, what will you do with the annoyance, let it go or hold on to it?
Why is High School so dramatic? I have a saying that I like to say, “Drama follows Drama” and I know what I am about to say is going to really make some people mad, but the truth can make us angry and uncomfortable sometimes. If you have drama in your life there are only 2 possibilities. 1. You have been forced into the drama by no fault of your own. 2. You are in drama because you are causing drama. The best way to check on this, how much drama is there in your life? If almost every relationship you are in is dramatic, it is most likely that you are part of the problem. I’ve noticed that usually the same people seem to always be wrapped up in drama, which makes me think, they must have some responsibility in it, there is no way that by chance drama just comes and finds you, you must be part of the problem. The root of why you are dramatic: Hormones, inability to know how to properly express yourself, wanting the attention, wanting the excitement, jealousy, you’ve been hurt and so you want to hurt others, and confusion.
Why can’t we stop death?
We can’t stop death for a couple of reasons. 1. We don’t have the power to start life, so how could we have the power to stop life from ceasing? We aren’t all powerful like God. 2. Death is a consequence of sin, so there is no way to escape it if we have sinned. 3. Bodies wear down over time, and there is only so much that doctors can do to slow death from arriving, but they can never outright stop it. But the good news is that death is just the beginning of eternity
Why do we have to pray before we eat? We don’t have to pray before we eat, but many people choose to. Why? Simply to acknowledge that God is the one that provided the food or the money for the food and so we are thankful for him providing our basic needs. Plus it is nice to actually take time out of your day to speak with God, and many times we get so caught up in other things that we forget but a meal is usually a time when we slow down so it can help us to remember to take a moment to talk to God.
Why is it wrong to date a non-Christian? There is nothing wrong with dating a non-Christian if you are a non-Christian. Let us define Christian first: A Christian is a person that has accepted Jesus as their God and asked Him for forgiveness, believing in Him. A Christian is someone that is saved from hell, by Jesus, so they can go to heaven. That is why a Saved person is a Christian and a Christian is a saved person, they are one in the same. Going to church, saying you are a Christian, etc…doesn’t mean you are a Christian/saved, only accepting Jesus does that. There are several reasons why dating a non-Christian is bad for a Christian. The bible tells us that we aren’t to be unequally yoked in 2nd Corinthians 6:14. In the old testament it repeatedly talks about not marrying those who are from other belief systems. Because we are headed in different directions, have different goals, and are serving a different God. Because it can cause us to drift from our Christianity. Because you have different standards for dating. Because God said so.
Just the FactsHow do you play ‘E’ Flat on a Trumpet? 2 and 3 at the same time
What does the matrix function on a graphing calculator do? Helps enter and compute matrices
Why do Chihuahuas have such humungoid ears? The better to hear you with
What is the scientific name for a narwhal? Monodon Monoceros
How man years has teen group been going on? Many years prior to me, but October 1st we celebrate the 7th year as the TAB
What are we playing for Hangout Night? Video games, board games, card games, group games
How many missile, super missile, and power bomb tanks are there in Super Metroid? 230, 50, 50
Why do some monkeys have red butts? Because they sit and play video games for too long
What was the name of the 18th President of the United States? Ulysses S. Grant
How many light years away is the sun? 91.34 million-94.44 million miles or less than .0004 light years
Can you lower the price of pop to $.10 a can, you might get a lot more people to buy? I could but the youth group would go bankrupt we would have to sell all our chairs and rent our room to the jail, so I won’t
Why is the kool-aid man always burst through walls? Why doesn’t he just use the door?
He is too fat to use the door, the rhyme fatty fatty two by four, couldn’t fit through the kitchen door was made for him, so because of his anger and frustration of not fitting through he shoves his way in
Are You Serious?Does God always look down at us no matter what? No, he looks at us and loves us, despite the bad things that we have done.
How do you know that God is near? How can you feel God’s presence? God is every where, no matter where you can go, he is there (near or far). It is really important for you to understand this when it comes to the next part of this question. So when we talk about feeling like God is hear or near it has nothing to do with God not being near before, since he is always near, instead we feel like he is near because we are actually paying attention. Our spirit is communion (hanging out) with God and we are actually focused on God.
How old is God? God is eternal, which means he has always been, so it would be impossible to say how old he is. But here is a fun one to try and fall asleep while thinking about, how long did it take before God created earth.
Does God really have a long white beard? No, the depiction of God with a white beard is wrong, since God is a spirit, not a human. But the reason we have that is because it represents age and wisdom many times
When is the end of the world? No one knows, only God. The bible in facts warns us to not set a time or date for when the end will come, though it does give us things to look for in order to know it is near (check out Matthew 24). So when is it? When God chooses. But there will be an end, some day, and how we act should be changed by that thought.
Was Noah’s ark scientifically possible? Yes, building a boat that size has been done since and the way it was constructed would defiantly keep it afloat and not leaking. It never gives a look for it other than dimensions (450ft long, 75ft wide, 45ft high). It was about three times longer than our church, everything else was about the same. So yes, it was quite possible scientifically speaking.
Are dinosaurs in the bible? I think so, some would say no, but I would say yes. Genesis 1 tells us of the creation of the world, 5th day flying animals and swimming animals, 6th day animals living on the ground. So that is when their creation would have taken place. In Job, Psalms, and Isaiah a creature called the Leviathan is mentioned and its description is often equated with a crocodile, but there are many features that fit closer to a sea based dinosaur like a plesiosaur. In Job 40 a creature called the Behemoth which is often called a hippo, but the description better matches an Apatosaurus.
What do you do when someone promises you something then betrays and lies to you? I usually feel really hurt; withdraw from the world for a bit, especially from that person. But then I turn over that hurt to God, asking for him to heal my heart, and then I have to forgive that person for the betrayal. Then I move on, careful to not take what that person says as the honest truth, but still loving them.
What sin is the worst? Or are all sins equal? Romans 6:23 says, “For the wages of sin is death.” Which means that all sins are equal, since all sins have the same penalties. But I do think that some sins are worse than others because of how hurtful they are; so lying to someone is wrong, but wouldn’t be as bad as say, killing 100,000,000 people by torture.
What are the main reasons why you should go to church and learn about Jesus? In obedience to God, who doesn’t want us to stop gathering together. So that you can accept Jesus as your God and become saved. So you know what God says in his word. So you can encourage other Christians in their faith. So you can learn how to bring others to Jesus
Is loving God and listening to music like Lincoln Park? I am guessing you are asking, is it okay to listen to music like Lincoln park if you are a Christian. God calls us to be pure and that includes the media we enjoy, whether that is music, tv, movies, books, magazines, comics, video games, etc… So as long as the thing we are putting in our lives is pure then I think it is perfectly acceptable to indulge in it (as long as it isn’t an addiction/obsession). I don’t know all of Lincoln Park’s songs so I can’t tell you if they are pure or not, so that is up to you to figure out. The style of music doesn’t matter (other than country being evil) but the content of the songs is what matters.
Do women really sometimes die when they have babies? Yes, in two-thousand, 530,000 women died while giving birth, worldwide of 130,000,000 total births. The two main causes, 1. Excessive bleeding, 2. Infections. Most happen within 24 hours of delivery
Is it wrong for hermaphrodites to get married? A hermaphrodite is a person born with both male and female genitalia. .2% of people are born this way (about 250,000 people a year). In all but a handful cases it is very minor thing that is either fixed by surgery or hormone therapy, since it is very obvious which gender the child is. So with that in mind, no there is nothing wrong with a hermaphrodite getting married.
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