Monday, December 19, 2011
Guess Who #2 -- Jesus as Savior
Tonight we talked about Jesus as Savior. When I was growing up different people viewed me in different ways, and this changed how they treated me. For instance if they saw me as the smart one they wanted to get help from me on school work. If they saw me as the funny one they watned to spend time with me so they could laugh. If they saw me as the fat one, they wanted to mock me. I was still "Alex" the person God saw me as, since he sees us for who we really are. But others viewed me in different ways and they made a judgment accordingly.
In Mark 8:27-29 Jesus asks his disciples who others thought he was and who they thought he was. Others saw him as John the baptist, or Elijah, or even a different prophet that had come back from the grave. But Peter says he is the Christ. This is who Jesus really was. Christ is the greek word which in Hebrew is messiah. it is a title given to one that was foretold to come and be king, saving the people (they thought politically and militarily). But Jesus being Christ meant that he was sent by God, that he was to be king over all that accepted him as such, and was to save his people (through his death and by forgving sins).
People now think of Jesus is different ways. Some say prophet, some say teachers, some say crazy man, some say a normal guy with good PR, some say he was just a myth. But it really doesn't matter what people think about him, he is still "Jesus", who he really is deep down, and that means he is still christ. He is sitll messeah now for all of us. He is king and he is here to save people through his death by the forgiveness of sins. And he wants to save you, but you have to decide to allow him to forgive and become your Lord.
Favorite Moment: A youth member getting saved
I give tonight: A+
Monday, December 12, 2011
Guess Who #1 -- Jesus as King
Tonight we started our new series called Guess Who. During this two week series we are going to look at who people thought Jesus was. Tonight we looked at who the Magi and King Herod thought Jesus was and how they reacted to that. They both saw Jesus as king. King Herod looked at that and saw a threat to his own power, because of this he did everything he could to rid Jesus from this planet. The Magi saw a king to be worshipped and they reacted with surrender. We too are faced with Jesus claiming kingship, because he is ultimately king regardless of how we react to that. Some of us ar threatened by this and don't want to lose our power, some of us surrender seeing how messy our life is right now with us as kings. Who do you say he is?
I give tonight: A-
Favorite Moment: Joel being voted king
Monday, November 14, 2011
Taboo #2 -- What Is So Bad About Playboy? -- 110911
Tonight we continued our Taboo series by asking the question what is so bad about playboy? We started by looking at the symbols of various groups and showed that regardless of how various groups view that symbol and what it represents that there is always a real thing it represents. For playboy it boils down to pornography is what it represents. So what is porn? It is any depiction that is intended to cause sexual arousal. It could be a movie, a picture, a drawing, a story, a song, etc... Porn isn't just a guy issue. 1/3 of all online porn usage is by females. 1 in 3 teens have seen sexual material online without trying to find it. 83% of programing on tv contains some sexual content. It is in more things that you view than you think, pornography is everywhere. Why is pornography bad? First of all the Bible says it is (1st John 2:16, Matthew 5:28). Secondly, it twists our view. It turns people into objects to bring us pleasure. Sex no longer becomes something good and pure, created by God for man and woman in marriage but instead an activiy to mearly bring pleasure to yourself whenever you can get it and with whoever you can get it from and in any form you can get it. Because of this objectivication we harm our current and future relationships. Thirdly, it exploits people. Many who are involved in the industry are involved because they are poor and need the money to survive or pay for their addictions. Some are abused and want to feel loved and the industry pounces on these people because to them it is all about the money not about the person. Fourthly it causes addiction. It becomes visual crack cocaine for people and then the mind gets bored and wants more. Finally it is a gateway to worse things: sexual activity, molestation, rape, prostitution, etc... So why is playboy so bad? Supporting a symbol is supportint he meaning of that symbol and what it produces.
The good news is this if youa re addicted youc an find freedom and forgiveness in Christ. Galatians 5:1 says, "It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdended again by a yoke of slavery." #1. Admit the problem (to yourself, to God, to someone who can help you take the necessary steps). #2. Seperate from bad influences (places, computers, tv shows, movies, friends). #3. Fill your life with God (go to church, read the Bible, pray). #4. Find a person to walk with you through the battle (will pray for you, encourage you, keep you accountable).
I give tonight: A-
Favorite Moment: "The flag of England"
The good news is this if youa re addicted youc an find freedom and forgiveness in Christ. Galatians 5:1 says, "It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdended again by a yoke of slavery." #1. Admit the problem (to yourself, to God, to someone who can help you take the necessary steps). #2. Seperate from bad influences (places, computers, tv shows, movies, friends). #3. Fill your life with God (go to church, read the Bible, pray). #4. Find a person to walk with you through the battle (will pray for you, encourage you, keep you accountable).
I give tonight: A-
Favorite Moment: "The flag of England"
Monday, November 7, 2011
Taboo #1 -- How Far is Too Far? -- 110211
Tonight we kicked off our Taboo series by looking at how far is too far when it comes to sexuality. We looked at what the Bible says and came up with 7 lines and a final verse. i will be brief with this blog and just list those 7 and the final verse.
#1. No sex before marriage (aka fornication) -- Sex is any activity in which there is pleasure brought to the human sexual organs, it doesn't only mean vaginal sex.
#2. No adultery (keep to your spuse only)
#3. No divorce (keep to your spouse for life)
#4. No bestiality (keep only to humans)
#5. No bisexuality/homosexuality (keep to the opposite gender)
#6. No non-Christians (keep to those of your faith)
#7. No lust (it isn't just about the body but the mind too)
Ephesians 5:3 tells us that there isn't to be even a hint of sexual immorality. Why? Because it isn't proper for us as followers of Christ because we ar ecalled to be holy.
I give tonight: C-
Favorite moment: Too much unexpected mustache
Saturday, October 29, 2011
The Farming Game: 102611
Tonight we talked about Luke 8:5-8, 11-15 which is a parable about a farmer planting seeds. The seeds fall onto four different types of soil with different results. The dirt of representative of people who have heard the gospel, the seed being the gospel. The first type of dirt is Path Dirt, which is trampled and hard soil. Birds come and eat the seeds so no plant is ever grown. These are peple that come to church, have the chance to hear the good news and have thir life changed for the better by it but are distracted or just refuse to think about what they hear. The second type of dirt is Rocky Dirt, which is dirt with a lot of rocks still in it. Because of this the seed is planted but has no root, so when the sun comes out the plant withers. These are those who hear God's word but don't stick with it. They are pumpled up to follo God one minuted but when it becomes too difficult to stick with God they abandon the path. They have never spent any time reading their bible or in prayer to build up their roots. The thid type of dirt is Thorny Dirty, which is dirt that has weeds growing in it. Because of this the seed grows but they never grow big enough to produce anything because they are choked by the weeds surrounding them. These people have experenced life's worries, pleasures, and riches and follow after them instead of fully following God, thus they enver each others. The final type of soil is Good Dirt. This dirt takes in the seed, grows a plant, and produces a crop. The bible gives 5 things that it does. #1. It had a noble and good heart. #2. It hears the word. #3. It retains the word. #4. It perseveres. #4. It produces. You can be good soil if you listen, retain, stick with it, and share the gospel.
I give tonight: A-
Favorite moment: I Broke Facebook Rap
Friday, September 23, 2011
BINGO! #3 -- 092111 -- 'N' GO!
Isaiah 6:1-10 tells the story of Isaiah who encounters God. At the end of the story God asks for someone to send, and Isaiah responds by saing, "Here am I, send me." We have been tlaking about believing that the lost are lost and their only way to salvaiton is through Jesus. Then we talkeda bout being ignited by the Holy Spirit to evangelize. Tonight is the last step, 'n' go! Matthew 28:18-20 is the words Jesus spoke to his disciples shortly before leaving this earth and he states, "Therefore, Go". Because he is in charge and can grant forgiveness we are to GO! WE have spent the last couple of weeks trying to convince you that you have a calling, a job from God, and that job is to be a missionary. That is somene who goes and tells others about Jesus. According to this scirputre God enats you to GO! Stop sitting around and GO! Stop with the good intetions and GO! Stop thinking missions is a good ide and GO! Don't just throw money at it and GO! You believe and are ignited so it is time to GO! Romans 10:13-15 tells us that people can not belive if they are never told and they will never be told if no one is ever sent. We set up an easy opportunity for you to go this coming week, by being missionaries in your school by handing out Life Books. So we challenge you, how many of you, like Isaiah are willing to say, "here am I, send me?"
I give tonight: A+
Favorite Moment: GO!...but not like Samuel
Saturday, September 17, 2011
BINGO! #2: Ignite -- 091411
Tonight we continued our series called BINGO! by looking at the letter I for ignite. We started by talking about there needing to be three things in order for ignition to take place: oxygen, fuel, and heat. Once there is enough oxygen and heat they will ignite the fuel. This causes a chain reaction in which the fuel now provides the heat to continue ignited more fuel, all it needs is oxygen and more fuel to continue burning. Jesus, after he died and rose again, appeared to his disciples one last time before going back into heaven. In Acts 1:8 he tells them that there job will be to evangelize the whole world after he is gone but they won't have to do it on their own because they will recieve power when the Holy Spirit comes on them, an event we call baptism in the Holy Spirit. They are indeed baptized and the church jumps to over 3000 in one day. They were the fuel,t he oxygen was their belief that they had a job and that people were lost without Jesus, all they needed was a spark, heat! And they got that in the form of the Baptism in the Holy Spirit. The fuel was ignited and it burned brightly in their world, though not everyone was happy about it. Later Peter and John, two of the disciples in charge of the church, were arrested for healing and speaking in the name of Jesus. As they are brought back for judgement they are told they can't talk about Jesus any more, they reject this and go back to the other believers. Tehy pray and are filled with the Holy Spirit and the bible says in acts 4:31 that after they were filled they went out speaking boldly (without fear!). Why? Because they had ignition, the Spirit had fille dhtme, he moved and compelled them to tell others.
We need to reach our world with the gospel of Christ so that as many as are willing will be saved. In order to do this we must: #1. Be the fuel, be willing to do the job God ahs called us to, to reach others for him. #2. Have oxygen, which is believeing that people are lost and that we have the one way of bringing them salvation. #3. Be ignited byt he heat source, the infilling of the Holy spirit. You are the fuel, if you bleieve you have the oxygen, now you just need the heat applied so you can ignite!
I give tonight: A-
Favorite Moment: 20 minutes of small group time!
Monday, September 12, 2011
Bingo! #1: Believe -- 090711
Tonight we began our new series called Bingo! in which we will discover our job to be missionaries to our world. Tonight we started with Lacey speaking about how we have all be called to do a job, to spread the gospel in our world. Then Pastor Alex jumped off this point by looking at Matthew 28:19 that states our job as going into the world to make disciples of Christ. He then talked about the need to believe. Our beliefs will alter our actions, and how much we bleive something will change the intesity of our actions. We bleieve that Jesus is the only way to God and a realtionship with him. We also believe that without Jesus a person is going to a place called hell after they die, which is not a good place but a place of eternal torment. If we bleieve someone is going to hell, that hell is a horrible place, and that we have the only way to avoid it, what should we be doing? We should be telling them about Jesus. So how much do you believe? And What are you going to do about it?
I give tonight: B
Favorite Moment: The introducation of the Life Book Saturation Week
Friday, September 2, 2011
Cranium #8 -- 083111: Communion
Tonight we finished off our summer long series called Cranium by looking at Communion. Tonight was a group night, though we did a short sermon to start off with by looking at Ecclesiastes 3:1-11. In this message we talke dabout how life is full of beginnings and endings but that the one constant is that Christ walks beside us. We said a sad goodbye to our graduated seniors as they set off to a new beginning in their life.
I give tonight: A+
Favorite Moment: Kicking Megan in the Shin
Monday, August 29, 2011
Cranium #7 -- Jesus Is Coming Back: 082411
Tonight we continued our cranium series of things that we believe by looking at the future.
1. Jesus will return, no one knows when, but he will. Matthew 24:36 – ““No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.”
5. The world will be judged and it is eternal, there is no change after death. Matthew 25:46 – ““Then they will go away to eternal punishment, but the righteous to eternal life.””
8. God will hit the reset button. When God originally created everything was perfect (no disease, no pain, no death, no fear) Genesis 1:31 – “God saw all that he had made, and it was very good.” When God re-creates it will restore everything to perfect. Revelation 21:1-4
I give tonight: B+
Favorite Moment: Singing to Gungor
1. Jesus will return, no one knows when, but he will. Matthew 24:36 – ““No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.”
2. Jesus will defeat evil, Revelation 19:11-21 tells us this.
3. Jesus will return like he left. Acts 1:11 – ““Men of Galilee,” they said, “why do you stand here looking into the sky? This same Jesus, who has been taken from you into heaven, will come back in the same way you have seen him go into heaven.”
4. Everyone will know when it happens. Luke 17:23-24 – “Men will tell you, ‘There he is!’ or ‘Here he is!’ Do not go running off after them. For the Son of Man in his day will be like the lightning, which flashes and lights up the sky from one end to the other.”
5. The world will be judged and it is eternal, there is no change after death. Matthew 25:46 – ““Then they will go away to eternal punishment, but the righteous to eternal life.””
6. Extremely bad for those who don’t believe. Matthew 13:42 – “They will throw them into the fiery furnace, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.”
7. We all choose our judgment by what we have chosen before we die. Revelation 20:11-15
8. God will hit the reset button. When God originally created everything was perfect (no disease, no pain, no death, no fear) Genesis 1:31 – “God saw all that he had made, and it was very good.” When God re-creates it will restore everything to perfect. Revelation 21:1-4
9. It will be eternal, just as the lake of fire will be eternal.
10. It isn’t completely understood. 2nd Cor. 2:9 – “However, as it is written: “No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him””
2nd Peter 3:11 – “Since everything will be destroyed in this way, what kind of people ought you to be? You ought to live holy and godly lives”. If Jesus is returning soon what should that change in how you live? I give tonight: B+
Favorite Moment: Singing to Gungor
Friday, August 12, 2011
Cranium #6 -- The Church's Jobs -- 081011
Tonight we continued our series on what we believe by looking at the three jobs that God established the church to do (Evangelize, Worship, and Minister). We shared how we are the church and therefore they are our three jobs. To try and help you remember them we gave three easy words (Out, Up, In). We are to reach out to our word through evangelism. We are to reach up to God through worship. And we are to reach in to fellow Christians and ministers. It doesn't matter your age, if you are a Christian these are three jobs God has established for you to do!
I give tonight: A+
Favorite moment: Really Bad Jobs
Monday, July 25, 2011
Cranium #4 -- The Holy Spirit: 072011
Tonight we continued our study of what we believe, called Cranium. Tonight we discussed 3 things that the Holy Spirit does for us, not a complete list obviously but still 3 very important things.
#1. The Holy Spirit Sanctifies
Romans 15:15-16 tells us that the Holy Spirit helps set us apart from sin, cleaning and purifying us so that we are holy and set apart to serve God.
#2. The Holy Spirit Baptizes
Acts 1:8 and 2:1-4 show this process in action. The Baptism in the Holy Spirit is a life changing experience subsequent to salvation that helps us to live holy lives, have courage and strength to be God's witnesses, and helps us with our every day relationship with Christ. We see in the book of acts a pattern that shows the initial physical evidence of this baptism to be speaking in tongues.
#3. The Holy Spirit Heals
1st Corinthians 12:7-11 lists off some of the gifts of the Spirit, one of which is healing. We beleive that the Holy Spirit is still active in our world and willing and able to heal others when we pray. This can be a spiritual healing, physical healing, a mental healing, or an emotional healing. Someitmes God chooses not to heal, but we should still be praying for God to heal us as well as those around us.
In each of these we must allow the Spirit to do something in us so that we can be changed and help those in our world.
I give tonight: B
Favorite moment: Haley reading one of the gifts of the Spirit as mercilous powers, instead of miraculous powers.
Cranium #3 -- The Bible: 071311
Tonight we continued our study of what we beleive by looking at the Bible and what it does for us. Psalm 119:105 says, "Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path." it can help us avoid dangers that we would have otherwise encountered in this life. It can give us driection when we are lost (meaning wisdom to know what to do and when to do it). It can give us directino when we are lost (meaning forgiveness, by showing us how to obtain forgiveness through Jesus). God's word is the foundation of how we know God, he reveals things about himself that we would never have understood about him otherwise. It also reveals things about us and our nature and our reason for being her that we wouldn't know otherwise. God's word shows us what is right and wrong according to God. God's word draws people to God. God's word gives hope and life.
I give tonight: A-
Favorite Moment: Gordie the Gorilla Vide
Cranium #2 -- Sin and Salvation: 070611

I give tonight: A
Favorite Moment: Johnny sacrficing his body in order to give everyone a chanc to take a cookie
Friday, June 24, 2011
Cranium #1 -- There is a God and He is Jesus: 062211

Tonight's topic was all about God. We first started taking about that we bleive that there is a God. We believe that nature, our own natural inclinations,a nd the Bible point to the fact that there is a being that is all-powerful (omnipotent), all-knowing (omniscient), and all-present (omnipresent). If this is true, it means that He is in control, he sets the rules, he knows everythign about us, and he is able to be present with us even during the darkest of times.
Secondly, we beleive that there is only One God. We don't believe that there is any other true God, only the God we serve. If this is true then only our God should be served and believed in.
Thirdly, We believe that God is a Trinity. This is the belief that he is three in one, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Talk with Alex if you would like the handout for this portion, as it is difficult to explain. If this is true, it shows us that we are not to stand alone, we are created for community.
Lastly, We believe that Jesus is God. He was nto a created being, he is and always has been God. He came to this earth becoming both fully human and fully God. He died for our sins and rose form the dead, where he now sits with the father in heaven. if this is true, we can have full assurance of our faith and trust our sins are forgiven when we ask for forgiveness.
Will you commit with me this summer to brow in yoour knowledge of what you believe?
I give tonight: A
Favorite Moment: Klondike Bar Challenge
Go To The Head Of The Class -- 061511
Tonight we had special speakers from the J-Walker's group share about their goals in the community and how they plan to effect people's lives for Christ. We then talked about one of our four purposes: Being part of the church (service). We ready from Mark 10:35-45 in which James and John ask Jesus to rule with him, but Jesus points out that they don't understand what the Kingdom of God is like, it isn't about power and position but about servanthood. In fact the greatest person in that kingdom would be a servant of all. 1st Peter 4:10 tells us to uset he gifts and talents God has given us to serve others. Service is a sacrifice of time and engery, but it is what we as Christians are called to do.
I give tonight: B+
Favorite Moment: Who will write your autobiography?
I give tonight: B+
Favorite Moment: Who will write your autobiography?
Friday, June 3, 2011
Sorry! -- 060111

Tonight we did a single sermon about apologizing. We used kings David (2nd Samuel 12:1-13) and Saul (1st Samuel 15:1-26) as our how to and how to not people. When we have done something wrong we should do five things:
#1. Ask God for forgiveness
#2. Ask those you hurt for forgiveness
#3. Don't make excuses
#4. Make restitution if needed
#5. Don't do it again
I give tonight: B
Favorite moment: CSI Blooper Reel
#1. Ask God for forgiveness
#2. Ask those you hurt for forgiveness
#3. Don't make excuses
#4. Make restitution if needed
#5. Don't do it again
I give tonight: B
Favorite moment: CSI Blooper Reel
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Clue #4 -- Freedom: 052511
Tonight we finished our series called Clue. During this series we looked at four ways that the Holy Spirit can affect our lives if we allow him to be part of it. Week 1 taught us that the Holy Spirit can change us from bad to good. Week 2 taught us that the Holy Spirit can use us to change the world. Week 3 taught us that the Holy Spirit can give us direction and guidence. And tonight we learned from a man named Onesimus that we can have freedom because of the Holy Spirit. In the Bible we learn of a man named Onisemus who was a runaway slave that is sent back to his master by the apostle Paul after he has converted Onesimus. Later we find out in christian tradition that he was released by his master and ended up as the Bishop of the Ephesus, a town of about 250,000 people. He was freed from the role of slave but more importantly he was freed from slavery to sin when he was saved and allowed the Holy Spirit to have reign in his life. 2nd Corinthians 3:17 says, "Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom." Many of us are slaves to sin because we have never gained forgiveness from our sins through Christ (what we call salvation). Many of us are slaves to addictions, things that have latched on and we can't seem to stop doing (drugs, alcohol, sex, porn, tobacco, etc...). And some of us are also slaves to depression. People have hurt us and we are on the brink of life, thining we want to die because we can't take it any longer. But Christ is ready to set you free through the Spirit! You can have freedom, you just have to turn to him!
I give tonight: B
Favorite Moment: The revealing of the prankster
I give tonight: B
Favorite Moment: The revealing of the prankster
Monday, May 23, 2011
Clue #3 -- Head vs. Heart: 051811
Tonight we studied the life of Paul/Saul as he is transformed by the Holy Spirit. In Acts we learn of Paul being well versed in the scriptures and passionate to keep God's commands but he was still lacking true knowledge of who God was. He hated christians, hunting them down to throw them in jail or kill them. Yet he was transformed on the road to a town called Damascus as Jesus appeared to him, blinding him. Then a disciple of Jesus' named Ananias is sent to heal him and baptized Paul in the Holy Spirit. From this point on Paul was transformed. He didn't just think he knew God, he did. He didn't just think he knew what he was supposed to be doing, he was actually directed by God. We too can find direction from the Holy Spirit, he can give us the guidenance we sorely need. He can also help us to understand and know God better.
I give tonight: B-
Favorite moment: Popcorn!
I give tonight: B-
Favorite moment: Popcorn!
Friday, May 13, 2011
Clue #2 -- Using What We Are -- 051111
Tonight we continued our series entitled clue in which we are looking at different biblical character's lives and seeing what changed them. Tonight we looked at Peter who went from a brave loudmouth that spoke, sometimes ridiculous, things and turned into ....well a brave loudmouth who changed the world by sharing the message of Christ. In our last message we talked about how God, through the Holy Spirit can change us from going one direction with our actions and attitudes and turns us around 180 degrees. But tonight we talked about how the Holy Spirit, if we allow him to, can take what we already are and use it to do great things.
I give tonight: A
Favorite Moment: Skylor wanting to open the present
I give tonight: A
Favorite Moment: Skylor wanting to open the present
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Clue #1 -- 180 Degrees -- 050411

Tonight we started a new series called Clue. In this series we are looking for what changed people and thus what can change us. In tonight's message we checked out John the apostle. He went from an angry, jealous, and power hungry individual to becoming a man known for love. So what changed him? He was changed by two things, salvation through belief in Jesus and the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. We can have this same 180 degree change in our lives. We can be one way (lying, lust, anger, stubbornness, fear, etc...) and if we allow God to chagne them we can be completely different. We can't do it on our own....only God can chagne us! How? #1. Accept Jesus as your Savior. #2. Invite the Holy Spirit to come in and change you. #3. Tarry (wait and keep praying until God makes that change in you).
I give tonight: B-
Favorite Moment: Group Resplit
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Risk #4 -- Risk to Know God: 042711
Tonight we finished our series on Risk. Tonight's risk was the risk to know God. Knowing God is risky because knowing God more will make you want to change and knowing God will take time, effort, and sacrifice. In order to know God we need to first remember two things. #1. We are limited in how much we can know God because he is too great to grasp and fully understand since we are finite and he is infinite. We are also limited by what he has actually shared with us through the bible and the Holy Spirit. #2. We need to know why we want to know him. Philippians 3:7-11 tells us that knowing God is the most important thing, everything else is rubbish compared to it. So how do we know God? We have to study (read the bible, listen to things about God, see what nature teaches us about him, listen and share with others). We have to spend time with him (prayer, make sure you make a plan to do so). We have to continue to spend time with him (make it a daily habit). We have to spend time with him in different situations and times. Finally we have to remind ourselves what we have already learned (writing it down, making a movie, drawing a picture, talking about it, etc...) So why should we do this? #1. It will change your life for the better. #2. It will change the world for the better. #3. It will change your view of the world. #3. It will change your destiny. It is well worth it!
I give tonight: B-
Favorite Moment: Studying Justin Beiber
I give tonight: B-
Favorite Moment: Studying Justin Beiber
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Risk #3 -- Risk to Love Differently: 042011
Tonight we continued with our Risk series by looking at the risk of loving differently. This is a risk because the way the world loves is the easiest path, though not the best, whereas if we love like God asks us to it will be a struggle. Our verses for the night were 1st John 4:19-21. We are to change who we love as well as how we love. Most people love those who are nice to them and themselves. But God calls us to love everyone and love Him as well. Most people associate love with an emotion, something that just happens that we have no control over, but the Bible teaches us that it is a choice and it is associated ith action. 1st Corinthians 13:4-8 gives us the best description of love: it is patient, kind, doesn't envy, doesn't boast, isn't proud, isn't rude, not self-seeking, isn't easily angered, keeps no record of wrongs, doesn't delight in evil, rejoices with the truth, always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres, and never fails. Why should we take this risk? #1. All people are valuable. #2. God commands us to. #3. It will help to end drama. #4. It helps form our character to be more godly.
I give tonight: C
Favorite moment: "What's Love, Baby Don't Hurt Me!" -- Always fun to sing in front
I give tonight: C
Favorite moment: "What's Love, Baby Don't Hurt Me!" -- Always fun to sing in front
Friday, April 15, 2011
Risk #2: Risk to Act Differently -- 041311
Tonight we continued our series on risks that you can take that will help change your life as well as the world around you. We talked about the risk to act differently. James 2:14-17 tells us that faith without deeds is a dead faith, useless to us and those around us. We talked about how we change should happen in three forms. First it should change in how we act toward others, things like we should be a servant rather than being served, we should be caring rather than careless about others, and we should be holy rather than heathenistic. Second, it should change how we act around others, meaning that we should act the same no matter who we are hanging out with. Third, it should change how we act alone, the way we act when no one else is around will reveal our true character. Why should we make these changes? God tells us to, all people are valuable, it will help end drama, and it shows others we are christians. I give tonight: A- Favorite Moment: Showing imperfection through sound issues
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Risk #1 -- To Speak Differently: 040611

Toinight we started with our first of four weeks on risks. We challenged tonight for you to change how you talk. This really takes two different forms: How we talk with people and How we talk about people. When we are talking about how we talk with people we ar talking about things like: swearing, taking God's name in vain, our attiude when we talk to people, and the topics that we talk about. In each of these God desires us to speak differently than the world around us, using pure language, talking about pure topics, doing it all with kindness and being encouraging. When we are talking about how we talk about people it has to do with things like: Loving instead of mocking, conistency and truthfulness instead of gossip, and building people up instead of tearing them down. So why should we take this risk? #1 All people are valuable, #2 God asks us to, #3 Helps to end drama, and #4 That is what we want for ourselves.
I give tonight: B+
Favorite Moment: Application Time
Friday, March 25, 2011
Buzzword #3 -- Jesus is Savior -- 032311
Tonight we finished our series on Buzzword, three words that describe Jesus. They were Creator, Lord, and Savior. Tonight's message centered on the idea of Jesus being a Savior to us all. We have all sinned and need to have that sin forgiven in order to restore a relationship with God as well as to keep us from eternal punishment in hell. Jesus came to this earth, lived a perfect life, and then died (taking our punshiment upon himself). We can have forgiveness by asking God for it and accept Jesus as our Lord. You can make Jesus your Savior today!
I give tonight: A+
Favorite Moment: The Altar Call
I give tonight: A+
Favorite Moment: The Altar Call
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Buzzword #2 -- Jesus is Lord -- 031611
Tonight we continued our series on Buzzword. Tonight's word: Lord. What is a Lord? A lord is a master, ruler, king, the one in charge. In Colossians 1:18 we find that Jesus is soveriegn or Lord. First it says that he is the head of the church, so he is the Lord over all who have choseen him as Lord. Then we hear that he is Lord of all, which means over the universe and all of humanity (whether they submit to him or not). What does it mean for you that Jesus is Lord? #1 It means you have the ability to choos him as your Lord! #2 If he is your Lord, you shoudl find out what he wants you to do. #3 If he is your Lord, you should find out what he doesn't want you to do. #4 If he is your lord, you should obey him. #5 If he is your Lord, you get his eternal protection (salvation) and his blessings here and now. Don't you want Jesus as your Lord?
I give tonight: C-
Favorite Moment: Stay Classy People!
I give tonight: C-
Favorite Moment: Stay Classy People!
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Buzzword #1: Creator -- 030911
Tonight we started a series called Buzzword in which we will look at three words that describe Jesus for us. The first word is Creator. We read from Colossians 1:15-22 where we learn that Jesus is the creator of all things in heaven and on earth as well as all visibile and invisible things. We know that Jesus is our creator, that is one that creates by bringing something new or original into existence, that is the universe as well as us individually. So what does it mean that Jesus is our creator? It means that we belong to God and are responsible to him. It means that God is greater than us and we should worhsip him. It means that we are here for a reason and aren't an accident. It means we should obey God because he knows why he put us here. In Genesis 1:27 we also learn we were created in God's image (not physical but his character). Because of this we know that all humans (regardless of age, ethnicity, financiial status, etc...) deserve love and respect. We also are created in his image, thus we should reflect him into the world around us.
I give tonight: B-
Favorite Moment: Foosball Championship Round
I give tonight: B-
Favorite Moment: Foosball Championship Round
Saturday, March 5, 2011
030211 -- Hide and Seek
Tonight we did a message about playing Hide and Seek with God. We started by looking at 5 people from the Bible (Saul, Jonah, Adam, Eve, and Elijah). In 1st Samuel 10:17-25 we find Saul hding from his calling to be King of Israel behind some baggage. God points out where he is hiding and gets him to follow his destiny/his purpose. In Jonah 1:15-17, 2:10-3:3 we find Jonah hiding from God telling him to go to Ninevah (an enemy nation) in order to get them to turn to God and avoid destruction. He ends up hiding on a boat so he can do his own thing instead o the right thing. God sneds a storm and fish in order to get him back on the right track, correcting his sinful choices. In Genesis 3:6-9 we find Adam and Eve having just sinned and hiding from God behind some bushes because their realtionship with him was broken because of their sin and they needed to have that relationship restored. And in 1st Kings 19:1-18 we find Elijah on the run and hiding from a queen wanting to kill him, he is depressed and afraid, feeling completely alone. And in each of these stories we find our God seeking them out (in order to give a destiny, in order to correct sinful choices, in order to restore a broken relationship with him, and in order to take away depression, fear, and pain and instead give hope.) In our own lives we often run and hide for the same reasons, but God is seeking you out today!
I give tonigth: A-
Favorite Moment: Conrad's Beiber Fever
I give tonigth: A-
Favorite Moment: Conrad's Beiber Fever
Friday, February 25, 2011
Mousetrap #4 -- Guilt -- 022311
Tonight we finished our mousetrap series, things that stop us from pursuing God and the destiny he has for us. Tonight we talked about guilt being a mouse trap. There are two types of guilt: objective and subjective.
Objective guilt is the state of being guilty for breaking a law, either man's law or God's law. It doesn't necessarily mean we will feel guilty about breaking the law, but we still are in a state of guilt, thus a need for punishment. Hebrews 10:22 tells us that in order to deal with this guilt we must go to God, be sincere, have faith in God's love and forgiveness, and be cleansed because of our repentance. This type of guilt leads us to repentance, forgiveness, freedom, and connection with others and God. At times we also have to make amends to those we have hurt. This guilt is good because it causes us to see that we have done wrong, see that we need forgiveness, rpeent from the bad we have done,a nd be restored to a position of innocence and freedom.
Subjective guilt is the feeling of guilt caused by us causing something bad to happen or even when we feel guilt over something we think is our fault but isn't. Thigns we have done wrong in the past that have hurt others or ourselves (like lying, cheating, backstabbing, lusting, etc...) should be taken care of first of all like we deal with objective guilt (repentance and making amends). But if you still ahve those feelings after you have repented and made amends it is time to be reminded that what God has forgiven has been forgiven, and now it is just our enemy trying to make us feel condemned for something God has condemmed. Check it out in Romans 8:1-2. There are also times when we bleame ourselves or others blame us for things that weren't our fault (like divorce, rape, abuse, death of friends and family, etc...). We need to know it wasn't our fault and we can let go fo that guilt. Subjective guilt leads us into depression and disconnection. This guilt is bad because it casues us to dwell and not move on from that guilt, it causes su to run from those who could help us, and often time it doesn't show us the truth that some thigns were not even our fault.
You can be freed from guilt and purse God and the destiny he has for you. The first step is to take care of your state of guilt (repent and make amends). The next step is to realize that once you are forgiven you are no longer condemned by God, you can move on because He has. Finally, you need to realize that some things happen but they aren't your fault, other people make bad decisions and bad things happen but you aren't at fault and your feeligns of guilt won't fix the past. Be freed today!
I give tonight: B
Favorite Moment: Burping Contests
Objective guilt is the state of being guilty for breaking a law, either man's law or God's law. It doesn't necessarily mean we will feel guilty about breaking the law, but we still are in a state of guilt, thus a need for punishment. Hebrews 10:22 tells us that in order to deal with this guilt we must go to God, be sincere, have faith in God's love and forgiveness, and be cleansed because of our repentance. This type of guilt leads us to repentance, forgiveness, freedom, and connection with others and God. At times we also have to make amends to those we have hurt. This guilt is good because it causes us to see that we have done wrong, see that we need forgiveness, rpeent from the bad we have done,a nd be restored to a position of innocence and freedom.
Subjective guilt is the feeling of guilt caused by us causing something bad to happen or even when we feel guilt over something we think is our fault but isn't. Thigns we have done wrong in the past that have hurt others or ourselves (like lying, cheating, backstabbing, lusting, etc...) should be taken care of first of all like we deal with objective guilt (repentance and making amends). But if you still ahve those feelings after you have repented and made amends it is time to be reminded that what God has forgiven has been forgiven, and now it is just our enemy trying to make us feel condemned for something God has condemmed. Check it out in Romans 8:1-2. There are also times when we bleame ourselves or others blame us for things that weren't our fault (like divorce, rape, abuse, death of friends and family, etc...). We need to know it wasn't our fault and we can let go fo that guilt. Subjective guilt leads us into depression and disconnection. This guilt is bad because it casues us to dwell and not move on from that guilt, it causes su to run from those who could help us, and often time it doesn't show us the truth that some thigns were not even our fault.
You can be freed from guilt and purse God and the destiny he has for you. The first step is to take care of your state of guilt (repent and make amends). The next step is to realize that once you are forgiven you are no longer condemned by God, you can move on because He has. Finally, you need to realize that some things happen but they aren't your fault, other people make bad decisions and bad things happen but you aren't at fault and your feeligns of guilt won't fix the past. Be freed today!
I give tonight: B
Favorite Moment: Burping Contests
Friday, February 18, 2011
Mousetrap #3 -- Apathy -- 021611
Tonight we continued our series on mousetraps, things that keep us from pursuing God and the destiny He has for us. So far we have talked about addictions and ferocious friends. The third mousetrap is apathy. Apathy is a lack fo feeling, interest, or concern for something or someone. We can be apathetic about a lot of different things. Revelation 3:14-22 tells us that God views apathy as being lukewarm water, thus stagnant and unusable. There are two areas that we can be apathetic in that acts as a mousetrap. #1 -- Apathy toward others. We stop caring for others and their needs. Why? Sometimes we have been hurt, taken advantage of, being tired, being wrapped up in our own problems, being wrapped up in too much stuff, or even prejudice. Since we have apathy towards others we become useless to God and the plans that he has for us. #2 -- Apathy toward our relationship with God. We stop caring about our relationship with God and become satisifed with our level of righteousness. We don't care to grow closer to God or to live a holier life. Why? We get stuck in a rut with church, worship, prayer, and reading our bible, it is too difficult to make changes in certain areas, or sometimes because it is easier and safer not to change. We finished with a week long challenge of figuring out how we can break free from apathy toward others and toward your relationship with God. Do you have any good ideas?
I give tonight: B+
Favorite moment: Tacos! Corn!
I give tonight: B+
Favorite moment: Tacos! Corn!
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Mousetrap #2 -- Ferocious Friends -- 020911
Tonight we continued our series on moustraps: things that stop usf rom pursuing God and the destiny he has for us. Tonight's trap was the trap of Ferocious friends which are friends that are friends in name only but their actions show they aren't. Here is a clearer defintion.
1. A good friend stand by you, a ferocious friend stands on you.
2. A good friend loves you unconditionally, a ferocious friend's love is based on conditions.
3. A good friend listens, a ferocious friend only talks.
4. A good friend protects and cares for your well being, a ferocious friend harms and only cares for themselves.
5. A good friend pushes you away from harm, a ferocious friend pushes you into harm.
6. A good friend confronts you when you do wrong, a ferocious friend praises you or ignores you when you do wrong.
7. A good friend gives wise advice, a ferocious friend gives bad advice that will hurt you.
8. A good friend leads you toward doing right, a ferocious friend leads you toward doing wrong.
9. A good friend pulls you up to a relationship with God, a ferocious friend pulls you down and away from a relationship with God.
Do you have ferocious friends? If so it is time to stop hanging around with them, before you find yourself not able to pursue God and the destiny He has for you.
Are you being a good friend? if not it is time to aplogize and start changing.
I give tonight: A
Favorite moment: Jesus is a Friend of Mine Video
1. A good friend stand by you, a ferocious friend stands on you.
2. A good friend loves you unconditionally, a ferocious friend's love is based on conditions.
3. A good friend listens, a ferocious friend only talks.
4. A good friend protects and cares for your well being, a ferocious friend harms and only cares for themselves.
5. A good friend pushes you away from harm, a ferocious friend pushes you into harm.
6. A good friend confronts you when you do wrong, a ferocious friend praises you or ignores you when you do wrong.
7. A good friend gives wise advice, a ferocious friend gives bad advice that will hurt you.
8. A good friend leads you toward doing right, a ferocious friend leads you toward doing wrong.
9. A good friend pulls you up to a relationship with God, a ferocious friend pulls you down and away from a relationship with God.
Do you have ferocious friends? If so it is time to stop hanging around with them, before you find yourself not able to pursue God and the destiny He has for you.
Are you being a good friend? if not it is time to aplogize and start changing.
I give tonight: A
Favorite moment: Jesus is a Friend of Mine Video
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Mousetrap #1 -- Addictions -- 020211

Tonight we started a new series called mousetrap. Over the next four weeks we are going to explore different traps that stop us from being able to pursue God and the destiny he has for us. The first of the mousetraps is addictions. An addiction is compulsive need for and use of a habit forming substance charactrized by tolerance and by well defined physicolgical symptoms upon withdrawal. There are many bad things we can get addicted to: cutting, porn, sex outside of marriage, texting, facebook, video games, drugs, alcohol, tobacco, popularity, etc...
When thinking about addiction I tend to think of fly paper traps. I was always grossed otu by them, but they appealed to the flys. Fly paper is a strip of paper that has some phermones to draw the flys to it, then it has a long lasting sticky substance on it so that when a fly touches it, it becomes stuck, then a poison so that the fly will eat it and die. Addictions act the same way. at frist the thing seems unattractive. But then we get closer and we become strangely drawn to it (through friends, looks fun, family, famous people, etc...). When we get too close and actually experience that thing we suddenly become struck and no matter how hard we struggle, on our own we can't escape. Finally our relationship with God, with others, and our destiny are swallowed up by this thing instead until we are utterly spiritual and emotionally dead because of it. The big question becomes how do we find freedom when we are trapped so that we can pursue God and our destiny again. Titus 3:3-7 tells us that it starts with turning to God for forgiveness and renewal by the Holy Spirit. So to break through an addiction we need to Look Up (to God for help and forgiveness), Look Over (to others to encourage us and become accountable to), and Run (stay away from people and places that encourage us to go back to that addiction).
I give tonight: A
Favorite Moment: The many who walked into the fly paper
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Life #4 -- Redifine Success -- 012611

Tonight we finished our series on four tips that can help you win at the game of life.
#1 -- Allow God to Rule
#2 -- Change Your Focus
#3 -- Find a Family
#4 -- Redifine Success
What makes a person successful? Is it how much money they have? Their possessions? Popularity? Fame? Their job? Who they have dated? Who they have married? If they had kids? If they are happy? God has a definition of success that he puts forward in 1st John 2:15-17. He tells us that the world goes after four things in order to become successful. #1. Getting what we crave after (power, possessions, etc...), #2. Getting what you lust after (people, money, etc...), #3. What you have, and What you do. But then he turns it over and says that his definition of success is doing the will of God. What is God's will, that we would listen to him (his bible, from other christians, from God directly) and then that we would obey him. If we do this, no matter how rich we are, no matter how famous we are, no matter if we are happy or not, we are successful. Do you want to be successful?
I give tonight: A
Favorite Moment: Signs of Success
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Life #3 -- Find a Family -- 011911

Tonight we continued our series of tips on how to win the game of life. Tonight's tip: Find a Family. Families are groups of people that we live our life with. A family is there to encourage growth, teach how to live, protect, provide for needs, and provide stability. We all have a biological family that we can't choose but we can also choose to live our life together with other people and there is one family that really wants you to be part of it so it can help you be successful in life, the family of God. Ephesians 2:19-22 tells us that when we accept Christ we are adopted into his family, we become his children and each other's brothers and sisters. This youth group can be your family if you allow it to be. It can encourage growth in your relationship with God. It can tach you how to live in the way that God wants. It can protect you from spiritual traps, dangerous people, dangerous situatons, etc.... It can provide for your spiritual, emotional, and eve at times physical needs. It can provide stability when everything else is falling apart. Maybe you aren't part of the family yet, today is a good day to join by accepting Christ as your savior and Lord.
I give tonight: A-
Favorite Moment: Awkward Family Photos
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Life #2 -- Change Your Focus -- 011211

Tonight we continued our series on winning the game of Life. our first tip was to allow God to have rulership. Tonight we gave you the tip to change your focus. We are often focused on ourselves. We can see this by the things we spend our free time on, what me spend our money on, etc... Mostly we see this as stuff that will benefit us. If you focused just on yourself for your life you would be selfish, egotistical, and lonely. The bible tells us that if we are focusing on ourself we won't be able to win the game of life. Instead it suggests in Philippians 2:3-5 what our focus should be.
"Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humilityThe bible is saying our focus shoudln't be on ourself but instead on others. So how can you chang eyour focus from yourself to someone else this week? How can you spend time this week focusing on someone else's needs instead of what you want? How can you spend your money in a way that helps others rather than just yourself?
consider others better than yourselves. Each of you should look not
only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others. Your
attitude should be the same as Christ Jesus."
I give tonight: C
Favorite Moment: Stereogram Deception
Life #1 -- Give Up Control -- 010511
Tonight we started a series talkign about how to win at the game of life. Over the next month we are going to give four tips to winning. The first on is that in order to win you need to allow God to run the game. In Matthew 16:24-26 we learn that we need to give up and take up two things: Rulership and Plans. We need to give up our rulership. Right now you make up what is right and wrong for you and you are in charge of your life. We need to give up our plans. Right now you decide what you are going to do with your life in the future. Instead we need to take up God's rulership, which means that Jesus becomes your Lord, your rulter and thus He sets the rules (what is right and wrong) and you abide by them. We call this salvation. We need to take up God's plans. God knows why you were born and has a plan for your life and it is better than any plan we can make for ourselves, which means it is more satsifying. No matther where God leades, you will follow, no matter what God wants you to do with yoru life, you do it. Are you ready to give up rulership in your life and let God be ruler?
I give tonight: B-
Favorite Moment: New Groups!
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