Tonight we finished our series about invastion by talking about the current invasion that is going on. Jesus already came and he will come again, but the current invasion is him using us as his ambassadors to this world in order to reconcile himself with sinful humans. In order for us to be Christ's ambassadors we have to accomplish 3 things. #1 We have to live in this world and care for the people here. #2 We have to represent our leader in our words and our actions. #3 We have to actually try to convice others to come to our leader's way of belief. How are you doing as Christ's ambassador?
I give tonight: A+
Favorite Moment: Ice Cream Is Never A Good Idea
Monday, December 20, 2010
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Invasion #2 -- 120810
Tonight we continued our series entitled Invasion. This week we talked about a coming invasion, when Jesus will return to this earth. We beleive that Jesus will return and it is somethign we find in the Bible. Acts 1:11 and Luke 21:27 tell us that he will return in the same way he left. mark 13:32 tells us that no one will know when it will happen. Revelation 22:12 tells us that it will happen soon. And Matthew 24:25-27 tells us that when he comes back it will be obvious to all, not a secret, that he has come back. We finished by reading 2nd Peter 3:3-11 which talks about Jesus coming back. In it we ar told that if he is coming back so soon what should our lives look like? Shouldn't we do our best to have a good relationship with God and live holy lives? So what in your life needs to change?
I give tonight: A
Favorite Moment: Jesus making a crater on when he lands back on earth
I give tonight: A
Favorite Moment: Jesus making a crater on when he lands back on earth
Monday, December 6, 2010
Invasion #1 -- 120110
Tonight we began our 3 week series on the topic of Invasion. An invasion is a military offensive consisting of all, or large parts of the armed forces of one entity aggressively entering territory controlled by another entity, whith the objective of either conquering, liberating or reestablishing control or authority over a terrritory. An invasion can be the cause of a war, be a part of a larger strategy to end a war, or it can constitute an entire war in itself. Due to the large scale of the operations associated with invasions, they are usually strategic in planning and execution. God invaded the earth in order to free us from sin. He announced his plans ahead of time and even announced when he did arrive. He arrived at the perfect time, but he only sent one, His Son. He was named Jesus, and he was a strong enough force to accomplish the goal to free us from our sins. It was the beginning of the end of the war, and started a countdown to the final invasion which we will talk about next week.
I give tonight: C-
Favorite Moment: Finding out a trip to a hockey game was canceled due to ice
I give tonight: C-
Favorite Moment: Finding out a trip to a hockey game was canceled due to ice
Monday, November 22, 2010
Video From Wednesday, November 17th
Tonight was sexual purity night, here was the opening video for the night.
Monday, November 15, 2010
My Life Story -- 111010
Tonight we had several share a story about when they encountered God. It was an amazing time of seeing how God has personal contact with us. As an encouragement, we all have a story and when you share it you bring your encounter with God to someone else, so they too can encounter Him.
I Give Tonight: A+
Favoite Moment: Ben Wooden's Testimony
I Give Tonight: A+
Favoite Moment: Ben Wooden's Testimony
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Harvest Party: 102910
Shining Lights: 102710
Tonight we finished our Story Time series by looking at 3 verses from Matthew 5, 14-16. In these verses Jesus tells us that we are supposed to be lights in the world. We gain the light when we start to follow him and he fills us with his light so we can become sheders of the light to the rest of the world. Often times we hide this light, this can be done by our purposefully being ashamed of God and not wanting to stand up for our belief in him, thus hiding the light so others won't see it, or it can happen when we have covers on our light, distorting and taking away the purity and strength of that light. This happens when we have sin our lives and need God to strip away those things covering our light so that it can give a clear view of Jesus to the world. It is time to start shining your light!
I give tonight: B
Favorite Moment: Uncovering the Flashlight
I give tonight: B
Favorite Moment: Uncovering the Flashlight
Monday, October 18, 2010
Story Time: Green Party -- 101310
Tonight we began our new series: Story Time. This chapter was entitled Green Party. During this evening we kicked out everyone who wasn't wearing green, then invited them back in after the rest had enjoyed some chips before the message. We asked if it was fair to do so, and decided that everyone had the ability either find out on their own they were supposed to wear green or be told me someone who did. We read from Matthew 22:1-14 in which a king invited people to the wedding of his son. Many end up refusing to come, even hurting his messengers. Finally the king invites everyone else to the party. When they show up he provides wedding clothes to them but one person still didn't wear the clothes and is kicked out. Here is what we learned.
There is a God that wants a relationship with you (the king in the story that invites us to join him and his son, Jesus in the party) here on earth and in heaven for eternity. Right now you are far from God because of wrongdoing, but Jesus' death allows you to draw near to God. You have been invited by God to respond but it is up tot you to be clothed in Christ so you can have a relationship with God. Jesus is the only way to forgiveness to sin.
We concluded with the story of the Chilean miners who had been rescued from a pit 2084 feet down. they were stuck in fear and hopelessness with no contact with the real world. It was lonely and dark and it was all they head. It would be thier grave, unless someone south them out and rescued them. People didn't abbandon them but spend time, money,a nd prayer and located those who were lost. They drilled a single exit point to get them out. The miners could have tried to dig themselves out but would have never made it. They could have chosen to stay and been trapped forever. To leave meant danger, change, and being constrained for a time. But it also mean freedom and life in the real world. When they were rescued they were met with rejoicing from family, friends, and people throughout the wrold. Aren't you tired of being stuck in a pit? There is rescue for you if you ask for forgiveness and make Jesus your God. Won't you join the party?
There is a God that wants a relationship with you (the king in the story that invites us to join him and his son, Jesus in the party) here on earth and in heaven for eternity. Right now you are far from God because of wrongdoing, but Jesus' death allows you to draw near to God. You have been invited by God to respond but it is up tot you to be clothed in Christ so you can have a relationship with God. Jesus is the only way to forgiveness to sin.
We concluded with the story of the Chilean miners who had been rescued from a pit 2084 feet down. they were stuck in fear and hopelessness with no contact with the real world. It was lonely and dark and it was all they head. It would be thier grave, unless someone south them out and rescued them. People didn't abbandon them but spend time, money,a nd prayer and located those who were lost. They drilled a single exit point to get them out. The miners could have tried to dig themselves out but would have never made it. They could have chosen to stay and been trapped forever. To leave meant danger, change, and being constrained for a time. But it also mean freedom and life in the real world. When they were rescued they were met with rejoicing from family, friends, and people throughout the wrold. Aren't you tired of being stuck in a pit? There is rescue for you if you ask for forgiveness and make Jesus your God. Won't you join the party?
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Events Events Events
It's been a fun beginning to a month!
Annual Yearly Anennium,
youth conference
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Friday, September 24, 2010
181 Days -- Love Your Enemies: 092210
Tonight we continued our series on having 181 days to change your school into something that God wants it to be transformed into. The first step was for you to be changed by God, then bring God into everyday conversation, then to pray. Tonight we focused on the idea of how we treat others can transform our schools too. We read from Acts 9:1-19 in which a guy intent on killing christians is changed by God but loses his sight. A man named Ananias must pray for him to recieve his sight back, even though he didn't deserve it. But Ananias had been transformed by god, he had prayed and God directed him, and that prayer also brought about healing. Ananaias showed compassion and love isntead of fear and revenge, thus treating Saul better than he deserved. This changed the world, Saul ended up writing most of the NT and going on missionary journeys the rest of his life, just be cause Ananias allowed God to use him and he treated his enemy with love.
I give tonight: B
Favorite Moment: The Adam Johnson Story
I give tonight: B
Favorite Moment: The Adam Johnson Story
See You At The Pole 2010
We are so proud of all of you that showed up for See You At The Pole 2010, a total of 41 people came to pray for their school, their fellow students, their teachers, their clubs and sports, and for their administration. Check out pictures at:
Monday, September 20, 2010
181 Days: Pray -- 091510
Tonight we continued with our series about changing our schools over the next 181 days, until summer begins. We have talked about how we need to be changed by God first, then we need to start bringing God into the converstation, the next stop was to start praying. When we pray something starts to happen, God starts to change things. God does here us when we talk to Him, it creates a closer relationship with Him, but it also transforms the things we are praying for. We challenged you to do a prayer challenge for the week and look forward to seeing how each of you did with your challenge was we look to see God changing our schools into something great!
I give tonigth: B+
Favorite Moment: The Prayer Challenge Cards
I give tonigth: B+
Favorite Moment: The Prayer Challenge Cards
Saturday, September 11, 2010
181 Days: Bring God Into Conversation -- 090810
Tonight we continued with our series 181 days to change your school. God desires to change your school, the question is: do you? We had the first step last week of being changed by God, the second step is to bring God into the conversation. We read from 2nd Kings 5:1-14 in which a girl is taken as a slave (forced to be there), but she listened and cared about her master's husband's disease (he had leperosy). She truly believed in God's power, we know this because she spoke up and gave hope to Naaman by telling him to go to a prophet in Israel (Elisha) who could use God's power to heal him. Naaman went but almost refused to do what the prophet told him to (dip into the dirty Jordan 7 times) but she again spoke up when doubt crept in to him. He followed through by her encouragement and his body was transformed to diseased to brand new.
You are at school because you are forced to be there, but just like her you are there for a reason, because God wants you there. We need to look for opportunities to speak about God (looking for needs from people as well as just conversations that He could fit into). We must know and trust God and the only way to have that is to truly experience Him. When we do bring God into the conversation we must give soemthing real, speaking hope and light in hopeless and dark situations. Finally we must continue to name drop, it will be awkward at first, like learning a foreign language, but will become natural with practice.
If the girl had said nothing Naaman would have died from his leprosy, but she brough brout about transformation in him, just by bringing God into the conversation. You can bring transformation in your school by bringing God into the conversation too!
I give tonight: B
Favorite moment: Seeing so many who have been gone all summer
You are at school because you are forced to be there, but just like her you are there for a reason, because God wants you there. We need to look for opportunities to speak about God (looking for needs from people as well as just conversations that He could fit into). We must know and trust God and the only way to have that is to truly experience Him. When we do bring God into the conversation we must give soemthing real, speaking hope and light in hopeless and dark situations. Finally we must continue to name drop, it will be awkward at first, like learning a foreign language, but will become natural with practice.
If the girl had said nothing Naaman would have died from his leprosy, but she brough brout about transformation in him, just by bringing God into the conversation. You can bring transformation in your school by bringing God into the conversation too!
I give tonight: B
Favorite moment: Seeing so many who have been gone all summer
Saturday, September 4, 2010
181 Days: Changing Yourself -- 090110
There are many good and bad things about the schools that we go to. If I were to ask you to list them out I would guess most of what you would say would focus on the physical dimension. But there are more important parts of yoru school to talk about: how people treat each other, bullying, addictions, how people talk, how people view and treat God, etc.... God wants to change your school into something great. He wants to help those who are hurting, take away loneliness, remove bullying, add kindness and love, remove addictions, and bring in godliness. He desires this transformatioan and is looking to you to change it over the next 181 days.
The first step to changing your school is changing yourself, but you can't change on your own. Romans 12:2 tells us that we need to stop being conformed to this world's pattern and transformed by the renewing of our mind. We need to stop acting like everyone else and viewing others how everyone else does. We need to start being transformed internally and then grow out what you do. Who does the renewing? The Holy Spirit. We have to turn to God and ask him to change us. Do you want to transform your school? It is time to allow God to change you!
I give tonight: A-
Favorite Moment: Deeper Restarting
The first step to changing your school is changing yourself, but you can't change on your own. Romans 12:2 tells us that we need to stop being conformed to this world's pattern and transformed by the renewing of our mind. We need to stop acting like everyone else and viewing others how everyone else does. We need to start being transformed internally and then grow out what you do. Who does the renewing? The Holy Spirit. We have to turn to God and ask him to change us. Do you want to transform your school? It is time to allow God to change you!
I give tonight: A-
Favorite Moment: Deeper Restarting
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Summer Is Over!
Sorry about the lack of updates for those that actually read this blog. I will start updating again as of this Wednesday, September 1st. In the mean time head over to the pictures and see some from our newest event: Summer Kick-On BBQ.
Saturday, July 31, 2010
If Words Could Kill -- Wednesday, July 28th
Tonight we came back to regular youth group. We had a message about our words. In the message I challenged youth to be kind in how they treated one another with their words. I have noticed lately we have turned to a mean sounding group. In John 13:34-35 we are told that Jesus' followers would be known by their love. Our love can be shown in how we speak. In James 3:9-12 we learn that our tongues many times utter curses on people after blessing God. A curse means speaking evil of others in order to bring about a bad thing in their life. I can happen by actually weaning to speak a direct curse but also when our words are spoken in a way to hurt. Us being people that speak these curses on other people's lives is as incompatlbe as salt water come ing from a fresh water spring or fig trees growing olvies or figs growing on grapevines. It shouldn't be happening. Colossians 4:6 tells us that instead of hurting others with our speech we are to instead season our speech with grace. Grace is something good they don't deserve. So when we talk about speech having grace, it is being kind even when others don't deserve it. Salt was used as a preservative, so when we speak with grace i nour words it preserves other's lives rath than the curse which destroys it. We need to be a youth group tht is kind in our words and actions. If you have hurt someone with your words, now is a good time to and ask for forgiveness and start speaking grace rather than curses.
I give tonight: A
Favorite moment: Group Affirmations
I give tonight: A
Favorite moment: Group Affirmations
Monday, July 19, 2010
Friday, July 9, 2010
Water Baptism -- Wednesday, July 7th
Tonight we talked about water baptism which is hwen we immerse a person underwater. But that is just the technical definition of it. Romans 6:3-4 tells us that it is symbol of something that has taken place in our life, dying to our old master (sin), being cleansed from it by God's grace, and finally coming back to life under a new master (God). Baptism is also a public decleration of your belief in Jesus and intention to follow him the rest of your life. Matthew 3:13-15 tells us that Jesus felt it was something that would help us fulfill all righteousness and Matthew 28:18-20 tells us that it is part of the Christian journey. First we get saved, then we are baptized to show that we are saved. It should only be done if you are truly comited to following God the rest of your life. It will not cleanse you of sin, get you to heaven, or make it so you don't sin anymore. Mabye you have never been baptized but you are saved, God wants you to be baptized as well. If you are interested in being baptized we have a baptismal service on Wednesday, July 21st. Let Pastor Alex know if you are interested.
I give tonight: B-
Favorite Moment: Violent Baptisms
I give tonight: B-
Favorite Moment: Violent Baptisms
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
CSI: Ai #4 -- Can You Hide Your Sin Forever?
Tonight we concluded our CSI: Ai series by asking the question: Can you hide your sin forever? We found out that you can not. #1 -- Because God sees everything, #2 -- Because God wants it revealed so it can be healed, and #3 -- Because judgment day will eventually come and on that day all sins will be revealed. But the nice part of all of this is that God has mercy when we admit our guilt and repent. Since we can't hide it forever, it is better to admit it and get it taken care of. The only way to get sin taken care of is #1 -- Admit your sin, #2 -- Ask for forgiveness, #3 -- Make amends to those who you hurt, and #4 -- Change.
I give tonight: B+
Favorite Moment: The reveal of who stole the money and how
I give tonight: B+
Favorite Moment: The reveal of who stole the money and how
Monday, June 21, 2010
CSI: Ai #3 -- Wednesday, June 9th
Tonight we talked about how bad one sin is. In Joshua 7:1-5 we learn about Achan sinning and the death that is caused. In 7:24-26 we learn that it ended with him, his family, his animals, and his possessions being completely destroyed. Achan's sin caused sepration between Israel from God's protection. It caused death for the 36 men attacking Ai. It sent him and his family to death and fire.
Our sin seperates us from God. It hurts those around us. it sends us to hell. That is just one sin, it is enought to do all of those things, that is how bad one sin is. Our sin has eternal consequences. Even if it is a minor sin, even if we don't think it will do any harm, even if we only sin once.
There is good news though. How good is one action, in this case Jesus' death? Jesus' death brings us back in connection with God. When we have hurt people, he can help redeem those situations and bring about healing. His death brings us to heaven. That is how good one action was, it has eternal consequences. Even if it is a major sin, even if we have hurt more people than anyone in history, even if we sin more than we can ever count. All we have to do is this: "If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved." (Romans 10:9)
I give tonight: A+
Favorite Moment: CSI Video
Our sin seperates us from God. It hurts those around us. it sends us to hell. That is just one sin, it is enought to do all of those things, that is how bad one sin is. Our sin has eternal consequences. Even if it is a minor sin, even if we don't think it will do any harm, even if we only sin once.
There is good news though. How good is one action, in this case Jesus' death? Jesus' death brings us back in connection with God. When we have hurt people, he can help redeem those situations and bring about healing. His death brings us to heaven. That is how good one action was, it has eternal consequences. Even if it is a major sin, even if we have hurt more people than anyone in history, even if we sin more than we can ever count. All we have to do is this: "If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved." (Romans 10:9)
I give tonight: A+
Favorite Moment: CSI Video
Monday, June 14, 2010
CSI: Ai #2 -- Wednesday, June 9th
Tonight we continued our study of the attack on Ai. After being defeated because of Achan's sin we pick up the story in chapter 7:6-9. In these verses Joshua and the elders go and pray after the defeat because their plans have fallen apart. What should we do when our plans fall apart?
#1 -- Pray
We need to pray and ask God what his plans are and what our plans should be. It was thing that Joshua did right. When we fail to pray we will be lost.
#2 -- Partner
Get others to pray with you, you don't have to be alone. Joshua gathered the elders to pray with him. When we try to do it on our own we end up depressed and giving up totally.
#3 -- Put Down
We need to surrender our plans to God because his way is best and the most fulfilling. it is good to admit that you don't know what you are doing and that you are lost. As Jeremiah 29:11 tells us, He has plans for us that are good. We have to get to a point where we put down our dreams and plans for our lives so that we can take up the ones that God has for us and follow them instead.
#4 -- Pause
Sometimes it just isn't time yet. You ahve to examine to make sure you are following God's plan but also to see if youa re following his plan during his timing. God wanted them to attack Ai, but not before they had dealt with the sin of Achan. We also have to pause in order to deal with sin.
#5 -- Pursue
If we are sure they are God's plans, we should never give up on them. Be patient in thsoe times and prepare yourself for what will eventually come. If that means being called to college, start saving. If that means being called to be a pastor, learn the bible. If that means being a mechanic, then learn about vehicles. Chase after the dreams God has for you.
I give tonight: B
Favorite moment: "In a van down by a river"
#1 -- Pray
We need to pray and ask God what his plans are and what our plans should be. It was thing that Joshua did right. When we fail to pray we will be lost.
#2 -- Partner
Get others to pray with you, you don't have to be alone. Joshua gathered the elders to pray with him. When we try to do it on our own we end up depressed and giving up totally.
#3 -- Put Down
We need to surrender our plans to God because his way is best and the most fulfilling. it is good to admit that you don't know what you are doing and that you are lost. As Jeremiah 29:11 tells us, He has plans for us that are good. We have to get to a point where we put down our dreams and plans for our lives so that we can take up the ones that God has for us and follow them instead.
#4 -- Pause
Sometimes it just isn't time yet. You ahve to examine to make sure you are following God's plan but also to see if youa re following his plan during his timing. God wanted them to attack Ai, but not before they had dealt with the sin of Achan. We also have to pause in order to deal with sin.
#5 -- Pursue
If we are sure they are God's plans, we should never give up on them. Be patient in thsoe times and prepare yourself for what will eventually come. If that means being called to college, start saving. If that means being called to be a pastor, learn the bible. If that means being a mechanic, then learn about vehicles. Chase after the dreams God has for you.
I give tonight: B
Favorite moment: "In a van down by a river"
Monday, June 7, 2010
CSI: Ai #1 -- June 2nd, 2010
Tonight we kicked off our CSI: Ai series by reading from Joshua 7:1-5. In the chapter Isreal has just defeated the powerhouse that was Jericho and now faced an easy opponent Ai. They send out 3,000 men to defeat the town because it was not a threat. But they end up losing and 36 of them die. Why? Because one man, Achan, had taken things that had been dedicated to God.
There are a lot of disasters that have struck this world. The black death killed 100 million in the 1300-1400's. In 1931 a flood on the Yellow River killed 1-4 million people. In 2010 the earthquake in Haiti killed 222,517. But there are a lot of disasters that hit us personally as well. Deaths in the family, accidents, and abuse to name three.
But why do disasters happen? Sometimes they are caused by human error and sin, like the holocaust. Sometimes they are caused by God as a punishment, like Noah's flood. Sometimes they are caused by Satan to get us to fall away, like Job. Sometimes they are caused by the natural way of things, though corrupted by sin. Sometimes they are caused by God in order to help or heal, like Darius beating the Babylonians.
Where is God when those disasters happen, whether personal or worldwide? Jeremiah 23:23-24 tells us that God is everywhere, which means that in all disasters God is present. He is willing and able to be everywhere, next to every person. Hebrews 13:5-6 tells us that God will never leave or forsake us. God isn't just present in disasters, he is unwilling to leave you too. God isn't just present in disasters, he is your helper during them. God wants to help during those horrible times. Even when you can't feel him, he is still there! So turn to him in times of disaster.
I give tonight: A
Favorite Moment: CSI: Goldendale 2: #1
There are a lot of disasters that have struck this world. The black death killed 100 million in the 1300-1400's. In 1931 a flood on the Yellow River killed 1-4 million people. In 2010 the earthquake in Haiti killed 222,517. But there are a lot of disasters that hit us personally as well. Deaths in the family, accidents, and abuse to name three.
But why do disasters happen? Sometimes they are caused by human error and sin, like the holocaust. Sometimes they are caused by God as a punishment, like Noah's flood. Sometimes they are caused by Satan to get us to fall away, like Job. Sometimes they are caused by the natural way of things, though corrupted by sin. Sometimes they are caused by God in order to help or heal, like Darius beating the Babylonians.
Where is God when those disasters happen, whether personal or worldwide? Jeremiah 23:23-24 tells us that God is everywhere, which means that in all disasters God is present. He is willing and able to be everywhere, next to every person. Hebrews 13:5-6 tells us that God will never leave or forsake us. God isn't just present in disasters, he is unwilling to leave you too. God isn't just present in disasters, he is your helper during them. God wants to help during those horrible times. Even when you can't feel him, he is still there! So turn to him in times of disaster.
I give tonight: A
Favorite Moment: CSI: Goldendale 2: #1
Monday, May 31, 2010
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Questions and Answers from Wednesday, May 26th
100 How did you go bald?
First of all, I’m not technically bald, I do have hair on my head, I have bald spots. But how did that happen? I got a cursed job in college, it had made the guy before me start to bald, it made me start to bald, then dealing with you has only aggravated the problem.
200 Alex, did you ever have more hair than you do know?
No(show picture), though this picture might show more hair on my head, once you start to lose it from one place you start to gain it in others (show back picture)
300 Why is your name Alex? I want 2 know
My name is Alex because my parents named me that. They chose the name Alex because they liked a TV show called Taxi and in it a character (show picture) who was the wise one of the group was named Alex.
400 Why does Pastor Alex have a big TV?
I have a big TV because I like being able to see what is happening on the screen and because I chose to spend my money that way instead of a better way.
500 Alex, why do you hate cats? Do cats hate you? What did they ever do to you?
I hate cats because they are snobs. They don’t come when called, they don’t love, but instead only want petted to spread their sent to you. They aren’t friendly. Plus God hates them, notice he mentions dogs in the bible, lions are mentioned, but cats…never…why? Because God doesn’t like them. Do cats hate me? No, it is hard to hate someone when you are dead because he ran you over. What did they do to me? Nothing that is the problem, they are selfish jerks.
600 Would you rather go to the MTV award or the Emmys?
700 How many kills (paintings) have you done on 007?
I have never had any paintings in 007, since I have only ever played with the non-paintball guns.
800 Why don’t you wear a chicken suit?
I don’t have one
900 How many sodas have you sold?
I have never sold a single soda in my whole life, lots of pops but no sodas
1000 How many years of school have you had?
I have been to school for Kindergarten, 1st-3rd grade, 5th-beginning of 7th grade, end of 7th-8th grade homeschooled, 9th-12th grade, Freshman-Senior of college, 1 term of masters degree = 16.25 years, take summers and holidays out it would come out to a little more than 11 years.
100 Why do you not like twilight?
I don’t like Edward (one of the heroes) telling Bella to get an abortion. I don’t like the sensuality, the encouragement of fantasy love, Bella (one of the heroes) being willing to give up her virginity as if it isn’t valuable. I don’t like the obsessions and lust between Bella and Edward (even to the point of her saying she doesn’t care about her eternal soul if she can have him). I don’t like that she thinks that Edward will bring her fulfillment and contentment. I don’t like that she lets Edward stay in her room overnight. I don’t like that she lies to her parents. I don’t like that there are many Mormon beliefs found in the book. I don’t like that swearing is found in it. I don’t like that they drink blood (animal or human), since this is something condemned throughout both the old and new testament. I don’t like Bella being so against the institution of marriage. I don’t like the level of gore portrayed in the book. I don’t like that for the 4 books it is 2,300 pages and many will read it but the bible (only 1000-1500) pages still goes unread. I don’t like that the heroes are not clearly good, thought we are supposed to follow their examples as good. I don’t like that it has caused obsession and addiction to many who have gotten involved in it.
200 Why is twilight so stupid?
I don’t think that twilight is stupid, I have no desire to spend my time with it, but as far as stupid, there aren’t spelling and grammar mistakes.
300 Why should Christians not be addicted (watch or read) to twilight?
Christians are supposed to see the fruit of the spirit in their lives, one of which is self-control which means not being addicted because you are in control of your life, not something else in control of you. So, Christians shouldn’t be addicted (whether the movies or books) to twilight. Nor should they be addicted to anything, drugs, alcohol, other series’, caffeine, sports, video games, work, etc… So, what makes us know we are addicted? Do you find yourself thinking about it a lot? Do you find yourself buying things connected to it to help feeling closer to it? Do you continually read/watch it? Do you dwell on it and fantasize about being part of it? Are you unable to help yourself when it comes to reading/watching it? Do you constantly talk about it with others? Do you have dreams about it? Some of these can help start to see if you are starting to get addicted to it or something else.
400 What are your feelings on Christian leaders that are addicted to twilight?
Like any Christian leader addicted to anything it is a sin, whether they are addicted to something good or bad we are to be people who have self-control. Addictions limit our leadership ability; it also can limit our ability to be the best Christians we should be.
500 Is it wrong to read about Greek mythology like for example, the Percy Jackson and the Olympian series about a boy who’s dad is Poseidon?
The quick answer to this is no. The longer answer is maybe. The reading of these, or even something like twilight isn’t necessarily a sin. If addiction is connected to it, yes it is wrong. If you aren’t mature enough when you read it and start to imitate the evil behavior found in the book/movie then yes it is wrong. If you start to think it is real, then you should not be reading it until you have grown in your relationship with God so you can distinguish between truth and error. Fantasy genre can help us get away from the here and now and that is okay for a brief periods of time. But it must also be taken into account that these myths are part of a religious system (though mostly dead now) and therefore opposed to God’s truth found in the Bible. If you can’t discern the truth from error you should spend more time in the truth before you start looking at the other things. It is like an old grenade, it can be interesting to study but if you aren’t careful it can blow up and kill you (in this case faithwise). So the quick answer is no, but the long answer is maybe.
600 Why do the sounds that they make 4 when Chuck Norris punches and kicks so
When he actually punches and kicks sonic booms happen and destroy the audio equipment, so they have to put in something. They choose the corny sounds because they find them for free online.
700 Why is Chuck Norris idolized so much? I think he is dumb
Who asked this question? If no one raises hand then explain it is because they have been killed for calling Chuck Norris dumb. But if it goes to idolization in the sense of worship it is wrong. If you mean idolization as in you respect or like him, then it is because he has awesome skills and is a really nice guy. The other stuff is just for fun and shouldn’t be taken too seriously.
800 How can I defeat a girl bully that stops at nothing no matter what?
The best way to defeat a girl bully that stops at nothing no matter what and you are a guy is to marry her…wait, no that didn’t work for me. So if you are having problem with a girl bully that just won’t stop maybe the problem is you are trying to defeat her in a way you can’t defeat her, the physical. Instead take some time and defeat her through prayer, pray that God would help her to stop bullying you, that he would protect you, and that you would show love to the bully. Then you have a chance to stop the bully and win.
900 Can we watch Avatar in 3D for a youth event?
The answer is no for two reasons. #1 we don’t have anything at the church that can display it in 3D. #2 the movie has some very bad things in it (swearing, sexuality, etc…) and the overall plot of the world, all animals, and all creatures are connected by a life force is very new age thinking and opposed to what the bible says to the extreme. That isn’t to say we shouldn’t take care of our world, or show love, but we are created above animals, having souls, we are created above plants, having souls. Make sure when you watch movies that you don’t just sit and enjoy mindlessly but think about what it is trying to teach you.
1000 What’s the code for Lost Vikings 2 for the final level?
Level 31 is: D4DY; The credits level is: CR3D
100a How does Cody not look like one of the Beatles?
Nose, hair, clothing are all wrong
100b Why does Cody look like one of the Beatles?
He is male, long hair, and plays guitar
200a Can you ban all Dr. Pepper in the youth room?
200b Can peace tea be banned from this youth room?
Yes, but I’m not going to. We have to pick our battles
300a Can we have a youth night of trying to find Cody’s Zune?
We could, but I imagine it would be like a youth night trying to find a unicorn
300b Can we have a strong bad night?
We can, in fact I will try to do one by the end of the year
300c Can we have a service about burning stuff?
We could, but I don’t know if you all want a sermon all about hell
300d Can we watch a violent movie in youth group?
The only one I’ve been tempted to show in youth group is The Passion of the Christ. I try to avoid showing violent movies in youth group because I don’t think there is much redeeming about the violence, most is just violence for violence sake.
400a What happened to the sex-gestion thing???
The sexgestion box only is around for the month before the sexual purity night, which usually takes place in October.
400b Why do people write on the suggestion box?
Because people like to vandalize things. But as long as it is clean you can write on the suggestion box, better there than on the wall.
400c Why is there a band aid on the suggestion box?
Because it had an owie
400d How many questions in total were there in the Jeopardy night?
90 for this time, overall 248
500 At the Joshua Memorial game center, why is Chrono-Trigger not in the game
It is an extremely hard game to find, it used to go for over $45, but I just saw a copy of it for $21 at the game store in the Dalles, so if you want to buy it for the center you are more than welcome to.
600 Can we have more cat piñatas in the Seite De Mayo thing?
Yes, if we can find them we will have more cat piñatas
700 Can we have a strict dress code?
We could have a strict dress code, but we need to pick our fights. There are certain things that we won’t allow you to wear in the youth room because we think they can cause others to sin. Things like low cut shirts, speedos, a bikini, no shirt, nakedness, drug related stuff, stuff with swearing on it, etc… But ultimately we want people to show up here that are dirty and lost so they can find hope in God, then after turning to him start making changes which may include the way they dress. But since someone wanted a strict dress code, from now on you must dress like a youth leader in order to get in, so choose one and start to dress like them.
800 How many tabprints of honor on the youth room?
40 people have earned their TABprint of honor, of those 21 have made their mark on the wall.
900 Can we get more couches in the youth room?
We have had offers to take people’s couches into the youth room, some of them were not good. But over the last few years we have had said no because we have had so many youth coming we needed the extra room, couches take up more room than regular chairs. At this point we could take more couches if they are offered but I would probably just use them to replace the older ones.
1000 Why is the wall white?
The wall is not white, I looked all over and did not see a white wall.
100a What’s your name?
Name is a label for a noun (person, place, or thing) used to distinguish one from another.
100b What’s ur name?
Ur’s name is Ur it is also called Tell el-Mukayyar.
100c How do you spell Jerred?
Looks like you answered your own question.
200 What is a tree?
A tree is a perinial woody plant. It has many secondary branches from the main trunk. It must be at least 10 feet tall at maturity.
300 Why are tacks sharp?
Tacks are sharp so that they can accomplish their purpose, going into things in order to hold other things to them.
400 Does Daniel have long hair?
Daniel does not have long hair, he died in the 500’s bc so more than likely (barring freezing or mummification) he has no hair left because it has wasted away.
500a Can I have some c-4?
You can if you have 21 dollars for about 2lbs of it. Plus shipping, plus the authorization through the government to have it….so probably not.
500b Can I have a free pop? (Samuel B. Justman)
You can!
500c Can Samuel Justman borrow your TV?
600 Why did the chicken cross the road?
A nun would say it was out of habit
700 How many guitar players does it take to screw in a light bulb?
5, 1 to do it and the rest to say, “I could have done that.”
800 Why do explosions say boom instead of bang?
Explosions don’t say anything.
900 Wuz Up?
The ceiling, insulation, the roof, the sky, the moon, my sarcasm level
1000 Why do girls always attack me!?
Well, it could be that you are really, really good looking or it could be that they hate you because you are a disgusting pig (or act like one). So look in the mirror and figure it out.
200 What are your feelings on evolution?
My feelings aren’t really all that important, it is more about the facts. I do believe in evolution. But I only believe in evolution within a species from things that were already present in the genes. (moths example) So, they always had that genetic information but over time and deaths it was moved from white to black, but moths were still moths. I don’t agree with evolution being from one kind to another. There is no evidence of it taking place, there is evidence to show that the earth is younger than millions of years, and the Bible isn’t compatible with evolution. I love this topic and think it is important for you all to learn if it is true or not. Which happened evolution or creation? What would it mean if evolution was true? How should we act if evolution is true?
300 Why do you let random kids ask random questions?
We let random kids ask random questions for this night because it is fun and we cover things we might not otherwise. But we also want to instill in you all that it is okay to ask questions. Never be afraid to ask, even if you may feel dumb because you think everyone knows, but not everyone knows and maybe some have never thought about it.
400 Has someone done a lot of sins? (edited for appropriateness)
Yes, everyone, save Jesus has sinned, and most have sinned a lot. But the amount of sins isn’t the biggest thing, since all sins cause the separation from God thus barring us from heaven and condemning us to hell. Instead the biggest thing is what are we going to do with that sin, both in the immediate sense as well as the ongoing.
The immediate issue is, are you going to just let the sin stay in your life or are you going to get it forgiven? Jesus (never sinned) is the only way for us to get that forgiveness. He took our sin and died in our place so that we could be free from the consequences of that sin and have a relationship with God again and go to heaven. But that only comes if we ask him for forgiveness, repent (turn from our sins), and make him our God.
The ongoing issue is, are you going to keep allowing sin to rule your life or are you going to actually try and stop sinning. This has to be an effort on your part as well as being filled with the Holy Spirit. That filling by the Holy Spirit helps us in our temptation but we also have to try to avoid those temptations and when they do meet us to turn them down.
500a What is chocolate made of?
Fermented, dried, and roasted cocoa beans. Most chocolate then adds butter and some milk and sugar
500b Why do some people not like shaved coconut? What is it about it that they
don’t like?
Shaved coconut is like eating plastic with a nasty flavor added on for fun.
500c Why do people hate twinkies?
They are disgusting tasting. They taste like delectable cake with poop in the inside. I am not a big whip cream person.
500d Why do people hate chocolate? Who hates chocolate?
Some people hate chocolate because it is messy, because it is made with milk, because they don’t like the smell, they are trying to lose weight, because they can’t stop eating it, or they don’t like sugar. Who hates chocolate? Justin Larbalestier.
600 What are Doritos made of?
(read from bag)
700 How many licks does it take to get to the center of a lollipop?
It depends, but the average is 508.
800a Why is there no show????
Uh….next question.
800b Why does the college Yale sound like a big fish???
I was confused by this question, which big fish does Yale sound like? (let them answer) If you mean whale, whales are mammels not fish, so it doesn’t sound like a big fish. If you mean, sound like a big fish, glub glub, I don’t think it does.
900 Why is there hippies in middle school?
Hippie comes from the word “hipster” and was a movement that started in the sixties among young people. They were known for their use of psychedelic drugs, listening to rock, and overt sexuality. Now-a-days we usually mean this toward those who are really into environmentalism or nature worship. So to answer your question, there are hippies in the middle school because there are a lot of different groups of people in the middle school, odds are that at least one would be from that group.
1000 I got a suggestion. Get rid of the no purple rule.
This isn’t really a question, but I thought I would put it in here. So basically you want youth group to be the place that everyone can come in and make out, because that wouldn’t be awkward at all.
First of all, I’m not technically bald, I do have hair on my head, I have bald spots. But how did that happen? I got a cursed job in college, it had made the guy before me start to bald, it made me start to bald, then dealing with you has only aggravated the problem.
200 Alex, did you ever have more hair than you do know?
No(show picture), though this picture might show more hair on my head, once you start to lose it from one place you start to gain it in others (show back picture)
300 Why is your name Alex? I want 2 know
My name is Alex because my parents named me that. They chose the name Alex because they liked a TV show called Taxi and in it a character (show picture) who was the wise one of the group was named Alex.
400 Why does Pastor Alex have a big TV?
I have a big TV because I like being able to see what is happening on the screen and because I chose to spend my money that way instead of a better way.
500 Alex, why do you hate cats? Do cats hate you? What did they ever do to you?
I hate cats because they are snobs. They don’t come when called, they don’t love, but instead only want petted to spread their sent to you. They aren’t friendly. Plus God hates them, notice he mentions dogs in the bible, lions are mentioned, but cats…never…why? Because God doesn’t like them. Do cats hate me? No, it is hard to hate someone when you are dead because he ran you over. What did they do to me? Nothing that is the problem, they are selfish jerks.
600 Would you rather go to the MTV award or the Emmys?
700 How many kills (paintings) have you done on 007?
I have never had any paintings in 007, since I have only ever played with the non-paintball guns.
800 Why don’t you wear a chicken suit?
I don’t have one
900 How many sodas have you sold?
I have never sold a single soda in my whole life, lots of pops but no sodas
1000 How many years of school have you had?
I have been to school for Kindergarten, 1st-3rd grade, 5th-beginning of 7th grade, end of 7th-8th grade homeschooled, 9th-12th grade, Freshman-Senior of college, 1 term of masters degree = 16.25 years, take summers and holidays out it would come out to a little more than 11 years.
100 Why do you not like twilight?
I don’t like Edward (one of the heroes) telling Bella to get an abortion. I don’t like the sensuality, the encouragement of fantasy love, Bella (one of the heroes) being willing to give up her virginity as if it isn’t valuable. I don’t like the obsessions and lust between Bella and Edward (even to the point of her saying she doesn’t care about her eternal soul if she can have him). I don’t like that she thinks that Edward will bring her fulfillment and contentment. I don’t like that she lets Edward stay in her room overnight. I don’t like that she lies to her parents. I don’t like that there are many Mormon beliefs found in the book. I don’t like that swearing is found in it. I don’t like that they drink blood (animal or human), since this is something condemned throughout both the old and new testament. I don’t like Bella being so against the institution of marriage. I don’t like the level of gore portrayed in the book. I don’t like that for the 4 books it is 2,300 pages and many will read it but the bible (only 1000-1500) pages still goes unread. I don’t like that the heroes are not clearly good, thought we are supposed to follow their examples as good. I don’t like that it has caused obsession and addiction to many who have gotten involved in it.
200 Why is twilight so stupid?
I don’t think that twilight is stupid, I have no desire to spend my time with it, but as far as stupid, there aren’t spelling and grammar mistakes.
300 Why should Christians not be addicted (watch or read) to twilight?
Christians are supposed to see the fruit of the spirit in their lives, one of which is self-control which means not being addicted because you are in control of your life, not something else in control of you. So, Christians shouldn’t be addicted (whether the movies or books) to twilight. Nor should they be addicted to anything, drugs, alcohol, other series’, caffeine, sports, video games, work, etc… So, what makes us know we are addicted? Do you find yourself thinking about it a lot? Do you find yourself buying things connected to it to help feeling closer to it? Do you continually read/watch it? Do you dwell on it and fantasize about being part of it? Are you unable to help yourself when it comes to reading/watching it? Do you constantly talk about it with others? Do you have dreams about it? Some of these can help start to see if you are starting to get addicted to it or something else.
400 What are your feelings on Christian leaders that are addicted to twilight?
Like any Christian leader addicted to anything it is a sin, whether they are addicted to something good or bad we are to be people who have self-control. Addictions limit our leadership ability; it also can limit our ability to be the best Christians we should be.
500 Is it wrong to read about Greek mythology like for example, the Percy Jackson and the Olympian series about a boy who’s dad is Poseidon?
The quick answer to this is no. The longer answer is maybe. The reading of these, or even something like twilight isn’t necessarily a sin. If addiction is connected to it, yes it is wrong. If you aren’t mature enough when you read it and start to imitate the evil behavior found in the book/movie then yes it is wrong. If you start to think it is real, then you should not be reading it until you have grown in your relationship with God so you can distinguish between truth and error. Fantasy genre can help us get away from the here and now and that is okay for a brief periods of time. But it must also be taken into account that these myths are part of a religious system (though mostly dead now) and therefore opposed to God’s truth found in the Bible. If you can’t discern the truth from error you should spend more time in the truth before you start looking at the other things. It is like an old grenade, it can be interesting to study but if you aren’t careful it can blow up and kill you (in this case faithwise). So the quick answer is no, but the long answer is maybe.
600 Why do the sounds that they make 4 when Chuck Norris punches and kicks so
When he actually punches and kicks sonic booms happen and destroy the audio equipment, so they have to put in something. They choose the corny sounds because they find them for free online.
700 Why is Chuck Norris idolized so much? I think he is dumb
Who asked this question? If no one raises hand then explain it is because they have been killed for calling Chuck Norris dumb. But if it goes to idolization in the sense of worship it is wrong. If you mean idolization as in you respect or like him, then it is because he has awesome skills and is a really nice guy. The other stuff is just for fun and shouldn’t be taken too seriously.
800 How can I defeat a girl bully that stops at nothing no matter what?
The best way to defeat a girl bully that stops at nothing no matter what and you are a guy is to marry her…wait, no that didn’t work for me. So if you are having problem with a girl bully that just won’t stop maybe the problem is you are trying to defeat her in a way you can’t defeat her, the physical. Instead take some time and defeat her through prayer, pray that God would help her to stop bullying you, that he would protect you, and that you would show love to the bully. Then you have a chance to stop the bully and win.
900 Can we watch Avatar in 3D for a youth event?
The answer is no for two reasons. #1 we don’t have anything at the church that can display it in 3D. #2 the movie has some very bad things in it (swearing, sexuality, etc…) and the overall plot of the world, all animals, and all creatures are connected by a life force is very new age thinking and opposed to what the bible says to the extreme. That isn’t to say we shouldn’t take care of our world, or show love, but we are created above animals, having souls, we are created above plants, having souls. Make sure when you watch movies that you don’t just sit and enjoy mindlessly but think about what it is trying to teach you.
1000 What’s the code for Lost Vikings 2 for the final level?
Level 31 is: D4DY; The credits level is: CR3D
100a How does Cody not look like one of the Beatles?
Nose, hair, clothing are all wrong
100b Why does Cody look like one of the Beatles?
He is male, long hair, and plays guitar
200a Can you ban all Dr. Pepper in the youth room?
200b Can peace tea be banned from this youth room?
Yes, but I’m not going to. We have to pick our battles
300a Can we have a youth night of trying to find Cody’s Zune?
We could, but I imagine it would be like a youth night trying to find a unicorn
300b Can we have a strong bad night?
We can, in fact I will try to do one by the end of the year
300c Can we have a service about burning stuff?
We could, but I don’t know if you all want a sermon all about hell
300d Can we watch a violent movie in youth group?
The only one I’ve been tempted to show in youth group is The Passion of the Christ. I try to avoid showing violent movies in youth group because I don’t think there is much redeeming about the violence, most is just violence for violence sake.
400a What happened to the sex-gestion thing???
The sexgestion box only is around for the month before the sexual purity night, which usually takes place in October.
400b Why do people write on the suggestion box?
Because people like to vandalize things. But as long as it is clean you can write on the suggestion box, better there than on the wall.
400c Why is there a band aid on the suggestion box?
Because it had an owie
400d How many questions in total were there in the Jeopardy night?
90 for this time, overall 248
500 At the Joshua Memorial game center, why is Chrono-Trigger not in the game
It is an extremely hard game to find, it used to go for over $45, but I just saw a copy of it for $21 at the game store in the Dalles, so if you want to buy it for the center you are more than welcome to.
600 Can we have more cat piñatas in the Seite De Mayo thing?
Yes, if we can find them we will have more cat piñatas
700 Can we have a strict dress code?
We could have a strict dress code, but we need to pick our fights. There are certain things that we won’t allow you to wear in the youth room because we think they can cause others to sin. Things like low cut shirts, speedos, a bikini, no shirt, nakedness, drug related stuff, stuff with swearing on it, etc… But ultimately we want people to show up here that are dirty and lost so they can find hope in God, then after turning to him start making changes which may include the way they dress. But since someone wanted a strict dress code, from now on you must dress like a youth leader in order to get in, so choose one and start to dress like them.
800 How many tabprints of honor on the youth room?
40 people have earned their TABprint of honor, of those 21 have made their mark on the wall.
900 Can we get more couches in the youth room?
We have had offers to take people’s couches into the youth room, some of them were not good. But over the last few years we have had said no because we have had so many youth coming we needed the extra room, couches take up more room than regular chairs. At this point we could take more couches if they are offered but I would probably just use them to replace the older ones.
1000 Why is the wall white?
The wall is not white, I looked all over and did not see a white wall.
100a What’s your name?
Name is a label for a noun (person, place, or thing) used to distinguish one from another.
100b What’s ur name?
Ur’s name is Ur it is also called Tell el-Mukayyar.
100c How do you spell Jerred?
Looks like you answered your own question.
200 What is a tree?
A tree is a perinial woody plant. It has many secondary branches from the main trunk. It must be at least 10 feet tall at maturity.
300 Why are tacks sharp?
Tacks are sharp so that they can accomplish their purpose, going into things in order to hold other things to them.
400 Does Daniel have long hair?
Daniel does not have long hair, he died in the 500’s bc so more than likely (barring freezing or mummification) he has no hair left because it has wasted away.
500a Can I have some c-4?
You can if you have 21 dollars for about 2lbs of it. Plus shipping, plus the authorization through the government to have it….so probably not.
500b Can I have a free pop? (Samuel B. Justman)
You can!
500c Can Samuel Justman borrow your TV?
600 Why did the chicken cross the road?
A nun would say it was out of habit
700 How many guitar players does it take to screw in a light bulb?
5, 1 to do it and the rest to say, “I could have done that.”
800 Why do explosions say boom instead of bang?
Explosions don’t say anything.
900 Wuz Up?
The ceiling, insulation, the roof, the sky, the moon, my sarcasm level
1000 Why do girls always attack me!?
Well, it could be that you are really, really good looking or it could be that they hate you because you are a disgusting pig (or act like one). So look in the mirror and figure it out.
200 What are your feelings on evolution?
My feelings aren’t really all that important, it is more about the facts. I do believe in evolution. But I only believe in evolution within a species from things that were already present in the genes. (moths example) So, they always had that genetic information but over time and deaths it was moved from white to black, but moths were still moths. I don’t agree with evolution being from one kind to another. There is no evidence of it taking place, there is evidence to show that the earth is younger than millions of years, and the Bible isn’t compatible with evolution. I love this topic and think it is important for you all to learn if it is true or not. Which happened evolution or creation? What would it mean if evolution was true? How should we act if evolution is true?
300 Why do you let random kids ask random questions?
We let random kids ask random questions for this night because it is fun and we cover things we might not otherwise. But we also want to instill in you all that it is okay to ask questions. Never be afraid to ask, even if you may feel dumb because you think everyone knows, but not everyone knows and maybe some have never thought about it.
400 Has someone done a lot of sins? (edited for appropriateness)
Yes, everyone, save Jesus has sinned, and most have sinned a lot. But the amount of sins isn’t the biggest thing, since all sins cause the separation from God thus barring us from heaven and condemning us to hell. Instead the biggest thing is what are we going to do with that sin, both in the immediate sense as well as the ongoing.
The immediate issue is, are you going to just let the sin stay in your life or are you going to get it forgiven? Jesus (never sinned) is the only way for us to get that forgiveness. He took our sin and died in our place so that we could be free from the consequences of that sin and have a relationship with God again and go to heaven. But that only comes if we ask him for forgiveness, repent (turn from our sins), and make him our God.
The ongoing issue is, are you going to keep allowing sin to rule your life or are you going to actually try and stop sinning. This has to be an effort on your part as well as being filled with the Holy Spirit. That filling by the Holy Spirit helps us in our temptation but we also have to try to avoid those temptations and when they do meet us to turn them down.
500a What is chocolate made of?
Fermented, dried, and roasted cocoa beans. Most chocolate then adds butter and some milk and sugar
500b Why do some people not like shaved coconut? What is it about it that they
don’t like?
Shaved coconut is like eating plastic with a nasty flavor added on for fun.
500c Why do people hate twinkies?
They are disgusting tasting. They taste like delectable cake with poop in the inside. I am not a big whip cream person.
500d Why do people hate chocolate? Who hates chocolate?
Some people hate chocolate because it is messy, because it is made with milk, because they don’t like the smell, they are trying to lose weight, because they can’t stop eating it, or they don’t like sugar. Who hates chocolate? Justin Larbalestier.
600 What are Doritos made of?
(read from bag)
700 How many licks does it take to get to the center of a lollipop?
It depends, but the average is 508.
800a Why is there no show????
Uh….next question.
800b Why does the college Yale sound like a big fish???
I was confused by this question, which big fish does Yale sound like? (let them answer) If you mean whale, whales are mammels not fish, so it doesn’t sound like a big fish. If you mean, sound like a big fish, glub glub, I don’t think it does.
900 Why is there hippies in middle school?
Hippie comes from the word “hipster” and was a movement that started in the sixties among young people. They were known for their use of psychedelic drugs, listening to rock, and overt sexuality. Now-a-days we usually mean this toward those who are really into environmentalism or nature worship. So to answer your question, there are hippies in the middle school because there are a lot of different groups of people in the middle school, odds are that at least one would be from that group.
1000 I got a suggestion. Get rid of the no purple rule.
This isn’t really a question, but I thought I would put it in here. So basically you want youth group to be the place that everyone can come in and make out, because that wouldn’t be awkward at all.
Monday, May 24, 2010
Friday, May 21, 2010
Who Defines Right and Wrong? -- Wednesday, May 19th
Tonight was more discussion oriented as we challenged you to speak out your thoughts on 5 important questions about right and wrong. Below is my answer to each question.
#1 Is there right and wrong? Yes
#2 Is it important to know what is right and wrong? Yes, if there is right and wrong it is important to know what is so that you can protect your present and help determine your future. Otherwise you will have guilt and problems and never know how to correct it because you don't know the right things to do or the wrong things you need to stop doing.
#3 Is right and wrong the same for all people in all situations? This question isn't talking about oinions but facts, are there absolutes (for all during all times) when it comes to morality. Moral relativism would teach that some things are right for some people but wrong for others, but not all things are right and wrong for all people. This idea has two problems, one is that by stating that as an absolute that there are no absolutes is self-defeating. The second is that if right and wrong is determined by the individual there is no wrong, ever, since you would always be right, but there is no right because you can't have a right with no wrong. So if you bleive there is right and wrong you have to believe that there are moral absolutes for all people at all times in all cultures.
#4 Who can determine right and wrong? There are many that can, I listed yourself, the cultural majority, God, your parents, the government...etc...
#5 Who shoulc determine right and wrong? If you are definging it right and wrong is based on your opinion or feeling, thus it differs from person to person and time to time. We can do whatever we want because it is all right. There is no punishment because there is no wrong, but that also means there is no right. If others or the culture are the ones defining it, it is determined by opinion, feeling, or vote and thus differs from person to person, culture to culture, and time to time. This too defeats itself. If God defines right and wrong, it is defined how it is because he knows everything. It never varies because he is the same yesterday today and tomorrow. It is based off his character of perfection rather than opinion.
The rules of right and wrong were made by God in order to safeguard us and those around us. When we do wrong it causes harm to us and others. When we do right it brings about good to us and others (not without pain always, but always good). So learn what is right and do it.
I give tonight: A-
Favorite Moment: The discussion
#1 Is there right and wrong? Yes
#2 Is it important to know what is right and wrong? Yes, if there is right and wrong it is important to know what is so that you can protect your present and help determine your future. Otherwise you will have guilt and problems and never know how to correct it because you don't know the right things to do or the wrong things you need to stop doing.
#3 Is right and wrong the same for all people in all situations? This question isn't talking about oinions but facts, are there absolutes (for all during all times) when it comes to morality. Moral relativism would teach that some things are right for some people but wrong for others, but not all things are right and wrong for all people. This idea has two problems, one is that by stating that as an absolute that there are no absolutes is self-defeating. The second is that if right and wrong is determined by the individual there is no wrong, ever, since you would always be right, but there is no right because you can't have a right with no wrong. So if you bleive there is right and wrong you have to believe that there are moral absolutes for all people at all times in all cultures.
#4 Who can determine right and wrong? There are many that can, I listed yourself, the cultural majority, God, your parents, the government...etc...
#5 Who shoulc determine right and wrong? If you are definging it right and wrong is based on your opinion or feeling, thus it differs from person to person and time to time. We can do whatever we want because it is all right. There is no punishment because there is no wrong, but that also means there is no right. If others or the culture are the ones defining it, it is determined by opinion, feeling, or vote and thus differs from person to person, culture to culture, and time to time. This too defeats itself. If God defines right and wrong, it is defined how it is because he knows everything. It never varies because he is the same yesterday today and tomorrow. It is based off his character of perfection rather than opinion.
The rules of right and wrong were made by God in order to safeguard us and those around us. When we do wrong it causes harm to us and others. When we do right it brings about good to us and others (not without pain always, but always good). So learn what is right and do it.
I give tonight: A-
Favorite Moment: The discussion
Saturday, May 15, 2010
What Defines You? -- Wednesday, May 12th
Tonight we continued our series called: Defined. We talked about what defines you to others, or how do others know who you are? Your words can show who you are but you can lie. Your actions can show who you are but you can act differently for short bursts. So it is only when your words and actiosn match that it defines who you are to others, that should be our goal, matching the two. So how do others know you are a christian? Is it just because you say you are? Or do your actions prove it? James 2:14-17 tells us that faith without actions is a dead faith. If you are a christian don't be afraid to say it. If you are saying you are a christian start acting like it.
I give tonight: B+
Favorite moment: Guess Me If You Can
I give tonight: B+
Favorite moment: Guess Me If You Can
Monday, May 10, 2010
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Defined #1 -- Wednesday, May 5th
The word Define means:
#1 -- To determine or identify the essential qulities of
#2 -- To discover and set forth the meaning of
#3 -- To fix or mark the limits of
Who should define you? Show you your essential qualities, show you the meaning of your life, and show your limits? People try to define for themselves these things, some let other people's opinions of them define them, some let their circumstances, some their success and failures, and some let their possessions. But we need someone to define us that made us, that knows us completely, that knows our past/present/future. God is the only one that fulfills this, he defines you and he defines you in a good way. Don't let anyone or anything else define you.
I give tonight: F
Favorite Moment: Splitting into new groups
#1 -- To determine or identify the essential qulities of
#2 -- To discover and set forth the meaning of
#3 -- To fix or mark the limits of
Who should define you? Show you your essential qualities, show you the meaning of your life, and show your limits? People try to define for themselves these things, some let other people's opinions of them define them, some let their circumstances, some their success and failures, and some let their possessions. But we need someone to define us that made us, that knows us completely, that knows our past/present/future. God is the only one that fulfills this, he defines you and he defines you in a good way. Don't let anyone or anything else define you.
I give tonight: F
Favorite Moment: Splitting into new groups
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Losing Your Temper -- Wednesday, April 28th
Tonight we finished our series on How to Be a FOOL. We talked about Numbers 22:23-33 in which Balaam becomes angry when his donkey keeps doing things that he doesn't want it to. He beats the donkey until it has its mouth opened and tells him he was just trying to protect Balaam from death. Anger makes us lose control. It happens when we are frustrated, feel alone, feel hut, don't understand what is happening, feel like something ins't fair, or when we see it demonstrated to us. Anger can hurt hose around us,e ven though they don't deserve it. Ephesians 4:26-27 tells us to not sin when we are angry. Anger is an emotion, it just happens, what is important is how we deal with that emotion. So we spelled out a wise way of dealing with anger:
W ave goodbye to angry people
I nvite God to help
S earch and destroy the root (why you get mad)
E liminate bad responses
I Give Tonight: A+
Favorite Moment: The Play (Cody and Dillion)
W ave goodbye to angry people
I nvite God to help
S earch and destroy the root (why you get mad)
E liminate bad responses
I Give Tonight: A+
Favorite Moment: The Play (Cody and Dillion)
Friday, April 30, 2010
Culture War -- Sunday, April 25th
This mornign we started our study of Daniel by reading from 1:1-21. In it Daniel and his friends must make a decision to stick up for their beliefs or fold to the ways of the culture around them. We used SOAP in order to study it. Try it on your own:
S (cripture) -- Write down what scripture you are reading from
O (bservations) -- This is what happened or what is said in those verses. It can also include background information that you might know or heard about
A (pplication) -- Take what you read and apply it to your life, how are you going to be changed by God's word?
P (rayer) -- Pray and ask God to help you with the application.
I give this morning: A
Favorite Moment: All the guys and the girl
S (cripture) -- Write down what scripture you are reading from
O (bservations) -- This is what happened or what is said in those verses. It can also include background information that you might know or heard about
A (pplication) -- Take what you read and apply it to your life, how are you going to be changed by God's word?
P (rayer) -- Pray and ask God to help you with the application.
I give this morning: A
Favorite Moment: All the guys and the girl
Friday, April 23, 2010
Order Your Life Wrongly -- Wednesday, April 21st
Tonight we continued our series on how to be a FOOL. We have said that we can be foolish by Falling for peer pressure, by Offering sin a place in your life, and now tonight we said by Ordering your life wrongly. In our story tonight we found out that Balaam did in fact bless Israel instead of cursing them but afterward gave the king advice to send some women their way to draw them away from God. He ends up dying when Israel takes over the land. Balaam had placed money has the highest thing in his life, even above God and his commands, and his actions proved that this was what he based his life on. We can base our lives on things other than God as well (popularity, money, love, entertainment, career, your dreams, etc...) and your actions will flow from what you ahve based your life on. But the end result is the same as Balaam's, it might start well for you but in the end it will end badly. Or we can center our lives on God. Our actions should flow from this, touching every part of our lives (school, family, friends, homework, relationships, etc...) The end result is like Israel, blessed (not perfect) life and eventually possessing the land (heaven). Have you been ordering your life aruond something other than God? Even as Christians we sometimes do this. Do you want to center your life on God instead? Today is a good day to make that change!
I give tonight: D+
Favorite Moment: Zac and Joel winning the memory verse challenge!
I give tonight: D+
Favorite Moment: Zac and Joel winning the memory verse challenge!
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Hypocrisy -- Sunday, April 18th
This monring we talkeda bout Hypcrisy, which is a word that means two-faced. The idea being that a hypocrite is one that says one thing but does something else. We shouldn't be hypocrites as followers of God. 1st Peter 1:15-16 tells us that we need to be holy as God is. Our actions should match our words 100% and they should be the right actions/words. When we act hypocritically we can cause others to turn from God or even for those younger in the faith to stumble.
How do we deal with hypocrisy when we see it in others? Many times we just avoid them, but let us look a little closer at 7 things we should/shouldn't do in order to deal with hypocrites. #1 -- Realize you are a hypocrite too, you aren't better than the others beacause you yourself are one. #2 -- Work on YOUR areas of hypocrisy. Matthew 7:3-5 tell us that before we can remove the speck from our brother's eye we need to remove the plank from our own. #3 -- Realize there is a difference between willful hypocrisy and ignorant hypocrisy. Some people just don't know any better. #4 -- Love hypocrites, despite their hypocrisy. #5 -- Pray for hypocrites. #6 -- Live truth in front of hypocrites so they see how it is done. #7 -- Don't judge, unless you want judged in that area too, and in the same way (Matthew 7:1-2).
I give this morning: A+
Favorite Moment: (tie) "You're a sinner! But Jesus loves you!" or Jared asking if it okay to bring his bible to church.
How do we deal with hypocrisy when we see it in others? Many times we just avoid them, but let us look a little closer at 7 things we should/shouldn't do in order to deal with hypocrites. #1 -- Realize you are a hypocrite too, you aren't better than the others beacause you yourself are one. #2 -- Work on YOUR areas of hypocrisy. Matthew 7:3-5 tell us that before we can remove the speck from our brother's eye we need to remove the plank from our own. #3 -- Realize there is a difference between willful hypocrisy and ignorant hypocrisy. Some people just don't know any better. #4 -- Love hypocrites, despite their hypocrisy. #5 -- Pray for hypocrites. #6 -- Live truth in front of hypocrites so they see how it is done. #7 -- Don't judge, unless you want judged in that area too, and in the same way (Matthew 7:1-2).
I give this morning: A+
Favorite Moment: (tie) "You're a sinner! But Jesus loves you!" or Jared asking if it okay to bring his bible to church.
Monday, April 12, 2010
The Fight -- Sunday, April 11th
We wrapped up the the Ephesians study this morning by reading chapter 6:10-24. In this final portion Paul challenges us to think a little bit differently than we normally do. He states taht we are in a fight but not he fight that we normally engage in, since it isn't against flesh and blood but instead against spiritual evils, agains the devil's schemes, agains the flaming arrows he shots at us, and against the day of evil. We want to win this fight and Paul gives us thirteen things we can do in order to fight and win.
#1 -- Be strong in the Lord and his mighty power. This means finding your strength in God not yourself or others.
#2 -- Put on the full armor of God. We will look at each individual item but it is important to put on the whole thing so you don't have any weak points.
#3 -- Stand firm. Hold your ground and don't surrender to the enemy.
#4 -- Put the belt of truth around your waist. This truth helps to free you to move how God wants you to, instead of tripping you up like lies do.
#5 -- Put on the breastplate of righteousness. Righteousness protects our spiritual heart.
#6 -- Have your feet ready with the gospel of peace. Be ready to advance with the gospel.
#7 -- Hold the shield of faith. Faith helps extinguisht he flaming arrows of the enemy, which are shot to bring about panic. It helps us to remain stable admist chaos.
#8 -- Put on the helmet of salvation. Salvation protects our brain. It changes the way we look at the world and avoid the deceptions and traps of the enemy.
#9 -- Have the sword of the Spirit. This is God's word, both used for attack and defense.
#10 -- Pray in the Spirit. This is to be done on all occasions and with all kinds of prayers and requests.
#11 -- Be alert. Be ready at all times, easy or difficult.
#12 -- Always keep praying for all the saints. All christians are saints, so pray for fellow believers.
#13 -- Pray for Paul (or those in ministry). To speak understandably and without fear.
Are you ready for the fight?
I give this morning: A+
Favorite Moment: Johnny's prank
#1 -- Be strong in the Lord and his mighty power. This means finding your strength in God not yourself or others.
#2 -- Put on the full armor of God. We will look at each individual item but it is important to put on the whole thing so you don't have any weak points.
#3 -- Stand firm. Hold your ground and don't surrender to the enemy.
#4 -- Put the belt of truth around your waist. This truth helps to free you to move how God wants you to, instead of tripping you up like lies do.
#5 -- Put on the breastplate of righteousness. Righteousness protects our spiritual heart.
#6 -- Have your feet ready with the gospel of peace. Be ready to advance with the gospel.
#7 -- Hold the shield of faith. Faith helps extinguisht he flaming arrows of the enemy, which are shot to bring about panic. It helps us to remain stable admist chaos.
#8 -- Put on the helmet of salvation. Salvation protects our brain. It changes the way we look at the world and avoid the deceptions and traps of the enemy.
#9 -- Have the sword of the Spirit. This is God's word, both used for attack and defense.
#10 -- Pray in the Spirit. This is to be done on all occasions and with all kinds of prayers and requests.
#11 -- Be alert. Be ready at all times, easy or difficult.
#12 -- Always keep praying for all the saints. All christians are saints, so pray for fellow believers.
#13 -- Pray for Paul (or those in ministry). To speak understandably and without fear.
Are you ready for the fight?
I give this morning: A+
Favorite Moment: Johnny's prank
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Fool -- Wednesday, April 7th
Tonight we started our new series: How to Be a FOOL. We started by looking at Numbers 22:1-19, which is the story of one fool, Balaam son of Beor. In the story he is asked to curse the Israelites, but after God tells him no he refuses. When the king trying to hiring him sends more money and more men he feels the pressure but tells them no again, but this time tells them to stay and he will ask God again, even though he already knows what the answer is.
What is peer pressure? It is being pushed to do soemthing by those around you. It can be friends, family, students, the media, etc... It can be good or bad and it can be spoken or unspoken.
How do you stand up to peer pressure?
#1 -- Build a solid foundation. Know who you are, who God is is, that you can trust God, what you belive in, what is right and wrong. And then live by all that and make the right choices over time repeatedly.
#2 -- Know you don't stand alone. There are other Christians standing with you and even God is standing with you when you do right.
#3 -- Exert equal or more pressure back. Like the arm wrestling game tonight it is hard not to fall for peer pressure when fight alone, but also when we don't fight at all. We need to stand together and push back as a group, giving equal or more pressure back to those around us to do the right things.
I give tonight: A+
Favorite Moment: Tera vs. Devin and wins!
What is peer pressure? It is being pushed to do soemthing by those around you. It can be friends, family, students, the media, etc... It can be good or bad and it can be spoken or unspoken.
How do you stand up to peer pressure?
#1 -- Build a solid foundation. Know who you are, who God is is, that you can trust God, what you belive in, what is right and wrong. And then live by all that and make the right choices over time repeatedly.
#2 -- Know you don't stand alone. There are other Christians standing with you and even God is standing with you when you do right.
#3 -- Exert equal or more pressure back. Like the arm wrestling game tonight it is hard not to fall for peer pressure when fight alone, but also when we don't fight at all. We need to stand together and push back as a group, giving equal or more pressure back to those around us to do the right things.
I give tonight: A+
Favorite Moment: Tera vs. Devin and wins!
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Submission -- Sunday, April 4th
We continued our study of the book of Ephesians today by looking at 5:21-6:9 which focuses on one very disliked word: Sumbission.
The bible tells us that we are all supposed to submit. In fact all relationships depend on this concept. We should be submissive people if there were no submission anarchy would prevail. The Bible gives us many examples of submission: slaves to masters, Israel to God, us to God, children to parents, wives to husbands, young to old, Christ to the cross, Christ to God, Christians to each other, and christians to the government to name a few.
So what exactly does submission mean? It comes from a greek word (hypotasso) which means 4 things.
#1 Arranging in rank under. This is a military term. It means that somoene in charge has given rank to others. The lower rank salutes and follows orders, not because the other person deserves it but because they rank has been set. It doesn't mean one is of higher importance or better, simply that they have been put in order.
#2 Willingly acquiescing to another who has been placed by God above you. Like playing tug of war and you just let go.
#3 To be subject to or submit to. This means you have your say but when it comes down to a disagreement you bend your own will to the other person's.
#4 Cooperation. Which emans you cooperate with their wishes even if it isn't what you want. You aren't competing with them or trying to take control.
We can also look at what submission isn't to give us a better picture of what it is. Submission isn't forced, it has to be the choice of the one submitting. Submission isn't agreement, you can still have your opinion. Submission doesn't mean you have to leave your brain behind. Submission doesn't mean you have lower worth. Submission doesn't include breaking God's law, if the person over you tells you to do something to do and it goes against God's law you should disobey.
We finished this by looking at Children obeying their parents, which is a command that comes with a promise. If you do it you will enjoy long life on earth and it will go well with you. It is also a command that it tells us that it pleases God (Colossians 3:20). So how are you going to start obeying your parents and submit to them?
I give this morning: B+
Favorite Moment: Digging a hole with the advice to marry an ugly wife
The bible tells us that we are all supposed to submit. In fact all relationships depend on this concept. We should be submissive people if there were no submission anarchy would prevail. The Bible gives us many examples of submission: slaves to masters, Israel to God, us to God, children to parents, wives to husbands, young to old, Christ to the cross, Christ to God, Christians to each other, and christians to the government to name a few.
So what exactly does submission mean? It comes from a greek word (hypotasso) which means 4 things.
#1 Arranging in rank under. This is a military term. It means that somoene in charge has given rank to others. The lower rank salutes and follows orders, not because the other person deserves it but because they rank has been set. It doesn't mean one is of higher importance or better, simply that they have been put in order.
#2 Willingly acquiescing to another who has been placed by God above you. Like playing tug of war and you just let go.
#3 To be subject to or submit to. This means you have your say but when it comes down to a disagreement you bend your own will to the other person's.
#4 Cooperation. Which emans you cooperate with their wishes even if it isn't what you want. You aren't competing with them or trying to take control.
We can also look at what submission isn't to give us a better picture of what it is. Submission isn't forced, it has to be the choice of the one submitting. Submission isn't agreement, you can still have your opinion. Submission doesn't mean you have to leave your brain behind. Submission doesn't mean you have lower worth. Submission doesn't include breaking God's law, if the person over you tells you to do something to do and it goes against God's law you should disobey.
We finished this by looking at Children obeying their parents, which is a command that comes with a promise. If you do it you will enjoy long life on earth and it will go well with you. It is also a command that it tells us that it pleases God (Colossians 3:20). So how are you going to start obeying your parents and submit to them?
I give this morning: B+
Favorite Moment: Digging a hole with the advice to marry an ugly wife
Friday, April 2, 2010
Truth and Dare -- Wednesday, March 31st
Tonight we switched things up and had no group time and no worship time. Instead we started things with a klondike bar memory verse game. Then went straight to a egg hunt. After that was done we all had to take an egg and hold it till the end of service. We started the message by playing a game of truth or dare. After this we talked about three young Israelite men who had been carried into captivity. They had worked their way up into leadership but then were faced with a big choice. The king had constructed a golden statute for all the leaders to bow to, if they didn't they would die. The three men decided that they would not bow and they were brought to the king who told them he would kill them if they didn't. We read their response in Daniel 3:13-18, in which they tell the king they are willing to die rather than bow to anyone or anything but God. He throws them into a furnace but they end up not dying because God saves them. So what does that mean for us?
We are to be both truth and dare people. We should know the truth, we should speak truth, we should live out truth. We should dare to be different for God, we should dare to stand up for what is right, and we should dare to trust God. Both truth and dare stretch us from our natural way and both can help us grow in our relationship with God. We were then challenged to open the eggs, which had a dare for the week that would stretch us in our relationship with God.
I give tonight: A
Favorite Moment: Makeup between brothers (Alex and Nic)
We are to be both truth and dare people. We should know the truth, we should speak truth, we should live out truth. We should dare to be different for God, we should dare to stand up for what is right, and we should dare to trust God. Both truth and dare stretch us from our natural way and both can help us grow in our relationship with God. We were then challenged to open the eggs, which had a dare for the week that would stretch us in our relationship with God.
I give tonight: A
Favorite Moment: Makeup between brothers (Alex and Nic)
Monday, March 29, 2010
Children of Light -- Sunday, March 28th
This morning we continued our study of the book of Ephesians with the study of 4:17-5:20. It tells us that we were once darkness (it defined us, every action, though, and decision) but that we are now light (it defines us). We looked at both sides of the issue, what children of darkness look like and act like and what children of light look like and act like.
Futile thinking Separated from the life of God Hard hearts
Lost all sensitivity Sensual Indulging in every kind of impurity
Lustful Corrupted by deceitful desires False
Continually Angry Steal Speak unwholesomely
Grieve Holy Spirit Bitter Rage filled
Brawl Slander Malicious
Obscene Talk foolishly Joke coarsely
Immoral Impure Greedy
Idolater Unwise Foolish
Get Drunk Involved in debauchery
Righteous Holy Speak truth
Good Wise Kind
Compassionate Forgiving Loving
Giving Thanks Have a new attitude Godlike/Imitating God
Work Share with those in need Talk that builds up and benefits
Sealed by Holy Spirit Filled with Holy Spirit Please the Lord
Understand God's will Make the most of opportunities Speak in psalms, hymns, songs
Sing and make music No sexual immorality No impurity
No Greed Nothing to do with darkness Expose the darkness
It is important to note that the final part of this tells us to not even have a hint of these things, make it so that no one will even look at your life and think something bad is going on, and beyond that make sure you aren't actually doing any of the wrong things either. We are called to bring light to darkness. In a christian setting we need to expose and actually show the areas of that are tainted. In a cultural setting we can tell the culture that we don't approve of certain things. In a non-christian setting we don't need to scream or wear billboards but instead we can simply be a light that shine's Christ to them, showing them truth and drawing others to it.
I give this morning: A-
Favorite moment: "Sexual Immortality"
Futile thinking Separated from the life of God Hard hearts
Lost all sensitivity Sensual Indulging in every kind of impurity
Lustful Corrupted by deceitful desires False
Continually Angry Steal Speak unwholesomely
Grieve Holy Spirit Bitter Rage filled
Brawl Slander Malicious
Obscene Talk foolishly Joke coarsely
Immoral Impure Greedy
Idolater Unwise Foolish
Get Drunk Involved in debauchery
Righteous Holy Speak truth
Good Wise Kind
Compassionate Forgiving Loving
Giving Thanks Have a new attitude Godlike/Imitating God
Work Share with those in need Talk that builds up and benefits
Sealed by Holy Spirit Filled with Holy Spirit Please the Lord
Understand God's will Make the most of opportunities Speak in psalms, hymns, songs
Sing and make music No sexual immorality No impurity
No Greed Nothing to do with darkness Expose the darkness
It is important to note that the final part of this tells us to not even have a hint of these things, make it so that no one will even look at your life and think something bad is going on, and beyond that make sure you aren't actually doing any of the wrong things either. We are called to bring light to darkness. In a christian setting we need to expose and actually show the areas of that are tainted. In a cultural setting we can tell the culture that we don't approve of certain things. In a non-christian setting we don't need to scream or wear billboards but instead we can simply be a light that shine's Christ to them, showing them truth and drawing others to it.
I give this morning: A-
Favorite moment: "Sexual Immortality"
Monday, March 22, 2010
No Longer Tossed -- Sunday, March 21st
This morning we continued our study of Ephesians by reading chapter 4 verses 1 through 16. In the frist three verses we talked about being called and need to live a worthy life. That worthy life is to be a humble life, a gentle life, a patient life, a loving life, and a united life. Verses 4-6 tell us that we are part of one body, we have one Spirit, we have one hope, we have one Lord, we have one faith, we have one baptism, and we have one God the Father. Verses 7-10 talks about Jesus ascending into heaven after he had descended to the earth. He also gave us grace proportianally in order to make us all on equal footing spiritually.
Verses 11-16 finish it all off and was the focus of our morning. It starts by telling us that God has appointed some to be apostles (church planters/evangelists/missionaries), some as prophets (those who speak from God), some as pastors (those who take care of a congregation), and some as teachers (those who teach the bible). Why? He did it to prepare God's people. He wanted to prepare his people to do the following: #1. Works of service, #2. Build up the body of Christ, #3. Reach unity in faith and knowledge, #4. Become mature, #5. Attain the whole measure of fullness of Christ, #6. No longer be infants, #7. No longer be tossed back and forth, #8. Speaking the truth in love, #10. Growing up into Christ.
We are like any young kid, we start off by learning the basics, we might not make the connection between the do and do not but we have to learn what the rules are and make it a habit to follow it. It is very basic. As we grow we start to build on those basics and start memorizing things but still the application isn't there, we are still learning. Finally we graduate and become mature, we know the truths, we have habits of following those truths, but we also understand why they are important to do or not do, and finally we start to teach others. We need to grow up and become mature. Learn the truth, apply the truth, live the truth, and share the truth.
I give this morning: A
Favorite moment: Joel trying to move Ben
Verses 11-16 finish it all off and was the focus of our morning. It starts by telling us that God has appointed some to be apostles (church planters/evangelists/missionaries), some as prophets (those who speak from God), some as pastors (those who take care of a congregation), and some as teachers (those who teach the bible). Why? He did it to prepare God's people. He wanted to prepare his people to do the following: #1. Works of service, #2. Build up the body of Christ, #3. Reach unity in faith and knowledge, #4. Become mature, #5. Attain the whole measure of fullness of Christ, #6. No longer be infants, #7. No longer be tossed back and forth, #8. Speaking the truth in love, #10. Growing up into Christ.
We are like any young kid, we start off by learning the basics, we might not make the connection between the do and do not but we have to learn what the rules are and make it a habit to follow it. It is very basic. As we grow we start to build on those basics and start memorizing things but still the application isn't there, we are still learning. Finally we graduate and become mature, we know the truths, we have habits of following those truths, but we also understand why they are important to do or not do, and finally we start to teach others. We need to grow up and become mature. Learn the truth, apply the truth, live the truth, and share the truth.
I give this morning: A
Favorite moment: Joel trying to move Ben
Friday, March 19, 2010
Forgiveness -- Wednesday, March 17th
Tonight we started off with the story of Saint Patrick, who was enslaved by the Irish, escaped slavery, and could have never forgiven them for what they had done. But instead he forgave them and returned to Ireland to share the gospel. When Jesus was killed, though he had done no wrong, as he was hanging on the cross he uttered these words, "Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing." (Luke 23:34). We have all been hurt before, so why should we forgive them? Especially when they don't deserve it or even have asked for it? We should forgive because we have been forgiven. We should forgive because it helps us to release pain, hurt, and anger. We should forgive because God has told us to. We should forgive because unforgiveness blocks our relationship with God. We should forgive because it can change our hearts as well as the person that was forgiven. We should forgive because it stops the cycle of revenge and uproots bitterness.
Colossians 3:13 says, "Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you." Today is a good day to forgive someone, it could change your life!
I give tonight: C-
Favorite moment: The drawing for deoderant and soap
Colossians 3:13 says, "Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you." Today is a good day to forgive someone, it could change your life!
I give tonight: C-
Favorite moment: The drawing for deoderant and soap
Monday, March 15, 2010
Special Speaker -- Sunday, March 14th
This morning Lacey Gorrod was our special speaker and covered Ephesians 3:1-21. We hope you enjoyed it.
I give this morning: B
Favorite Moment: "God is like a stalker, but in a good way."
I give this morning: B
Favorite Moment: "God is like a stalker, but in a good way."
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Communion -- Wednesday, March 10th
Tonight we finished our disciplined series by talking about communion. The idea of this series was to train us how to grow closer to God by using christian disciplines or training. Tonight's topic communion is the taking of Jesus into our lives. We read from 1st Corinthians 11:23-29 in which we are told that Jesus broke bread and called it his body broken for us and to remember him by it. He then took a cup of wine and said it represented his blood, spilled out for a new covenant and to remember him by it.
That rememberance has three parts to it. #1 The Past: Jesus died for us, his body broken, his blood spilt so that we might have life and a relationship with God. #2 The Present: Jesus lives in us, just as when we eat the bread and drink the cup it goes into our body, going throughout the body, giving us energy and life. jesus shoudl also be a daily part of our lives, like food and drink. #3 The Future: Jesus will return someday and that means we need to be busy living a right life and telling others about him.
I give tonight: B+
Favorite moment: Double Salvations
That rememberance has three parts to it. #1 The Past: Jesus died for us, his body broken, his blood spilt so that we might have life and a relationship with God. #2 The Present: Jesus lives in us, just as when we eat the bread and drink the cup it goes into our body, going throughout the body, giving us energy and life. jesus shoudl also be a daily part of our lives, like food and drink. #3 The Future: Jesus will return someday and that means we need to be busy living a right life and telling others about him.
I give tonight: B+
Favorite moment: Double Salvations
Monday, March 8, 2010
Built -- March 7th, 2010
We spoke from ephesians 2:11-22 this morning and talked about the need to build our youth group, our church, and ourselves in the right way.
Ephesians tells us that we need to have a foundation of the Bible and a cornerstone of Jesus. Many of us fail to be built in this way and it shows. If it is a church then it shows in how it acts toward the world, its members, and the community it is in. If it is you personally it shows in how you act. It iwll show in your priorities, your actions, the things you don't do, what others say about you, and in your attitude. Why do we fail in this area? I think it is for four reasons. #1 We look at Christianity as if it is just one part of our life, rather than everything else part of our christianity. #2 We are corrupted by the world and compromise to its way of doing things. #3 We are apathetic to sin, we just don't think it matters if we do right or wrong since God will forgive us. Ignoring that every sin, no matter how small, will effect you, your relationship with God, and others around you. #4 We are lazy and it is easier when Jesus is just a small part of our life.
Today is the day to start building your life right, with a foundation of the Bible and with Jesus as the cornerstone.
I give this morning: D+
Favorite Moment: DVD Case Christianity
Ephesians tells us that we need to have a foundation of the Bible and a cornerstone of Jesus. Many of us fail to be built in this way and it shows. If it is a church then it shows in how it acts toward the world, its members, and the community it is in. If it is you personally it shows in how you act. It iwll show in your priorities, your actions, the things you don't do, what others say about you, and in your attitude. Why do we fail in this area? I think it is for four reasons. #1 We look at Christianity as if it is just one part of our life, rather than everything else part of our christianity. #2 We are corrupted by the world and compromise to its way of doing things. #3 We are apathetic to sin, we just don't think it matters if we do right or wrong since God will forgive us. Ignoring that every sin, no matter how small, will effect you, your relationship with God, and others around you. #4 We are lazy and it is easier when Jesus is just a small part of our life.
Today is the day to start building your life right, with a foundation of the Bible and with Jesus as the cornerstone.
I give this morning: D+
Favorite Moment: DVD Case Christianity
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Disciplined: Meditation and Memorization -- March 3rd
We continued our Disciplined series tonight with the ideas of meditation and memorization of scripture. Meditation is the process of exchanging an old way of thinking and acting and replacing it with a new one. It is not instantaneous, it will take work and time. Putting in God's word gets rid of the lies and evil that our culture pollutes our minds with.
New thinking brings about a new mindset which brings about new actions. The reason we act the way we do is because we are thinking that way. If we change our thinking and our minds our actions will follow. It has to be a daily habit of washing our minds consitently. Memorization is putting it in your mind and then making it stick around. If something is important to you, you'll make a point to remember it. The goal of memorization isn't just to learn it but to do somethign with it, make it a part of your life. As a way of making this valuable we are goin to pick a new scripture to meditate and memorize for the youth group as a whole. This month's is Psalm 19:14, "May the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be pleasing to you, O Lord my Rock and my Redeemer."
I give tonight: A-
Favorite Moment: How many would have been willing to drink water/oil for $5
New thinking brings about a new mindset which brings about new actions. The reason we act the way we do is because we are thinking that way. If we change our thinking and our minds our actions will follow. It has to be a daily habit of washing our minds consitently. Memorization is putting it in your mind and then making it stick around. If something is important to you, you'll make a point to remember it. The goal of memorization isn't just to learn it but to do somethign with it, make it a part of your life. As a way of making this valuable we are goin to pick a new scripture to meditate and memorize for the youth group as a whole. This month's is Psalm 19:14, "May the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be pleasing to you, O Lord my Rock and my Redeemer."
I give tonight: A-
Favorite Moment: How many would have been willing to drink water/oil for $5
Monday, March 1, 2010
Alive -- February 28th, 2010
We continued our Ephesians series this week. We read from Ephesians 2:1-10. In these verses we are presented with two lifestyles, one that is a living death and one that is being truly alive.
We were once dead in our sins and transgressions.
#1 -- because we followed the ways of the world
#2 -- because we followed the ways of the devil
#3 -- because we gratified the cravings of our sinful nature
#4 -- because we followed our sinful nature's desires and thoughts
We were once objects of wrath
We were made alive in Christ
#1 -- because of God's great love
#2 -- because of God's great mercy
#3 -- because of God's grace
We were seated in the heavenly realms with Christ
We are saved
#1 -- Saved by grace through faith
#2 -- Saved not from our own works
#3 -- Saved as a gift of God
We are God's workmanship (a poem or work of art)
Many times we live as if we are still slaves to sina nd living that old way of life even though we have been made alive in Christ. Stop living i the past, you are brand new because of God!
I give this morning: B
Favorite moment: Elmo
We were once dead in our sins and transgressions.
#1 -- because we followed the ways of the world
#2 -- because we followed the ways of the devil
#3 -- because we gratified the cravings of our sinful nature
#4 -- because we followed our sinful nature's desires and thoughts
We were once objects of wrath
We were made alive in Christ
#1 -- because of God's great love
#2 -- because of God's great mercy
#3 -- because of God's grace
We were seated in the heavenly realms with Christ
We are saved
#1 -- Saved by grace through faith
#2 -- Saved not from our own works
#3 -- Saved as a gift of God
We are God's workmanship (a poem or work of art)
Many times we live as if we are still slaves to sina nd living that old way of life even though we have been made alive in Christ. Stop living i the past, you are brand new because of God!
I give this morning: B
Favorite moment: Elmo
Disciplined: Prayer -- Wednesday, February 24th
Tonight we continued our disciplined series. We are not talking about punihsment but training in order to gain a closer relationship with God and order our life around him. We talked about the Christian discipline called prayer.
Prayer is talking with God and God wants us to do it. Why is it so important? It is time with God, it builds relationship between the two of you, and it can make things change. What can you pray? Ask (things for yourself or others), Share (emotions, love, what is going on), and Listen. When should you pray? Constantly reoccuringly throughout the day. Does God listen? Yes, nothing is to small or large, he is never too busy. Sometimes he will answer yes, sometimes he will answer no, and sometimes it will take him time to answer, but he always does. Make it a discipline in your life to pray, and pray more.
I give tonight: A
Favorite Moment: Building a dinosaur through a door
Prayer is talking with God and God wants us to do it. Why is it so important? It is time with God, it builds relationship between the two of you, and it can make things change. What can you pray? Ask (things for yourself or others), Share (emotions, love, what is going on), and Listen. When should you pray? Constantly reoccuringly throughout the day. Does God listen? Yes, nothing is to small or large, he is never too busy. Sometimes he will answer yes, sometimes he will answer no, and sometimes it will take him time to answer, but he always does. Make it a discipline in your life to pray, and pray more.
I give tonight: A
Favorite Moment: Building a dinosaur through a door
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Full -- Sunday, February 21st
We continued our study of the book of Ephesians this morning by reading 1:15-23. In these verses Paul talks about praying for the Ephesians but then also tells them three things that he is praying for them. First he says he wants them to know God better. This is through revelation (the bible) and through wisdom (experiencing him). The second part is that they would know the hope that comes from Christ. The last part is that they would know the power that comes from Christ. This power is shown by the way he rose from the dead, put Jesus in heaven, placed all things under Christ (including the church), and finally by filling everything in every way.
The follower of Christ is filled with Christ in every way and place possible, we are made complete and find fulfillment in Him. Without Jesus in us we are empty, broken, and hopeless. So God's power is evident when he fills us with Christ and totaly changes our lives from one without meaning to one with overflowing meaning.
I give this morning: A-
Favorite Moment: Khaki Green
The follower of Christ is filled with Christ in every way and place possible, we are made complete and find fulfillment in Him. Without Jesus in us we are empty, broken, and hopeless. So God's power is evident when he fills us with Christ and totaly changes our lives from one without meaning to one with overflowing meaning.
I give this morning: A-
Favorite Moment: Khaki Green
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Disciplined: Fasting -- Wednesday, February 17th
Tonight we started our new series called: Disciplined. During the next few weeks we will be talking about various Christian disciplined. Discipline in this case doesn't mean punishment but instead training in order to bring a benefit. We are talking about training our spiritual lives in order to shape it around God.
Tonight we focused on the disicipline of fasting, which is going without something. Jesus, in Luke 5:33-35, tells us that he thought his followers would one day fast. So what should fasting do? Fasting should change yoru focus from your needs to other people's needs, from you to God, from the physical to the spiritual. Fasting should grow your relationshp with God. You are giving up something ulse and refocusig on God and your relationshp with him, which is way better than anything you are giving up. Fasting should take something out and replace it. It isn't just a time to humble yourself and remove somethign but a time to fill it with somethign else to make a lasting change.
We started Lent on Wednesday, which is a traditional 40 days to fast, leading up to easter. It is from February 17th-April 4th this year and we challenged you to fast something during this time in order to train yourself to shape your life around God!
I give tonight: A-
Favorite Moment: Having so many sign the committed poster
Tonight we focused on the disicipline of fasting, which is going without something. Jesus, in Luke 5:33-35, tells us that he thought his followers would one day fast. So what should fasting do? Fasting should change yoru focus from your needs to other people's needs, from you to God, from the physical to the spiritual. Fasting should grow your relationshp with God. You are giving up something ulse and refocusig on God and your relationshp with him, which is way better than anything you are giving up. Fasting should take something out and replace it. It isn't just a time to humble yourself and remove somethign but a time to fill it with somethign else to make a lasting change.
We started Lent on Wednesday, which is a traditional 40 days to fast, leading up to easter. It is from February 17th-April 4th this year and we challenged you to fast something during this time in order to train yourself to shape your life around God!
I give tonight: A-
Favorite Moment: Having so many sign the committed poster
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Spiritual Blessings -- Sunday, February 14th
This morning we started our new series on the book of Ephesians. We read from 1:1-14. Paul, the apostle, wrote this letter to the town of Ephesus and then wanted it passed around to churches in that area. In the first section we see six spiritual blessings that God has given to us. What is a blessing? It is a bestowal of good or gviving of benefit to another.
#1 -- He chose us before the world was made to be holy and blameless
This blessing means that we have been spiritually forgiven for the sins that we have committed. We are now pure because of what God did for us (died).
#2 -- Adopted us
We are now part of his family which comes bieth benefits and responsibilities.
#3 -- Redeemed by his blood for the forgiveness of sins
We were once slaves to sin, but now we are bought by God out of that slavery.
#4 -- Made known to us the mystery of His will
We now know God's will so that helps guides us through this life.
#5 -- Chosen us to bring praise to God
#6 -- Sealed us with the Holy Spirit
He now resides in us, guding, comforting, teaching, and speaking to us.
Since we have these blessings what are we going to do with them? We could hide them, misues them or use them wisely.
I give this morning: C+
Favorite Moment: Haley yelling at Jakob
#1 -- He chose us before the world was made to be holy and blameless
This blessing means that we have been spiritually forgiven for the sins that we have committed. We are now pure because of what God did for us (died).
#2 -- Adopted us
We are now part of his family which comes bieth benefits and responsibilities.
#3 -- Redeemed by his blood for the forgiveness of sins
We were once slaves to sin, but now we are bought by God out of that slavery.
#4 -- Made known to us the mystery of His will
We now know God's will so that helps guides us through this life.
#5 -- Chosen us to bring praise to God
#6 -- Sealed us with the Holy Spirit
He now resides in us, guding, comforting, teaching, and speaking to us.
Since we have these blessings what are we going to do with them? We could hide them, misues them or use them wisely.
I give this morning: C+
Favorite Moment: Haley yelling at Jakob
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Committed to Share God -- Wednesday, February 10th
Tonight we completed our series: Committed. We talked about the need to be committed to sharing God. God is the most important thing for a person in this life and the next. It might be scary, ti might be hard, but at some point we need to step out and share this gift with those around us. If it is truly important to us it will show by our actions!
I give tonight: A+
Favorite Moment: Nic standing up for salvation
I give tonight: A+
Favorite Moment: Nic standing up for salvation
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Modesty -- Sunday, February 7th
This morning we focused on a single word: modesty. Modesty means dressing, speaking, and acting appropriately. We took each of the catagories and discussed how we can determine if we are dressing appropriately, speaking appropriately, and acting appropriately.
In order to deteremine in each catagory what is appropriate it had to pass 3 tests. #1 is it culturally apporpriate. There are many cultures you are part of (school, home, county, country, church, friends, etc...) and each one has a level of apporpriateness for dress, speech, and action.
If it passes the first we move to #2 Biblically appropriate. For clothing this means if what you are wearing or not wearing is worn in order to get people to check you out, then it is biblically inapporpriate. For speech we are supposed to not have perverse, rude, or unwholesome talk come for us. For action, if it strays from the perfection of morality that God has set it is in apporpriate.
If it passes #1 and #2 we move finally to #3 which is, is it weaker brother appropriate. This principle teaches us that if it causes someone weaker in the faith to stumble it isn't appropriate. So for clothing, if it ups the lust factor (draws the eyes away from the eyes) then it is inappropriate. Some things that fall into that catagory (overly tight, cleaveage (front or back), shortness, shows a lot of skin, has writing that draws attention to a certain feature, or if it has bad things on the clothing itself. If we are talking about speech, sometimes the topics or words we use may cause others to stumble in their faith. And with action sometimes it isn't a sin but could cause others to sin by seeing you act in a certain way.
If you follow this advice you will be well on your way to modest living.
I give this morning: A+
Favorite Moment: Haley calling me a big, fat, jerk.... :(
In order to deteremine in each catagory what is appropriate it had to pass 3 tests. #1 is it culturally apporpriate. There are many cultures you are part of (school, home, county, country, church, friends, etc...) and each one has a level of apporpriateness for dress, speech, and action.
If it passes the first we move to #2 Biblically appropriate. For clothing this means if what you are wearing or not wearing is worn in order to get people to check you out, then it is biblically inapporpriate. For speech we are supposed to not have perverse, rude, or unwholesome talk come for us. For action, if it strays from the perfection of morality that God has set it is in apporpriate.
If it passes #1 and #2 we move finally to #3 which is, is it weaker brother appropriate. This principle teaches us that if it causes someone weaker in the faith to stumble it isn't appropriate. So for clothing, if it ups the lust factor (draws the eyes away from the eyes) then it is inappropriate. Some things that fall into that catagory (overly tight, cleaveage (front or back), shortness, shows a lot of skin, has writing that draws attention to a certain feature, or if it has bad things on the clothing itself. If we are talking about speech, sometimes the topics or words we use may cause others to stumble in their faith. And with action sometimes it isn't a sin but could cause others to sin by seeing you act in a certain way.
If you follow this advice you will be well on your way to modest living.
I give this morning: A+
Favorite Moment: Haley calling me a big, fat, jerk.... :(
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Committed To The Bible -- Wednesday, February 3rd
Tonight we continued our series about being Committed. Today's commitment was to The Bible. It is a very important book, it tells us where we came from, why we are here, why there is evil in the world, how we can go to heaven, how the world will end, and how to live a good life. It is God's very words to us! What do I mean by being committed to the Bible? It means to commit to read it or listen to it, commit to study it, commit to follow what it teaches, and commit to make it a daily part of our lives. Many of you want a better spiritual life, a closer walk with God, and I guarentee that if you commit to the Bible you will grow spiritually. So my challenge was for you to get a bible if you don't have one. Read the bible if you don't. Study of the bible if you do read it. And then bring a rock next week to represent that commitment.
I give tonight: B-
Favorite Moment: The Purple Driven Life
I give tonight: B-
Favorite Moment: The Purple Driven Life
Monday, February 1, 2010
Promises -- Sunday, January 31st
This morning we completed our study of the book of Genesis. We read from chapter 47:28-31 and 49:33-50:14. In the story Jacob is about to die and asks to be buried in Canaan instead of Egypt because of God's promise that it would one day be there land. When his father dies, Joseph and his brothers do as their father requested and bury him the land. They kept the promise that they had made, just as God had kept his promises throughout the book.
it is important to keep promises. We are never forced to make a promise but when we do we need to follow through. It shows what type of person we are and it makes it so that we are like God. James 5:12 tells us that our Yes should mean yes and our no should mean no. We need to be people that follow through on our promises, not liars. Soem promises are spoken and some unspoken, but regardless we should fulfill them. Make sure you are careful when you make a promise. But when you do, unless it is against God's word, no matter the cost to you, follow through on the promise.
I give this morning: A-
Favorite moment: Being taught the book of Genesis by the students
it is important to keep promises. We are never forced to make a promise but when we do we need to follow through. It shows what type of person we are and it makes it so that we are like God. James 5:12 tells us that our Yes should mean yes and our no should mean no. We need to be people that follow through on our promises, not liars. Soem promises are spoken and some unspoken, but regardless we should fulfill them. Make sure you are careful when you make a promise. But when you do, unless it is against God's word, no matter the cost to you, follow through on the promise.
I give this morning: A-
Favorite moment: Being taught the book of Genesis by the students
Videos from Wednesday, January 27th
Beware of CATS!!!
Make Me A Servant (v. 1)
Make Me A Servant (v.2)
Committed to Serve -- Wednesday, January 27th
Tonight we talked about being commmited to service, which in its most basic form means helping. We read from Mark 10:35-45 in which Jesus challenges his disciples to serve from a leadership position, rather than demanding others serve them. Jesus himself tells them that he didn't come to be served but rather to serve, so follow his example.
Why do we serve? Not to put on a resume, impress others, or make yourself fell better. Instead it is an act of worship. It is also a picture of God's to others. We serve so we use instead of wasting the talents that God has given to us. Finally we erve because everyone has equal value.
How do we commit to serving? First we have to actually commit to it in our heads and hearts. Next find out your talent and passions. Then start to try new things. Give up something for more time if necessary. But eventually we must just actually go and do, instead of just saying we want to. When you are serving do your best, since ultimately you are serving God.
There are a lot of places to serve, won't you become committed to serve!
I give tonight: B
Favorite Moment: Picking on the addiction of texting
Why do we serve? Not to put on a resume, impress others, or make yourself fell better. Instead it is an act of worship. It is also a picture of God's to others. We serve so we use instead of wasting the talents that God has given to us. Finally we erve because everyone has equal value.
How do we commit to serving? First we have to actually commit to it in our heads and hearts. Next find out your talent and passions. Then start to try new things. Give up something for more time if necessary. But eventually we must just actually go and do, instead of just saying we want to. When you are serving do your best, since ultimately you are serving God.
There are a lot of places to serve, won't you become committed to serve!
I give tonight: B
Favorite Moment: Picking on the addiction of texting
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Revenge -- Sunday, January 24th
Today we read from Genesis 45:1-11 and 50:15-21. Both passages have to do with Joseph being reunited with the brothers who sold him into slavery and having to make a choice of whether to handle them with love and forgivness or revenge. In both cases he chose not to revenge because he knew that God was working and used their evil to bring about good, the saving of all from the famine.
Bad things happen to each one of us. Sometimes this is because of our own actions, sometimes by other people's actions, sometimes by God's will. But who caused it isn't as important as how we react to that bad thing. We don't always understand why they happen but they hurt us non the less. Soemtiems we react with anger, fear, depression, or even revenge. But the proper reaction is none of these but instead a trust that God will take care of you no matter what else goes on. That even though it hurts right now, God is right there besied you taking care of you. We need to trust that one day God will use that expereince to help others. Romans 8:28-38 tells us just this, he works together everything for the good of those who follow after him. No matter what he can take the worst circumstances and turn them for God.
I give this morning: B+
Favorite Moment: Rock Scissors Paper Tourneyment
Bad things happen to each one of us. Sometimes this is because of our own actions, sometimes by other people's actions, sometimes by God's will. But who caused it isn't as important as how we react to that bad thing. We don't always understand why they happen but they hurt us non the less. Soemtiems we react with anger, fear, depression, or even revenge. But the proper reaction is none of these but instead a trust that God will take care of you no matter what else goes on. That even though it hurts right now, God is right there besied you taking care of you. We need to trust that one day God will use that expereince to help others. Romans 8:28-38 tells us just this, he works together everything for the good of those who follow after him. No matter what he can take the worst circumstances and turn them for God.
I give this morning: B+
Favorite Moment: Rock Scissors Paper Tourneyment
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Committed To Worship -- Wednesday, January 20th
Tonight we continued our series: Committed. To be committed to something means to pledge yourself in a binding way to someone or something. Tonight we talked about being committed to worship. Worship isn't singing instead it is a lifestyle. The word worship comes from worth ship. Meaning showing something it is worthy. How do you know how much something is worth to someone? By the time and money spent on it, how passionate they are about it, what they are willing to give up to get it, and what they are willing to do to get it. How much is God worth to you? You can look at the time and money you have spent toward him. You could look to see how passionate you are about him. You could look at what you are willing to give up to get closer to him. You could look at what you are willing to start doing to get closer to him.
Romans 12:1 says, "Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God--this is your spiritual act of worship." So in order to show God worship we need to give him ourselves to show how valuable he is to us. We can show worhsip through our creativity, through our obedience to his commands, through our words, through our actions, through our attitudes,and throug dedicating our days to him every day.
Come next week with a rock if you are committed to worship God.
I give tonight: C-
Favorite Moment: What Would You Do For a Klondike Bar?
Romans 12:1 says, "Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God--this is your spiritual act of worship." So in order to show God worship we need to give him ourselves to show how valuable he is to us. We can show worhsip through our creativity, through our obedience to his commands, through our words, through our actions, through our attitudes,and throug dedicating our days to him every day.
Come next week with a rock if you are committed to worship God.
I give tonight: C-
Favorite Moment: What Would You Do For a Klondike Bar?
Monday, January 18, 2010
Bad Things Happen -- Sunday, January 17th
We read from Genesis 41 today as we continued the story of Joseph. A quick review: Joseph was born to a large but rich family, he was the favored son, he did the right thing and told on his brothers for being lazy, he did the wrong thing and bragged about his dreams, his brothers hated him and tried to kill him, his brothers instead sold him into slavery, he was sold to an executioner as his slave, he did the right things and the house prospered, his master's wife offered to sleep with him but he continually rejected it, the wife claimed he tried to rape her so he is thrown into jail, he interpreted dreams of those in jail and asked them to remember him, two years pass while in jail, he is released to interpret the Pharaoh's dream, he intrepts it and is appointed as the 2nd in command of all of Egypt...whew...
Why was Joseph hated by his brothers? Partially for being the favored son, but partially for doing the right thing.
Why was Joseph sold into slavery? For doing what his dad asked.
Why was Joseph put in jail? For not committing adultery.
Why was Joseph put as the 2nd in command? Because God had grace on him.
So hold onto these truths. #1 Life is hard. #2 Doing the right thing doesn't guarentee immediate success in life. #3 Doing the wrong thign doesn't guarentee immediate punishment. #4 Doing the right thing will eventually be rewarded (even if not in this life). #5 Doing the wrong thing will eventually be punished (even if not in this life). In the mean time keep doing the right thing, no matter what the consequences are or what is going on in your life.
I give this morning: B-
Favorite Moment: Lima, Peru Challenge
Why was Joseph hated by his brothers? Partially for being the favored son, but partially for doing the right thing.
Why was Joseph sold into slavery? For doing what his dad asked.
Why was Joseph put in jail? For not committing adultery.
Why was Joseph put as the 2nd in command? Because God had grace on him.
So hold onto these truths. #1 Life is hard. #2 Doing the right thing doesn't guarentee immediate success in life. #3 Doing the wrong thign doesn't guarentee immediate punishment. #4 Doing the right thing will eventually be rewarded (even if not in this life). #5 Doing the wrong thing will eventually be punished (even if not in this life). In the mean time keep doing the right thing, no matter what the consequences are or what is going on in your life.
I give this morning: B-
Favorite Moment: Lima, Peru Challenge
Committed To God -- Wednesday, January 13th
Tonight we continued our series called: Committed. To commit is to pledge yourself in a binding way to someone or something. Last week we talked about how God is committed to us and that committment is eternal. Now we start to decide what we will do with that, will we be committed or not?
Joshua has lead his people into the promised land, helping them win battles and settle there. After years of service he addresses the people in a farewell speech in Joshua 24. He asks them whom they will service, God, the gods of their forefathers, or the gods of canaan. The question is the same for you and I, whom will we serve, whom will you be committed to. Will you commit to serving yourself and doing what you want, no matter what it is, as long as it brings pleasure to you? Will you commit to serving someone else and what they want you to do? Or will you commit to the one true God? This means doing what he wants you to do, not doing what he doesn't want you to do, and going where he tells you to go.
The bible tells us that the people responded to Joshua by saying they would put their trust in God and commit to him. He responded by telling them that in order to do so they needed to do two things: get rid of their other idols, and yield their hearts to God. Commitment to God is a big deal, because it means you are committing to start doing the things he wants you to do and stop doing th things he doesn't want you to do. You must both get rid of your idols (things you are pursuing other than God and his will) and yield your heart to God (allowing him to change youf romt he inside out). As a statment of commitment we asked that you bring a rock to the next service as a way to remind you and others of the commitment that you made to God.
I give tonight: A+
Favorite Moment: Calling all those in the room rock heads
Joshua has lead his people into the promised land, helping them win battles and settle there. After years of service he addresses the people in a farewell speech in Joshua 24. He asks them whom they will service, God, the gods of their forefathers, or the gods of canaan. The question is the same for you and I, whom will we serve, whom will you be committed to. Will you commit to serving yourself and doing what you want, no matter what it is, as long as it brings pleasure to you? Will you commit to serving someone else and what they want you to do? Or will you commit to the one true God? This means doing what he wants you to do, not doing what he doesn't want you to do, and going where he tells you to go.
The bible tells us that the people responded to Joshua by saying they would put their trust in God and commit to him. He responded by telling them that in order to do so they needed to do two things: get rid of their other idols, and yield their hearts to God. Commitment to God is a big deal, because it means you are committing to start doing the things he wants you to do and stop doing th things he doesn't want you to do. You must both get rid of your idols (things you are pursuing other than God and his will) and yield your heart to God (allowing him to change youf romt he inside out). As a statment of commitment we asked that you bring a rock to the next service as a way to remind you and others of the commitment that you made to God.
I give tonight: A+
Favorite Moment: Calling all those in the room rock heads
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